Mom's Spectra S1 Breast Pump Review

A Working Mom’s Spectra S1 Breast Pump Review

It can be tough to choose a breast pump when you’ve never used one before, so it really helps to get input directly from other moms — and that’s why we’re bringing you this Spectra review, courtesy of CorporetteMoms reader Emily. We’re so glad she volunteered to share her experience with other readers! Features of the…

house ad for Corporette; the text reads "How to Look Polished When It's Hot Outside," and pictures a young professional woman pulling her hair back while sitting outside with sunglasses
A baby drinking milk on a breastfeed bottle

Combination Feeding Tips: How to Feed Your Baby Both Breastmilk and Formula

Combination feeding: A lot of moms do it, but for some reason there isn’t much advice out there for the mothers who feed their babies both breastmilk and formula (aka combo feeding, supplementation, and partial weaning). We’ve talked a lot about nursing and pumping, including nursing clothes for working moms and tips for pumping at the office, and…