What Are Your Best Back-to-School Systems?
Let’s talk about back-to-school systems — what are the things you do each year to make the school year go more smoothly?
How to Remember to Take Meds (or Give Them!)
Do you take meds yourself and have problems remembering if you took them or not? How do you keep track of whether you’ve given meds to a child (especially if another caregiver is involved)?
How Do You Handle Clothes Your Kids Have Outgrown?
How do you handle clothes your kids have outgrown? Are you holding them for a younger sibling? Do you try to resell any of the clothes? Or do you just get ’em out the door as soon as possible?
Family meals | Family Meals and Working Parents | Organization Tips for Working Moms | Productivity Tips for Working Moms
How to Plan Dinner at the Very Last Minute
What do you do on the nights when you’re surprised by dinnertime (i.e., it’s 5 PM and no one’s planned anything)? Here’s my new method for making dinner at the last minute that isn’t just ordering pizza…