Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Backpack Diaper Bag

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A Backpack Diaper BagBackpack diaper bags are a really nice solution for carrying around your baby’s (and your) stuff. They’re great for babywearing and for the stroller — and you could even hand this one to your husband or partner without too much embarrassment on their end, because it’s not like it’s a frilly, floral bag. Still, I think it’s really cute and I love the military green. It has bottle pockets and stroller straps and comes with a changing pad. Both the black and the green are on sale at Amazon — they’re $209 and $154, respectively, from $350. The black is also available at Nordstrom for the same price. MILLY Backpack Diaper Bag Psst: Looking for more info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both… This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Anyone have any favorite home workout vids or apps? I am finally ready to get back to working out (littlest just turned 1!) but in the depths of winter I am just not able to go out to the gym. It’s too snowy/cold/dark and I need something I can actually stick with. We live in a tiny apartment so something that doesn’t require space/equipment is ideal. Or, if you have a basic home workout routine, please share!

I’m a little afraid this will out me as a terrible mom but… Kiddo (almost 3) is obsessed with nail polish. I paint her fingers with quick dry stuff and her tooties with whatever. She smudges even the quick dry but not too terribly.

I was thinking it would be super super fun to take her for a mani pedi (and that she might sit under a blowing machine long enough for them to dry?). I’ve seen moms getting manicures with their kids who are like ten. Can you take someone who is basically still a baby? Should I just keep doing them at home?

Can y’all please regale me with your stories about placenta previa resolving itself? I’m 20 weeks pregnant with #2 and at my ultrasound this morning, my doctor told me that my placenta is low. It’s not previa yet, but she seemed concerned. I’m not super concerned about the previa piece since I’m going to have a c-section (had one with #1 and my doctor doesn’t do VBACs) but she totally freaked me out by bringing up placenta accreta and the possibility of a hysterectomy. She kept saying “that is really unlikely and a lot of things need to go wrong to get to that point,” but seriously lady – why even freak out a hormonal pregnant lady by talking about a hysterectomy?? So please share your positive stores about it resolving or not being a big deal – I’m trying not to panic right now!

Sigh. Kiddo was a mess at dinner last night; I made her a favorite meal (cheese ravioli) except that the ravioli was “too big,” so she cried. I realized that she should have some protein so offered a couple options (salmon, peanut butter or leftover steak). She chose the steak and then gagged on it and demanded peanut butter. I said no, she had to eat the choices on the table. Tears. She wanted chocolate and I said the only path to chocolate was to eat her dinner. Tears. Rinse, repeat.

This morning it was the same thing; she asked for two things for breakfast and neither one was right, so she asked for a different thing. I said no, we eat the food in front of us. Tears. She was cold. Tears. I offered a sweatshirt. Tears. I put the wrong socks on her feet. Tears. Wrong shoes on her feet. Tears. Tears at daycare drop off. We went through a whole box of tissues this morning.

All of this is so out of character for her. She can negotiate for hours, but almost never cries. Strep is going around her school and I’m almost hoping that she has it so we have an easy explanation….

We don’t use this backpack specifically, but I do love my diaper bag backpack. We got it at REI, somewhere between a 20 and 30 liter pack, I believe. Since it’s a regular backpack, DH has no problems wearing it around.

Can a three-year-old be really manipulative? My kid used to be such a good listener and rule-follower, now she gets into these funks where she’ll throw a tantrum over any little thing to get what she wants. Last night, DH was giving her one cookie for dessert and she turned up the crying and DH gave up and gave her two. I was able to talk to her about sharing and she very kindly gave me her second cookie. DH thinks that she is a master manipulator and wants to get a rise out of us. I am not so sure, I think she is trying to push boundaries to see what will happen and we just need to be consistent in our response.
We have just had a super hard run recently, sick on and off for two months, night terrors, travel, and a newborn. I need to believe that my three-year-old isn’t evil and that this will pass.

Extreme jetlag rant: we got back from Asia on Thursday and are going on night 5 of h3ll (worse now that we have to work – toddler does not sleep from about 1am-5am, is actually hungry in the middle of the night and understandably so because his body thinks it’s lunchtime, etc.) Help me remember this too shall pass…

Talk to me about overnight diapers. My 9 month old (15 lbs – he’s a little guy) recently started soaking through his size 3 Honest co diapers at night. I change them right before he goes to bed.
I stopped using cloth diapers on him at night several months ago for this reason. We have Alva baby cloth diapers and I was doubling up on the inserts but it still wasn’t cutting it. I’m open to going back to cloth diapers if I could find one that will hold all night (~10 hours). I’m also happy to hear what paper diaper brands you use at night. TIA!

Someone asked this over on the regular site and Friday and I’ve been wondering about it (there were a lot of rude, unhelpful responses). What’s the deal with Zika now? The CDC lifted the travel advisory for pregnant women traveling to South Florida and some other areas as well. Anyone talked to a doctor about this?

Thanks to everyone who chimed in yesterday with nut-free food ideas! Really appreciate it.

Another question: what type of kitchen appliance does one buy to make sweet potato “chips”? I need something that will slice the sweet potato extremely thin. Is this what a mandoline is for? Any suggestions on one you love, or another appliance that does this? Thanks!

Holiday rant – the ONE present that got delayed by amazon is of course the one that needs to go to school on Thursday. This donation is run by the Firefighters/EMTs and kids LOVE being able to load them into the back of the ambulance/fire trucks so it is kind of a big deal. Paying extra to have something sent overnight it is.
I am also NOT looking forward to my son being off all next week while my husband and I are still working and having to hide in my office and ignore the (very cute and sweet) requests to play/read/bake/go to the museum with him and his sitter. Counting down the days to the holiday break, and mainlining cookies in the interim.

How do I become a more calm person? I am the type of hyper person to the point that some nights my husband tells me to calm down. I often make our already super active son more hyper. I realize that this is all due to genetics and the pace of my lifestyle. But how do I calm down? I admire women who speak in a low voice and get things done without people around them even noticing they are getting things done. The stuff will get done regardless if I run around like a crazy person. Did any of you made the change? If so, what helped?

Solidarity. I had none of the exacerbating factors (husband home and helping, no deadline to get to daycare) but my four year old drove me absolutely nuts this morning and I was definitely not my best self by the end.

My son turns 5 this weekend, and for some reason, we’re having a Chuck E Cheese party. It will be 5 kids his age (counting him), 2 2-year olds (his sister and anther kid’s brother), and an 8 year old (cousin), plus 12 adults (4 grandparents, 8 parents counting us).

How do we handle present-opening? The grandparents tend to be really generous. I know that a lot of kids aren’t opening at all at the parties, but I’m not sure I love that. Maybe just open the friends/non-family presents there, and invite the grandparents (and one aunt/uncle/cousin family) over the house after? (One set of grandparents are staying over anyway, but the other would definitely be upset if they don’t get to watch him open their presents.) (I can do that without feeding people, right? I’m buying pizza for everyone at the party, of course.)

Any other tips for this whole shebang?

I am struggling with being tired and having low energy in the evenings, especially from 6:00-8:00. If I stop to sit down, I am sleepy. Then I seem to get a second wind after the kids are in bed. I go to bed around 9:30 and get up around 4-45-5:00 a.m. to work out. I realize the answer is probably “get more sleep!” but I’m curious how other people handle evening sleepiness. Exercise gives me a boost in the morning, but it’s not doing much for my energy levels the rest of the day.