Washable Workwear Wednesday: Stay-Black Classic-Fit Ponte Blazer


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Stay Black Classic Fit Ponte BlazerBanana Republic has an interesting line called Stay-Black, which has special technology designed to resist wrinkles and fading, and is machine washable. There are a number of options, including leggings and dresses, although they seem to be getting pretty low reviews across the board. Still, it’s interesting to note that Banana Republic has this line — and it seems that most of the negative reviews have to do with sizing. So keep an eye out for sales, because I have a feeling they may be going on sale often. This blazer comes in sizes 0–16 in black, navy, and charcoal and is $148. Stay-Black Classic-Fit Ponte Blazer Here’s a ponte blazer in plus sizes that’s also wrinkle-resistant and machine washable. Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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So um, I’ve had my first “monthly accident” at work since having kids. I changed my tampon at lunch and it didn’t last through my afternoon meeting. I am wearing a black skirt today so no one can tell but home time can’t come soon enough.

Moms, what do you use? I have heard great things about the Diva Cup but some scary stories too, also – do you empty it at work? At home I used cloth pads but they are bulky looking under clothing, you need a wet bag for them etc.

For California mat leave for people who meet the requirements, there’s 4 weeks before the birth (partial pay) and 18 weeks after the birth (12 weeks of which at partial pay). More if there are complications for the birthing mother. For a parent who isn’t giving birth, it’s 12 weeks of job-protected leave, of which 6 are at partial pay. These are the general rules–what an individual gets may vary based on disability, size of company, length of service, etc.

Pregnancy Disability Leave: up to 4 weeks before due date and 6 weeks after birth for routine pregnancies/deliveries. This is partial paid through the state and gets you job protection. You can get a fair amount more time if needed.

California Family Rights Act: 12 weeks of job protection, starts when PDL ends. This is unpaid job protection.

Paid Family Leave: 6 weeks partial pay through the state (with some additional pay from SF employers under a new ordinance); this runs with CFRA, making 6 weeks of CFRA paid.

FMLA runs with PDL and CFRA and for most people in California is irrelevant for parental leave.

Sorry to hear you are so sick. Are you at least taking the Phenergan at night? I would absolutely never ever try to drive or work on Phenergan, but my doctor suggested that alternating Phenergan and Zofran would be more effective than taking either alone so I would do Zofran during the day and Phenergan at night. You also might consider asking for IV Zofran or even going to the ER for it. I have heard that IV antinausea drugs can break the cycle of vomiting and get you to a place where the oral drugs can control things better.

Do not be afraid to advocate for yourself. One of my biggest pregnancy regrets is not telling my husband to shut up when the doctor suggested hospitalizing me to get the hyperemesis under control, he said, “No, it’s not that bad,” and the doctor dropped the idea. Doctors absolutely view pregnant women as baby vessels, so you may really have to push to get your concerns taken seriously.

does anyone have a name bubbles coupon or referral code for another clothing/etc. label company they’d want to share? or recommendations?

How crazy am I to book a big trip next year with a 4 and 2 year old? My husband and I want to start traveling again. And we want to take our parents on a trip, too. We polled them and got one vote for Germany and one vote for Scotland.
Any thoughts on this?
We’d have ten days. We’d be fairly laid back, as we have toddlers and parents in their late 60s with us. But should we wait a few more years?

Can anyone suggest whether these are good locations and help me narrow my focus? I’ve been two both places, but it was 15 years ago, and I had a MUCH different mindset and budget back then.

IMHO you are not being an annoying patient. You are your only advocate at times and this is one of them. Go with what your gut (no pun intended) is telling you and ask to discuss your options, when each option would come into play, how your priority is the safety of your baby, etc.

Can any CA moms explain California’s various mat leave policies to me?

So there’s Paid Family Leave Act, which runs for 6 weeks, and my understanding is that that runs concurrently with FLMA. But then there’s also California Family Rights Act, which is also 12 weeks, but starts when PFL ends, so linking it all together it can be 18 weeks of job protected leave. Is that right? And how does Pregnancy Disability Leave come into play?


Pregnancy question. Sigh.
I’ve been positive for ketones at my last three appointments, and have had a lot of vomiting (multiple times a day) this pregnancy. Every time, they call me after the appointment to say “there’s ketones in your urine, it’s from vomiting too much, try sipping ginger ale and eating popsicles”. The thing is, I’ve been doing everything I can to stay hydrated! We’ve tried a few medications, but the stuff that works they tell me “don’t drive on this” and I have to drive to get to work/meetings so….
I have another appointment today, and I’m not confident they’re putting together that I’ve tested positive every time. And frankly, acting like it has never occurred to me to “try sipping ginger ale” when I’m vomiting all day is insulting. Are there specific questions I should ask them? Should I be pressuring them into exploring next steps to ensure I’m hydrated (an IV? Something?) or assume that since they seem to think it’s fine that it is? I don’t want to be an annoying patient or sign myself up for unnecessary complications, but I want to advocate for myself!

Help me help a friend. Her husband is having a mental health episode and has checked into a great, nearby facility — but is therefore out of pocket for the coming weeks, and his recovery period is unknown. She has a young son (under 5) who is in full time school. Her parents and in-laws are on deck to help. She is also early in her first trimester. Both her and her husband’s workplaces are being supportive.

She is kicking b*tt and taking names, but I know it’s got to be exhausting. Other than flowers, what can I do for her? We do not live near one another — about an hour away. I see her a few times a week in a professional setting. My instinct is food, but her parents are in town staying with her so…is that a waste?

Moms, I could use some advice. My second son is 5.5 months old and was a star sleeper until late last week. He caught a cold and has been up during the night every 2-3 hours. This also happens to coincide with a really important week at work for me – I am hosting a huge event and I’m also finalizing my promotion memo which is due at the end of the week. The problem? My brain hurts I’m so tired. I’ve averaged about 3, maybe 4 hours of sleep every night since last Thursday night and I’m exhausted. Luckily my older son is sleeping through all of this baby waking (they share a room), but my husband refuses to get up with the baby (says the baby doesn’t want him only wants me for comfort). Because I’m so overtired I’ve literally been in tears at my desk because I need to be on top of my game this week for work and I just cannot think coherently enough. I have a job where meetings fill my day and I have to do my thinking/substantive work at night, so finding time to take a nap during the day has been difficult. This promotion is important for me from a career perspective and for our family because it will mean more salary, and this is my shot at it. What to do? I realize my freaking out is completely related to being beyond overtired! Thanks for any advice.

Two year old birthday ideas for MY OWN daughter. Last year we bought a hand-made wooden rocking horse with her name etched in. I would like to do something in a similar vein, but I’m not sure what. A (nice) doll house is too large and too gender specific for the moment. An heirloom teddy bear?

The thing about wrinkle-resistant is it means many more chemicals. And chemicals means it holds smells (even despite washing), which is bad for a sweater like me.

After an inconclusive NIPT (stressful) I retook the test and everything came back good! Not positive – I’ve since been trained not to say that. Good. And . . . we’re adding a little girl to our brood! I’m over the moon. My toddler is a boy, and we were planning to stop at two kids, so I’m pretty ecstatic to be able to raise a strong woman.

I’ll have a 5 month old this Halloween. Where should I be looking for her first costume? Or should we do a cute outfit and be done with it? Thank you!