![An image of a professional woman on the phone with a Macbook; the text reads Adventures in Working Parenthood: A Week in the Life of A Part-Time Biglaw Lawyer](https://corporettemoms.com/wp-content/uploads/work-life-balance-mom-part-time-biglaw-1.jpg)
![An image of a professional woman on the phone with a Macbook; the text reads Adventures in Working Parenthood: A Week in the Life of A Part-Time Biglaw Lawyer](https://corporettemoms.com/wp-content/uploads/work-life-balance-mom-part-time-biglaw-1.jpg)
![A woman working on a computer in a home office, with the text overlay "Adventures in Working Parenthood: A Week in the Life of an Accounting VP in Chicago"](https://corporettemoms.com/wp-content/uploads/work-life-balance-accounting-vp.jpg)
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Accounting VP in Chicago
Meet our latest featured working mom: An accounting VP shares a week in her life, including working a hybrid schedule, meeting a friend for lunch, and having family pizza/movie night.
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Vice President of Marketing in the Midwest
Meet our latest featured working mom: A VP of marketing shares a week in her life, including parenting three young kids, working from home, and letting go of guilt.
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Expat In-House Counsel in Asia
Meet our latest featured working mom: An expat lawyer shares a week in her life, including frequently working from home, having a busier social life than usual, and parenting a 5-year-old and 7-year-old.
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: In-House Counsel in Texas
Meet our latest featured working mom: An in-house counsel shares a week in her life, including working from home, parenting four kids aged 8-17, and keeping a nightly reading habit.