Previously, on CorporetteMoms…

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CorporetteMoms faviconTravel back in the CorporetteMoms time capsule… Here’s what was on our minds in previous years. 

One year ago…

Two years ago…

Three years ago…

Four years ago…

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I’m the poster that mentioned the possibility of spouse getting a somewhat short term political appointment in another state (his home state) that is a plane ride away. It is a career making role for spouse. Well, it seems to be happening! Which is sooo exciting for spouse! Spouse’s job would likely start in January and last 2 years or so. It is logistically challenging for me. I absolutely want to support spouse in this, but I could use some help thinking though how best to approach everything with my firm. (Senior associate East Coast Big Law).

I’m 13 weeks pregnant and haven’t announced my pregnancy at work yet. Due mid-late May. I assume I should get on that ASAP so that conversation is separate from conversation about potentially working remotely, taking leave and returning to work as a remote employee. Ideally, I’d go remote in January, but that seems unrealistic. I’d be happy to stay in DC through the end of March and then go remote for April / May until I take leave. I would plan to take a longer leave (7 and a bit months) and return to work as a remote employee Jan 1, 2019. I’d be remote for a year. I’m open to being remote longer and taking more unpaid leave. I’d prefer not to quit outright. (It doesn’t seem realistic for me to find a job to start in January at 5 months pregnant.) Obviously, no one can say if my firm would agree to this, but does this seem like something that is at least plausible to suggest?

Are there better options I haven’t considered? I’m pretty much open to any and all suggestions. I fully realize that none of this is going to be easy.