What Are Your Diaper Bag Must-Haves?
Readers, what are your diaper bag must-haves? If you’re out of that stage of your kids’ lives, what WERE your diaper bag must-haves? Do tell!
Readers, what are your diaper bag must-haves? If you’re out of that stage of your kids’ lives, what WERE your diaper bag must-haves? Do tell!
Did you feel like you went through a postpartum identity crisis as a new mom? How long did it take you to “feel like yourself” after giving birth and becoming a mom?
We recently came across the story, “Motherhood brings the most dramatic brain changes of a woman’s life — So why does prenatal care ignore the topic altogether?” in The Boston Globe Magazine. We made a note to link to it in this week’s News Roundup but we also thought it was worth its own post. The writer,…
Did you ever consider not returning to work after maternity leave?
So here’s a weird question but one I think a lot of us will identify with: what’s your pumping routine? Every mom who gets stuck pumping at work ends up with a pumping routine for breast milk — tea you drink, family photos you review, a show you binge watch… For example, as guest poster Emily…