Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Powder Formula Dispenser and Snack Cup
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As a formula feeding mom, these dispensers were a must for me. If we were going anywhere, I’d make sure the compartments were portioned out to be a bottle in each compartment, then make sure the diaper bag had the bottles assembled and filled with the correct amount of water. I liked that you could just open the top, make sure it was set to one of the sections, then dump that whole section right into the mouth of the bottle. This one never came open in my bag and was very sturdy. It was one of my newborn essential products! The dispenser is $5.99 at Buy Buy Baby. Powder Formula Dispenser and Snack Cup
Psst: Looking for info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both…
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I ask this question in total ignorance, so I feel like “ask your dermatologist” is an acceptable answer. My baby turns 3 this week and I was looking back at photos of us from when he was little. The lines across my forehead have gotten SO bad in the last three years (I’m 34). Is botox the only thing that will fix this? DH gently remarked that he thinks my makeup sometimes highlights the lines, making them look worse. I wear drugstore liquid foundation. Is there any foundation that helps with this or should I switch to powder? Help!
What’s your favorite absorbent toddler bathrobe? I’m looking for something with sleeves/sash, i.e. not a hooded towel. Bonus points if it has an adorable animal hood. Looking for something to scoop our twins into after swim lessons before heading to the chilly locker room.
Second day back from parental leave, and I am realizing my work backpack will not cut it to carry my pumping parts, lunch, and work laptop. Tell me your favorite work bag that can do double duty for traveling. I commute on the train, so I would prefer either a backpack or a tote with comfortable straps.
Have we discussed this article in the Harvard Business Review? I can’t stop thinking about it. My two takeaways – (1) while I totally agree with the conclusion that the real problem is overwork/unrealistic expectations, I am not surprised at all that the firm refused to see that and (2) the gender biases at play are really rooted deep in our culture and uggghhhh.
So, I have an autistic five year old boy. He has no concept of male/female and does not distinguish between men and women or boys and girls and regularly confuses pronouns. We struggle with getting him dressed to the point where I do most of the dressing of the child. He does not dress himself and is either passive or sometimes actively resists or takes the pants off.
He is in behavioural, speech, social, occupational and music therapy so he has a full support team. They’ve made strides in many areas but not clothing.
We’ve made no progress on clothing for a year. Our biggest issue is pants. Is it a big issue if I stick a dress on him? He’s never expressed any interest in a dress but he’s not really interested in clothing. I don’t want to give up on pants forever (he has to wear something when it snows) but is it an issue if I stick a dress on him he hasn’t asked for? I already know the husband and his family (who don’t dress the child) will be upset but I don’t care at this point.
Has anyone made a list of mental load tasks (or is there a website with “chores” including mental load spelled out)? I am feeling burned out, but my husband firmly believes he does a lot of the chores/work load. Funny, it feels like a lot of work to develop the list of chores/mental load/tasks that need to be carried out, so I would like something (and excel spreadsheet? website?) that lists them out so I can go from there. At the very least, I want to drop the ball on some of them that maybe I don’t need to be doing. Thanks.
Talk to me about travel insurance. I never got it before kids but now we are planning a big 2-week, multiple city trip and I’m considering it — both kiddo and DH have been on and off sick for months and I would hate for them to be sick on a trip. We will be staying in a combination of hotels and air bnb houses, renting cars, plane rides between the cities. Should I just get the individual insurances offered by each service at booking or look for a master policy for everything? Where do you even find such a thing? Or is it the sort of thing that’s not really worth it? Thanks for any thoughts.
Would you stay at a vacation house with family on a lake with a three year old and one year old? I would never stay in a place with an unfenced pool and my gut says that a lake is the same but wanted to see before throwing a wrench in proposed group plans. Thanks!
Kid’s birthday party etiquette…we invited the preschool class (10 kids) and only half RSVP’D (only yes). Then day of, everyone was at least 30 minutes late. This was a children’s museum party where we had the party room booked for 90 minutes for cake and bubbles, then free reign in the museum afterwards. Is this typical? I was surprised only half the class RSVP’D. We are new to this daycare and did in invites in cubbies, school wouldn’t give out a roster with emails, which I respect…but I’d happily opt-in for my info to be shared with other class parents.
At my daughter’s 4 month appointment, the ped. first noticed that the back of her head was flat and mentioned plagiocephaly. She’s a great 12-hour a night straight, flat on the back sleeper, and no attempts to turn her head to the side have been successful. We had her 6 month appointment yesterday, and despite trying everything to correct it on its own, it is still severe. As I anticipated, the doctor gave us a referral to our closest children’s hospital to be evaluated for helmet therapy. Unfortunately, this is a two hour drive one way, so we will likely be making that hike frequently if she gets a helmet.
I’d really appreciate hearing about any experiences. I’m having a bad case of first time mom guilt this morning.
Good morning all – i miscarried in the fall and while it was tough, I feel like I bounced back okay and was ready to start again once my cycle returned. I was lucky enough that it came back 28 days later, but has since not returned again. I’m set to get blood work done at the end of March if i don’t get 2 periods in between now and then which is likely. I just feel like the aftermath of not knowing what’s happening in my body is affecting me much more than the actual miscarriage. I guess looking for any similar stories/hope.
at what age would you feel comfortable with leaving your kid alone in the house?