Organizing Thursday: Cosmetic Makeup Organizer

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Cosmetic Makeup OrganizerOK, guys, let’s hear it: how do you organize your makeup? I feel like I am forever hunting for that ONE pencil or that one lipstick. My current system involves an organizer like this one and, honestly, one of those long plastic boxes meant to help you organize your silverware drawer — I pull everything out that I’m going to need all at once (while I’ve got my glasses on), then put things away as I use them. My minimal beauty routine takes less than two minutes — but I always feel like a better product or organizer would help it go even faster. What do you use to organize your makeup — and have you found any other uses for lipstick organizers such as this one, such as for crayons or other kid-related items? This one is $7 and eligible for Prime shipping. Transparent Cosmetic Makeup Organizer Psst: Do check out the killer clearance sale that Boden has going on — here’s our recent(ish) post on how to build a work wardrobe at Boden. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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Re newly pregnant- (can’t reply on my phone):
Chiming in late to say that you have gotten great advice above already. Getting into the more superficial advice, I will say that I think May/June is the absolute best time to have a baby. I have a June baby myself and am (newly) pregnant with another June baby to be! You aren’t hugely pregnant in the winter so you can probably wear your regular winter coat. You don’t have to go through the actual summer being 9 months pregnant. AND while baby is a newborn you don’t have to worry about bundling them up, and can enjoy taking them for walks outside. These are all superficial reasons but seriously, June babies are the best!

We recently moved and things are still a bit in chaos. I misplaced my work cell a week or so ago and have not been able to find it. It’s possible I will uncover it at home, though it’s not in all the normal places it would be. 99% sure it’s not in my office or my car (looked cursorily both places). Do I just suck it up, report it missing, and pay for a replacement? I have never lost anything like this and feel like a huge idiot. I kept saying to myself I’d find it before my work trip next week, but that’s not happening. Do I just bite the bullet? I feel like a real dumb dumb.

If the humidifer isn’t helping, can you bring the baby in the bathroom while you shower and steam out the snot? Baby hangs out in his Moses basket while I shower every morning and it does seem to help the snuffles. I also do a little baby massage as he’s nice and warm and relaxed.

Moms of older kids, do you have guidelines for attending birthday parties? I usually accept all invites that I can reasonably attend but my kids now are both in 20+ person classes and it’s getting overwhelming.

Just took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came back positive. We have been TTC for a while, I had a miscarriage in the spring and this past month we did an IUI, so by no means am I shocked. However, I’m not feeling as elated as I thought I’d feel. Instead I’m worried about a whole bunch of things. I know I will need to let go of this once I have kids and maybe now is a good starting point, but I’m a planner and so these are the things going through my mind:

– baby will be due in June and I will end up being on maternity leave at the slowest time at work and going back to the busiest (I am not in a super intense office environment and it would not hurt my career to miss busy season), so I was hoping to be able to miss it. (yes, i realize we could’ve waited a month to do the IUI, but we would’ve kept trying anyway and our next step was going to be IVF, and if we waited to do IUI in October, we would not have been able to do IVF until December bc of family obligations in November – my mom is sick and I needed to be able to go home at Thanksgiving, and we would’ve done the genetic testing, so then I wouldn’t have been pregnant until March at the earliest and that felt way too far away)
-how will I handle going back to work. I want to work or at least think I do, but would love to negotiate some kind of flex time or work from home schedule. my husband works a VERY demanding job and so he will be unable to help with weekday child responsibilities and i earn so little money i will practically be paying to go to work (i realize i am very fortunate to be in a position where i can take a lower paying job to pursue something i like)
-what if we have twin boys. i know twins are an elevated possibility with fertility treatment, but it will definitely make our lives harder and logistically challenging. i also kind of always wanted at least one girl. We live flying distance from our parents and I won’t be able to travel solo with the baby. We won’t be able to fit in one car with our parents when we go visit, etc.
-on that twin thread, or even if we only have 1 – our lease for our large one bedroom apartment (1000 square feet) is not up until September. we have an amazing deal on our rent, can we manage in a one bedroom for a few months
-we have no family nearby and my mom is now sick, but when we moved i always thought she’d come and stay with me for a few weeks to help. i’m sure my mother-in-law will offer, but don’t think that will really work well for me, so we will really be on our own
– I’m newish in town and live in an area with a lot of SAHM. Admittedly it has been hard to make friends being at our age (early 30s) and not having kids. Everyone seems to either be 25 and single or married with a kid and while I feel at the same stage of life as the people with kids, and honestly dont mind hanging out with them and their kids, people look at us as ‘we don’t have time for new friends with kids.’ So I’m excited about being able to participate in all of these kid friendly activities, but am already feeling FOMO
-We live in the south where school cut offs are early, so I’m also worried about my kid being the youngest in the grade. My sister was one of the youngest in her grade and it was not good for her. I know we could hold him/her back, but I don’t want them to be the oldest either
-i tend to be an emotional eater – i’m going to use pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything and never lose the weight

Oddly enough, the one thing i’m not really thinking about is miscarrying (even though it happened to me before). I feel like a terrible mom for already thinking all of these things.

Anon so as not to out myself on my usual handle. I bought a Nihola Family cargo bike last night and took my kids to daycare in it this morning. It’s so much fun! It took a little getting used to steering, but it’s much easier to use than I thought it’d be and my preschooler loved the ride!

Any more experienced cargo bike riders out there want to share pro tips? My small city is mostly flat and it very rarely gets below freezing, so I’m hoping to ride a fair amount.

I have a very minimal amount of makeup that I wear every day (eyelid primer, eyeliner, brow pencil, mascara, tinted moisturizer w/ brush, blush, and concealer). I am also a weird person who cannot stand having stuff out on the counter. These all lie flat in a drawer organizer in the bathroom vanity. I wash the brush on Friday mornings and leave it out to dry through the weekend (I don’t wear anything except mascara on the weekends).

My niece and nephew both had helmets. They adjusted really quickly and didn’t really notice them (babies are SO adaptable! They have little concept of how things “should” be). While the issue is cosmetic…it will affect the shape of her face/head for the rest of her life. As sad as it is, being a more aesthetically pleasing human does make life a bit easier. I would do it since I’ve seen how it doesn’t really bother the kids. And you are right, the window for you to correct the issue is closing so I would do it ASAP.

Just want to say that HR seems like the 13th level of hell when you’re trying to give notice and accept a new job and HR is like “Oh, we just need one more signature….he’s out today.” AGGGGGHHHH!!!

TL;DR: Our baby has a flat head and we’re struggling with the decision whether to get her a helmet to try to correct it.

She’s almost 9 months and we’ve seen specialists who confirmed that it is purely a cosmetic issue; she is hitting her milestones and developing normally. She now sits most of the time and sleeps on her tummy about half the time, so she’s not laying on her back as much. We’ve seen some improvement but it’s definitely still noticeable. It’s flat in the back and very symmetric; from the to, her head looks triangular. From the front her head looks broader than it otherwise would be, and it’s also noticeable in profile.

At every checkup, we’ve discussed getting a helmet (“doc band”), and the dr has said it’s entirely up to us since it’s cosmetic. We’ve put it off to see if it got better on its own. My husband is leaning toward doing a helmet before it’s too late (I think we’d need to do it soon?). I’m really hesitant to make baby undergo something that seems bothersome / uncomfortable for a purely cosmetic issue. I’m also irrationally sad about having a helmet in all her candid pics for the next 4-6 months. My husband thinks our daughter will forever resent us for not fixing this when we could. (The $$ is not a concern, we just want to do the right thing by her.)

If you’ve been through this, how did you decide? Anecdotes?

My three month old wakes up every morning with both nostrils almost completely clogged. The clog is near the top of each nostril (so very difficult to reach) and it’s plugged with hard, solid, dense mucus. Not something you can suction out. He seems unhappy when he can’t breathe, but he’s even unhappier when my husband tries to remove the obstruction with a plastic toothpick (I try to discourage this “help”). We’ve tried a humidifier, and it doesn’t seem to help at all. Any suggestions?

By the way, he doesn’t seem otherwise sick. I can’t figure out why he is going through this.

Newmomanon – I hoard those tea tins as well. I use them for kitchen storage (little packets etc), bathroom storage and have them in drawers as well to keep little items contained. I am an old lady packaging hoarder though, I have a bag of tins and jam jars in the cupboard. Never know when they’ll come in handy.

So my baby girl will be walking pretty soon, and I’m thinking I need to buy her shoes, especially since winter is coming. Brand suggestions? How do I know what size to get? Take her to the store and hold her feet up to the shoe?

What do you do when your toddler is misbehaving but disciplining is not really an option for various reasons?

We are on “vacation” with our toddler and three month old. Toddler has been throwing tantrum after tantrum (actually pretty unlike her), running off in public places, refusing diaper changes, etc. But when this happens we are out in public. Or in our hotel room where we are trying to keep the baby asleep. So normal tactics or quick timeout or just plain leaving and heading home are not really an option. Instead I’m just bribing her and giving into her demands which is far from ideal and does not happen at home.

Any words of wisdom?

I have a very small set of day-to-day makeup items; one compact of blush, one of eye shadow, one eye pencil, three brushes, moisturizer, blender sponge. I keep them all in a pretty tea tin on my bathroom counter, with the brush bristles pointed up. The rest of my makeup is stored in a big, zipped makeup organizer in my bathroom cabinet that comes out only for special occasions.