Budget Thursday: Seamed Colorblock Dress

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A woman wearing a Christine V Women\'s Ponte Colorblock Sheath DressSociety New York is one of Amazon’s fashion brands, and this machine washable dress looks like a great workwear piece. I like that it’s not too fitted — you don’t need to be Spanx-ed to within an inch of your life to wear it — but the shape is still flattering. I like that the colorblock pattern (also flattering) isn’t too Star Trek–y, as well. It’s gotten a couple of reviews so far, which are positive, and it’s eligible for Prime. Seamed Colorblock Dress Here’s a plus-size option at Nordstrom. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Can you ladies talk to me about having a better attitude about sex with your partner post-baby? We have a 6-month old, and since I’ve gotten the “all clear” after birth we have been having sex maybe every 3 weeks. I don’t think that is TERRIBLE for new parents (we were at 1-2x per week before pregnancy), and while I enjoy it during the act, I find myself really annoyed at having to make time for it. For instance, we had been suggesting to each other for like a week that we should, but each of us had a reason each night to put it off. Then last night we did, and while it was great in the moment, I had to rush to do all of our nighttime chores to make time, and today I’m tired and can’t help but be mad that I lost an hour and a half of sleep for it. Which I know is terrible; I love my husband and want to be intimate. But I am so, so very tired right now, and it feels sort of like “lost time,” as if I had stayed up late watching a TV show or something. Any tips on re-framing this in my head?

My very independent daughter went through a clingy phase at drop off around age 4.5. I literally had to pry her off of my leg, shove her into the classroom, close the door, and walk away quickly. There were also a lot of kids who cried and refused to go into ballet class from the 3.5-year-old class all the way through the 5-year-old class. So I would say that some episodes of clinging as are normal up through kindergarten age. I echo the advice not to allow your daughter to label herself as shy, and would take it a step farther and not allow her to label the feelings or behavior as shy. Instead I would describe the feeling something like “wanting to take things slow today” or “needing some time to settle in.” With mine, the key was getting myself out of the situation as quickly as possible–she would usually quit fussing as soon as I was gone. Greeting one of her friends so the friend would come over and interact with her also helped.

Hoping for some suggestions for nice resort hotels or condo rentals for my family from Christmas-New Years. We are two adults, two 2-year-olds, and my parents will probably come. Ideally, somewhere that feels like a nice resort (maybe even with kiddie pool) and has a beach. We were thinking Florida or maybe closer part of Caribbean, but I don’t know the areas well and have no idea what the hurricanes have meant for the region.

Would appreciate any thoughts!

Would love some thoughts on emotional development. My almost 4 year old was a happy go lucky kid until around 2.5 (about the same time we had another baby- I had the baby when ODD was 2.9). She was a bit clingy for a while when the baby was born, but really did well getting over it. She started a new preschool the fall after the baby was born and started dance class and loved both. Then around Christmas time, she fell into this…clingy, withdrawn funk. She learned the word “shy” and decided she was shy and from that day forward she’s been timid, bashful around adults, hides from her preschool friends when she sees them in public, hides behind me and/or pulls on my clothes when people talk to her. And yet, sometimes, she’s smilely and friendly and looks people in the eye.

At one point she just stopped wanting to go into dance class (after months of loving it), bursting into tears and crying saying she was too shy. WTF. We rode it out and kept bringing her to class and finally, after 5 weeks of sitting on the sidelines, she just…got up and did it. And never had an issue again. And then this year, dance starts and all of a sudden she’s too shy to go into the room– until her two friends from dance class run up to her and they all start goofing around and then the go in when the teacher calls them.

And now, preschool has started and she just goes in every day and whines that she doesn’t want me to leave. I give her the choice of leaving preschool or staying by herself, and she always wants to stay–just doesn’t want me to leave. She always says she “doesn’t know what to do” and doesn’t want to do any of the activities that are set up. My daughter- who has had great dropoffs her entire life (she started daycare at 4 months), is now the kid that cries and the teacher has to comfort. This started up at the tail end of last year and came back full force this year.

She’s also much more whiney and clingy at home, sleeps a lot more (formerly got up at 7am, now sleeping until 8:45 or later–i have to wake her!- no changes in bedtime), and if she were a teenager I’d suspect she was depressed. But once I’m out of the picture and she is in her groove at school or dance, she’s great! She’s a leader and gets along great with her friend group.

Is this just a normal developmental thing? Will she grow out of being painfully shy around people she knows well when she sees them? I thought it was a phase but we’re going on 6-8 months strong of this. Her peers (and younger- she’s one of the older kids in her class) seem to be friendly and able to rally a group of kids at the playground. Mine sits and tells me she will only play with the other kids if THEY ask HER.

If this isn’t normal– is this something to bring up to the ped? I’m going to talk to her preschool teachers at pickup today to see what they think. FWIW I carve out dedicated Mom and Kid time, eithe rweekends or afternoons when I have the day off and baby is napping. I’ve even gotten a sitter for baby so Kid and me and do fun stuff. Baby (now 14 months) is going to start developing a complex of her own soon if I’m not careful with the amount of attention I give Kid.

i’ve also read siblings without rivalry and the acknowledging/talking about feelings stuff really does seem to work. Started reading it when she started hitting/getting physical with her little sister a few months back.

So we had our first parent/teacher conference of the year last week for Pre-K (4 y.o.) and my daughter’s teacher kept emphasizing how she had a hard time sitting still, had a hard time concentrating, and was disruptive. I asked her “are you telling me you think there’s an issue like ADD?” and she kept dancing around it and said she couldn’t diagnose, etc., but ultimately it was clear to me that she thinks there’s an issue. So that’s my question – at 4 years old, when is there an issue that needs a medical consult, and when is it just being 4 and what is the breaking point? Yes, my daughter definitely has the wiggles when we eat dinner, but she can do imaginative, independent play for hours. She’s not done tremendously well in the past with team sports like soccer, but is doing gymnastics now and seems to be able to follow directions and participate 90% of the time during the hour long class. It’s clear she’s not the best listener or a quiet child, but am I being “that parent” to think that the jump to ADD seems, well, intense? Thoughts? Anecdotes?

Funny, first thing I thought about this dress was Star Trek! Not a bad thing IMO.

I made it to the top three of a public sector recruitment for a unicorn job. Interview went well last friday, and I was told I would hear back by phone this friday.
Is that actually a realistic timeframe in the public sector? If so, my referenves have not been contacted so I’m losing hope.

I asked for advice on avoiding falling asleep during night feeds a few weeks ago and I’m back with an update. Things are much better, we have been letting baby fall asleep in our bed and then transferring him to the sidecar, we also switched up the pajamas ahd swaddle. Last nights, I slept from 8:30 to 5:30 with only two feeds overnight. He is nursing for a shorter amount of time over night which I’m hoping means he doesn’t need to eat so often and will start sleeping longer? He is 6 weeks, 12lbs so should be able to go longer than 2.5 hours. We’ve been getting out everyday with the carrier for lunches, coffees, and walks and I find his sleep and my mood is much better.

Also, PSA, the haakaa pump is amazing, I was pretty full this am so used it on one side while I fed Baby on the other and got loads of milk with no discomfort.

This isn’t parenting-related exactly, but posting here because you guys are nice. I’ve finally come to realize that my husband is depressed, and probably has been on and off for years. I don’t have any experience with mental illness so I haven’t really been treating it with the attention it probably deserves. He’s very high-functioning in the sense that he has a regular job and started a business, works out regularly, eats healthy, doesn’t abuse drugs/alcohol. But he says that he regularly thinks about harming himself and I’ve finally realized that a lot of his snippy comments come from a dark place. Can anyone recommend resources for me to learn more about to depression? I’m sure I’m saying some things wrong just from lack of knowledge. And, more philosophically – what is the line? How much slack do you pick up for a partner with mental health challenges? How much do you forgive? How can you be there for them and give them hope while at the same time drawing boundaries for yourself? I probably need a therapist myself, but I really just had this epiphany last night so I’m looking for any advice/resources at this point. Thank you thank you!!

Not sure if others saw this, but since there are always so many discussions on travel with kids, I wanted to share it: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/12/travel/a-family-travel-playbook-make-plans-prepare-to-let-them-go.html?_r=0

I’m looking for ways to support DH, who seems to be struggling with the transition to parenthood. He has always had a bit of an anxious nature, which manifests as being his own worst critic at work. In addition, my father is staying with us to help with childcare until our 4mo starts daycare, and DH is feeling displaced (now and fears it will be worse in the future) as the primary male figure in her life.

I’m doing well, thanks in part to the help we get from my father, although the stress DH feels is starting to affect me. I try to be a good listener and always back DH when it’s the three of us, but I feel powerless to help change the way he feels. DH has talked about seeking therapy and medication, for which I express support, but I have been letting him take the lead and he has not yet followed through to schedule anything.

Any advice from those who have been there?