Make My Life Easier Thursday: Webcam Covers

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We are all using our computer webcams more than ever nowadays. It has got me thinking about webcam security, and the ability of hackers to turn on your webcam without your knowledge.

A while ago, my husband bought these and went around sticking them on our laptop cameras. I never really thought about it until I started using my camera almost daily and have to move the little square back and forth from in front of the camera to a little off to the side.

I like how these don’t leave any sort of sticky residue and that I can move the cover back and forth every day without it losing stickiness. The cover also doesn’t get in the way of closing my laptop. (By the way, the image they have of the hacker watching you while wearing a ski mask is cracking me up.)

A 6-pack of these webcam covers is $5.99 at Amazon. Webcam Covers

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Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Cool product! Thanks for featuring this!!

So, our 20 month old has been back in daycare for one month, and it was going swell. And then she got a very, very mild cought and a leeetle congestion (not even a runny nose, no fever, no other symptoms) and we decided to be honest and tell daycare, and they said she couldn’t come in. We did a telehealth visit and they are not concerned and won’t test for COVID. Hopefully we will find out more from daycare later about what they expect us to do but…. WTH? I don’t know how to handle this. Even if we keep her home for 14 days (which would be impossible with work), and she goes back, she will probably just get another cough within days of going back because that is what happens to kids in daycare.

Is our daycare being unreasonable or are they just following the rules?

This was a question on the main page a week or so ago (I almost never go there so I’m surprised I saw it) but I thought it would be interesting from our perspective.
Kiddie Pools, Sidewalk Chalk, etc. became gold this Spring/Summer as people stayed home more. Flour and yeast were almost impossible to get as everyone, for some reason, started baking bread. What do we think will be the “hot” quarantine items this Fall/Winter?
Sleds are always really hard to find in our area when snow is in the forecast, so maybe those? Is it time to stock back up on play doh, puzzles, craft supplies, etc. to prepare for more indoor time when it gets cold?

For those of you that have sent your kids back to daycare, how long was the adjustment period? We sent my 3yo back to school this week and every morning is awful. Drop off is awful. The time at home before we leave is awful. He is, of course, fine when he gets there.

I am trying to remember what a huge adjustment this is for him. He was home for a very, very long time. He is essentially a different kid now. But… It’s just a really hard way to start each day.

Reassurances or commiseration?

At what age/size/stage did you upgrade your child from one of those low little kid tables to a regular sized desk for homework/art? Mine is entering K in the fall and will have some homework, but if there’s another lockdown she’ll be doing schoolwork from home full time. We’re in private school in an area where the virus is currently under control so the expectation is 5 days a week school to start and then we’ll see.

Can someone repost the link to that quiz about how you and your partner split the chore load? I told a friend about it but can’t find it.

I have been thinking about whether and when to have children lately which has led me to my childhood. While there were some good parts, the more I think about it and talk to my parents today, the more I realize that all of the qualities of my parents, especially my mother, which I complained about when I was younger, are still alive and well and are actually pretty damaging (i.e., I wasn’t wrong when I was 12 and thought that certain situations seemed so irrational). One of my stresses about potentially having a child is the interactions with my family, and my in-laws, both with respect to how I am raising the child, and also how they might interact with my kid. For example, my mother is a huge blame shifter, did it when we were kids, and she just did it to me yesterday (“this thing I was responsible screwed up because you did something wrong!”). Other issues include being bad at resolving conflict (fighting/yelling, again never taking responsbility), lack of empathy (which leads to prejudicial comments), and general narcissistic traits, I guess. When I read posts about narcissist mothers a lightbulb goes off in my head.

For those in this situation, how did you navigate it? Did it affect your choice to have a kid or not? I can’t just cut them out completely, I like my father a lot, so my mother comes with the package lol. But sometimes I just want to live far far away and never have to deal with them again.

I’m having a full-blown moment of “am I the unreasonable one?” this morning regarding social distancing and a family member. Basically, after having a scare in the last couple of weeks, I received a negative COVID test early this week, and it appears I am battling a sinus infection/cold. This has caused my husband and I to reevaluate our social distancing.

I live with my husband (both early 30s) and 11-month old daughter in a rural area without many cases, but they are on the rise. My dad (late 60s) lives nearby. We have been visiting with him during the pandemic, but I have become increasingly frustrated and stressed over his lack of social distancing. He still goes to church services (wears masks in but takes off when seated, seated somewhat apart), attends his board meetings and other activities indoors, goes golfing and shares rides to and from the golf course with various friends, and goes to cookouts and other gatherings. However, I am feeling somewhat hypocritical. My husband owns his own construction company and only has direct contact with one other employee. I am an attorney and have been in the office some (small office, own office with door, masking, social distancing, and sanitizing procedures in place) and seeing some clients with safety measures in place. My daughter is in daycare, and they have very strict policies that make us feel more comfortable. I have attended two in-person board meetings with masking and social distancing, but I plan to try to cut this out. We did attend two small outdoor family gatherings with my dad present. However, we regretted it afterwards.

After my scare this week, my husband and I have decided to reevaluate our boundaries. We decided to postpone in person activities with my dad. He feels like he is being careful and we are being unreasonable. Has anyone dealt with taking a step back like this? Any tips appreciated.

For those of you who had planned on trying to conceive this year, are you delaying your plans? Changing them altogether? We were hoping to have a third baby, but are planning to use donor eggs, which means that while I’m older (41), egg quality isn’t the issue so much as the fact that I’d be that much older physically (which can mean a harder pregnancy, older mom, etc) and the age gap would be a bit bigger. I was inclined to wait a bit but am worried that there’s no end in sight. On the other hand, what if there’s a vaccine and I’m ineligible because I’m pregnant and we all have to lock down for an extra 9 months because of it. Or what if this goes on forever and we have THREE kids to parent full time at home while working in a pandemic?

Ok, funny, slightly TMI story about these (but I guess parents do talk about poop a lot, so….). A couple of years ago, I noticed that my husband had put a piece of electrical tape over the camera of the family iPad mini. And I finally got around to asking him about it and it turns out that the mini is his reading device of choice while on the toilet and he was paranoid about hackers capturing images of him taking a dump. He also just uses a Post It on his own computer.