Maternity Monday: Knit Maternity Nursing Top


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This is a maternity/nursing top that looks cozy, stylish, and professional. I really love the burgundy color, but the black looks stylish too. I like how it’s a wrap style but with a higher neck — it looks like you can wear the crossed-over part high (like in the first photo in the black version), or in a V-neck style (like in the second photo in the black version). Either way, I think it looks nice and well fitted. I like the longer length, the gathering by the hips, and how it can transition from a maternity style to nursing. The top is $28–$37 and available at Pink Blush Maternity in sizes 1X–3X. Knit Maternity Nursing Top

Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines.

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Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Have any of y’all dealt with irritable uterus and did anything help? I’m 22w and have days where it’s just Braxton-Hicks contractions aaaaaaaaaall day. They don’t hurt but some days I end up with sore/tired abs because the contractions are so frequent. They don’t have any characteristics of actual early labor so my OB isn’t concerned in that respect.

Today’s rendition of cute things kids say…
My husband and I are planning a trip for just the two of us for our 10-year anniversary in a few months. My parents, who live a plane ride or long drive away, are going to come into town and stay with Kiddo (4 yo) at our house. This is the first time we’ve left Kiddo alone for more than a day or two, and he was too young to remember those shorter trips.

We’ve started to prep Kiddo about the trip, just being matter of fact when it comes up in conversation. My parents are visiting and arrived yesterday. As we were all hanging out, my mom started to tell him that she and my dad were going to come stay with him, and it would be just the three of them, and they’d do all these fun things together. My kid looked right at me, waved, and said, “OK, BYYYEEE!”

So, now I don’t feel even a little guilty about leaving him at home with my parents!

I have a 9 month old who’s allergic to dairy, eggs, and peanuts. With peanuts, he got hives over his face and was very itchy. Benadryll calmed it down and he was fine within an hour. He gets a rash around his mouth with dairy and eggs and is very itchy. He eats many pureed vegetables and fruits and grains and has been good so far with all of that. He’s a big kid and otherwise thriving so far, but it is a bit tough.

I’m afraid of trying the other nuts. I have an appointment with an allergist in April, but unfortunately they are all so booked up that it’s hard to get any sooner. I’m feeling bummed he’s allergic to the top 3, particularly dairy because we eat a lot of milk and yogurt in our house.

I know food allergies in the grand scheme of issues kids can have are okay, but does anyone have any tips? What should I be doing / trying? Is there anything I can do to help him?

Can we talk about au pairs? I know there was a discussion about this recently, but it’s still something I’m mulling over. For various reasons, the flexibility of an au pair would (I think) be the perfect answer for our childcare needs next year, since we need both morning and afternoon help, but not necessarily 40 hours a week.

Has anyone introverted had an au pair? My main concern is feeling like I’d always need to be interacting with them, whereas most nights I just want to chill on the couch with a TV show.

Any tips on gaining more weight in pregnancy? I’m a strict vegetarian, will eat milk products but really dislike eggs. I’m about 14 weeks with twins and have only gained 2-3 pounds. Need to step it up but I’ve been trained all my life to eat and enjoy “low calorie” snacks so I feel like I want apples and clementines, but I need to eat something with calories and just don’t know what’s good—high calorie but not junk food. Will happily eat potato chips! Thanks for any tips!

Our weekends lately have been unpleasant. DH and I have deliberately not overscheduled family activities because we’re both tired from the work week and just want to chill, in addition to spending time with our kids. I am also training for a half marathon and am doing my long run on Saturdays, which is starting to take a couple of hours each time. The kids are, frankly, driving us bonkers. They are definitely old enough to entertain themselves independently but just don’t want to? I feel a lot of guilt and responsibility for this — they’re in pre-K or elementary school + aftercare and have a fairly tight schedule during the week. And then the unstructured weekends hit and it’s like they don’t know what to do with the downtime. Our older kids seriously threw a fit when being told to go outside and ride his bike around the neighborhood. Younger kid would rather roll around on the floor or jump off the furniture than play with the toys that she loves.

Both kids have 3-4 chores that they’re expected to finish. These are not hugely time-consuming.

I feel strongly that not every weekend can be fun all the time, and sometimes you have to do things like chores and figure out how to work through your boredom. I do NOT want to feel like the household entertainment director. I can’t tell if these hysterics are a bid for undivided attention or what, but I feel like an absolute failure. I just don’t remember being up in my parents’ sh!t all the time. They were doing their own thing, I had things I wanted to do, and we were not a family that went on adventures all the time. It’s entirely possible that I have rose-colored glasses about my childhood; I’m just really struggling to figure out what’s reasonable here.

Help? This dynamic is seriously putting a damper on the weekends. I’m hoping it’ll be better once the weather is nicer and we can all get outside more, but there’s still at least another month before that happens.

Just venting… Husband has a man-cold and couldn’t sleep, so he thought it would be a good idea to wake up the entire household by unloading the dishwasher in the middle of the night. When I protested, he got mad at me for not already having done it myself, despite the fact that I had turned it on when we went to bed and it had finished running while everyone was asleep. Now he is at home using one of the gazillion PTO days he has banked to rest and recuperate while spreading germs throughout the entire house (unloading the dishwasher while sick, coughing all over my pillows, leaving an unsterilized thermometer on the bathroom counter, etc. etc.).

Meanwhile, I have exactly three days of PTO available because I am the one who keeps having to take off for kid-related things. To make things even more fun, I recently recovered from a seven-month bout of asthmatic bronchitis, finally got most of my vocal range back, and made it back to the gym for the very first time last week. I was so happy to be back to the two activities, choir and working out, that keep me marginally sane. Now I am going to catch whatever this is, get bronchitis again, and have my entire life destroyed again, and I won’t even be able to take time off to recuperate. I am so over this winter.

Off topic, and not sure where you are, but 36 with a toddler and hoping to expand family is totally normal among my friends in NYC!!

I’m in a major Texas city and spring break is coming up (March 16-20). We don’t have anything planned and I’m suddenly bummed! Kids are 10 months, 3.5 and just turned 5.

10 month old doesn’t have a passport but I think we could get her one.

Any ideas of a fun and easy to plan trip for those ages? Cost not a major issue. Or am I crazy? (We haven’t been in the habit of doing spring break because kids were younger and it just didn’t seem to apply – then I realized my boss kind of assumed I’d be taking those days…)

Sleep needs…my just-turned-2-year-old sleeps for 10-10.5 hours a night (7pm to 5:30am) and takes a 1.5 hour nap. This seems like not nearly enough sleep to me…at that age my older one slept for at least 11 hours, with a 2-hour nap. Can anyone reassure me that this is normal-ish?Or offer advice as to how to help him get more sleep? I’m feeling especially over it after today’s 5am wakeup.

So, humor me. We’re not really “trying” but would want to expand in the very near future. I went off BC after my last cycle in January, was 3 days late (with lots of PMS/pregnancy-esque symptoms)…and was bummed to get my period this AM. Any advice?

Looking for reassurance that body image issues in 2nd pregnancy are normal and will get better. I know you show earlier with your second, and while I haven’t gained any weight technically, I feel like I just look chubby (13w). It’s surprisingly crushing on my self esteem – with my first I had such a classic little basketball belly and felt all cute. I only started this pregnancy about 5lbs above that weight, but I just feel… blobbish.

Is it best to embrace the maternity clothes and the “bump” such as it is (I’m out at work now)? Buttoning my normal jeans gives me a terrible muffin top situation. Does anyone remember in 2nd pregnancy when the blob phase ended, or do I need to make peace w/ this?

Any recommended potty training resources other than oh cr*p, esp for difficult trainees? DD is 3 and has struggled with being almost trained since 2.5. We’ve tried taking breaks to take the pressure off and are trying again and if anything she’s doing worse this time.

How’s Pinkblush quality? I want a few “trendy” maternity tops so I have something other than my tshirts to wear. I realize it’s all polyester and other synthetic materials, but it’s also inexpensive so that’s expected. I just don’t want to buy anything that falls apart after 1 wash. If you hated this brand, were there any others around the same price point you liked instead?

I am struggling with whether and if so, when to try for a second child. I come from a large family and always imagined my life with four kids. I never wanted to have an only child. Now that I have one (who is 2.5), I find that my hands are full and am struggling to advance in my career at the pace I want (tenure-track academic) and be the Mom I like to be. I outsource a lot of childcare, so this is not it, but I am really, really exhausted and have no time off/for myself. One big issue is that I had a terrible birth that was rough on my body including major trauma to my pelvic floor (still suffering from prolapse, no incontinence so far). I have done PT, which has helped some, but haven’t been working on this issue for the last year (due to lack of time and exhaustion). The doctor said I should have the number of kids I want and deal with whatever the status of my pelvic floor is thereafter. However, I am terrified of damaging my body further through another pregnancy and birth (which would certainly be a scheduled c-section). On the other hand, I really mourn the life I imagined. But then, I am exhausted, so maybe I shouldn’t put more on my plate for this reason alone.
I am 36, so there is a bit of time, but the issue comes up in my mind very often. (My partner will defer to my decision on this question.)
How would you approach this question? Has anyone dealt with pelvic floor issues and decided to have a second despite potential risks to your own health? Has anyone had a second despite being really exhausted?