Makeup & Beauty Monday: Skin Crack Care 

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3M, Nailcare products, Nexcare Skin Crack Care 7 ml (nail serum, 7 ml)This is not exactly a glamorous topic for Makeup & Beauty Monday — but if you have a kiddo like mine who has really horrible skin cracks in the wintertime (this is the third winter it’s been an issue), I recommend this product. My son says it stings a bit, so it may or may not work for kid who’s very sensitive to that sort of thing, but if it’s a really painful crack they’ll just feel a momentary sting and then their skin can heal. (It does say “no sting” on the package, and I’ve used it myself a couple of times and I think it’s just fine.) We also put Cerave on his feet at bedtime, but I see that Amazon has a whole bunch of other balms specifically for cracked skin, so if you have this problem yourself or your kiddo or another family member does, I’d love to hear what you guys are using as a solution. Nexcare Skin Crack Care This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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We struggled with painfully cracked skin on my daughter’s hands for several winters until our pediatrician recommended No Crack cream. It worked and doesn’t sting.

PSA for anyone like me who did now know this – you can buy holiday photo cards on Amaz o n, delivered via prime. There is a 60% off coupon code today – my holiday cards were total under $40. No comment as to the quality, but the design looked great and I am just happy to not spend so much money on cards – I always thought it was a ridiculous amount of money (especially since I am normally paying for expedited shipping because life).

Going into next year, I’m thinking about a job change. I’m a manager in consulting, so 80% of my day is conference calls and meetings. I’m an introvert, and find it hugely draining to be talking to people constantly. Before kids, I was a consultant so I did a lot of technical work on my own, with fewer calls. Now that I’m a manager, I do much less technical work and many more meetings. When I’m home with the kids in the evening, I’m so tired from all the talking that I want to zone out for a while. But I can’t do that when I only get an hourish of quality time in the evening. I do love my job and think I’m good at it, so I don’t necessarily want to switch gears if I can find a way to make it more enjoyable and manage my workday more effectively. Ideas?

When should my baby start wearing shoes to daycare? We’re in Texas, so not really a cold weather issue (and I put shoes on him when we go out, I’m asking more for day to day).

He’s almost ten months, crawling and pulling up, kind of standing and balancing, but no steps unless he’s holding onto something. Shoes now, or when he actually starts walking? Or do I just wait for daycare to tell me?

Reqs for the best first shoes? We have some freshly picked knock offs that he wears normally, but they are kind of stiff and I’d like something softer. Anyone have a brand that is good that isn’t as $$$?

RE: CRADLE CAP (don’t think I can nest on my phone)

I tried the olive oil and fine tooth comb method as well and it worked wonders. I honestly didn’t think it would but I had those items on hand and didn’t want to go to the store, it almost completely cleared up my son’s cradle cap! (This was 7.5 years ago to safe to say it works?)

Apartment dwellers, any tips for managing noisy neighbors and sleeping babies? Our upstairs neighbors are so sweet and quiet and respectful. But! they go to work really early (up around 4am, out the door by 5am). Our baby’s room is directly under their hall stairwell and it is so noisy when they go up and down the stairs, especially now that we have snow and they go up and down a couple of times to clear off and warm up their car. It’s so brutal to have to wake up in the 4 o’clock hour and put the baby back to sleep when he would otherwise sleep until 6:30 or so. We’ve got a white noise machine in the room and it’s up pretty loud. I thought about paneling the ceiling under their stairs with some sort of sound absorber (but what?) but am not sure that would work on creaky stairs and pounding feet. I really don’t think they can do anything differently, so I am hesitant to bring it up with them. What else can we do besides move the baby (not really an option in our small apartment)?

Please help me with night waking!

I’m deep in the throes of the 12 month sleep regression. For the past four weeks, we’ve had night wakings more often than not, and they regularly last approx. 2 hours. We let her fuss for 10-15 minutes, but there’s usually at least one time a night — either 12:30 or 3 — where it escalates to full-on crying and we go in. The baby will calm down pretty quickly if I (and only I) am holding her, but she’ll cry if she’s put down. There has been sickness, teething, learning to walk, and a growth spurt in there, so she usually gets at least two of the big three about 20 minutes in if she hasn’t fallen back asleep: bottle, tylenol, diaper change. Sometimes she’ll then go to sleep in my arms, and I can successfully put her down after 20 more minutes. Sometimes I can put her down and she’ll fall asleep after crying for a minute or two. Sometimes nothing works and I take her to bed. There, sometimes she goes straight to sleep, and sometimes she yanks on my hair for an hour before she goes to sleep. Last night, she wouldn’t even lie next to me; it had to be on me, and she cried when my husband tried to take her even though I was approximately ten inches away.

Right before this started, she also dropped her morning nap and moved from formula to milk. She usually sleeps 7:30 – 7 at our house and 1-3 at daycare. I’ve moved her bedtime a little earlier to 7:15, but it hasn’t helped

This has been her worst sleep stretch ever, and I don’t know how much more I can take. I don’t want to re-Feberize her right before we travel for Christmas, and I can’t cancel that trip without devastating my stepdaughter. But even with going to bed at 9 myself, I spend my days feeling like I’m hungover, have the flu, and have been run over with a truck.

We use the mustela religiously but cannot seem to get rid of our 18 month old’s cradle cap. Anyone else have this issue?!

Would it be crazy to pack adult diapers in my labor and delivery bag?! The commercials have convinced me they’re so sleek these days!

With my first, most of my memory is of so.much.bleeding. afterwards. I hated that it kept leaking out of the pads, that it would run down my legs when I stood up, that it kept leaking into my gown and sheets. It made me hate having visitors because I felt trapped so no one would see the blood.

Has anyone tried adult diapers instead of pads for the first few days post partum? Advice on a brand/style?

Any fellow vegetarians raising vegetarian kids dealing with packing lunch in nut-free classrooms? My 2 year old is transitioning to a nut-free class in January (ALL nuts, not just peanuts). I have posted here before how he is a pretty picky eater and has a limited diet. I end up packing a lot of nuts for him (cashews and raisins mixed, peanut butter sandwich, pistachios, etc.) because he likes them and it’s a great source of fat/protein for vegetarians.

I need to figure out good substitutes for nuts. I tried sunflower butter a few years ago and personally found it disgusting, but if there are specific brands I should try please let me know. In terms of other protein sources I pack yogurt, and cheese sticks and those go over well. He’s not crazy about tofu (but if you have a great recipe please share!).

The back of my toddlers ears crack like crazy and then get all red and crusty. It is an endless cycle. I have tried vasaline, cortizone cream, neosporin…nothing has really worked. This probably would not be the right produce. Any ideas on what works?

I went to my office Christmas lunch today, without a baby! First time away for more than 90 minutes. Not sure if I am feeling sentimental or giddy with freedom.

Is there anything to do about baby stranger anxiety? Baby just hit the stranger anxiety/separation anxiety phase at 8-9 months (right on time…). My MIL basically implied that she’s not around enough people since its just me, DH, and daycare. Alternatively, my SIL had her kids around a bunch of people at a young age because their deadbeat dad wasn’t a reliable caregiver, so his family members stepped up. I disagree since we take her everywhere with us out and about and also sees family/cousins about every 6 weeks.