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This may seem strange for a nursing/postpartum recommendation, but stay with me here. When you have a newborn, the majority of the time they are either in your arms or on your breast. I found that when I was nursing, my mind would wonder to important things I needed to do or follow up with. While in a sleep deprived haze, a thought would enter my brain and leave like it was never there. Seventy five percent of the conversations with my husband started with, “Wait, I was going to tell you something… I forgot…” With Alexa, I could ask her what time it was (something I was constantly wondering in the newborn period), to start a timer, to set a reminder, read the news, or to play lullabies. The fact that I could just use my voice was so important, because sometimes I would locate my phone, pick it up, and forget why I was looking for it in the first place. (Now that I have a toddler, I mostly say, “Alexa, play ‘Baby Shark.'”) Alexa can be used on devices such as the Echo Dot, which is on sale for $29.99 and eligible for Prime. Echo Dot (3rd Generation) with AlexaPsst: Looking for more info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both…This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
We are planning on traveling from Massachusetts to Sesame Place the weekend after Christmas. Staying Friday night and Saturday night at the hotel right there. Our son is 2 years old and loves Sesame Street. I’m just worried that there won’t be too much for him to do if it’s super cold,etc. Has anyone ever been to Sesame Place in general and this time of year? Thanks in advance!
Anon in NYC
Dec 18, 2018 1:45 pm
Guys, I can’t find our Christmas stockings. My 3.5 year old won’t notice, right?
Dec 18, 2018 12:27 pm
Any good ideas for stocking stuffers for a 3 month old. Normally I wouldn’t get any, but we also have a first grader who will wonder why Santa didn’t bring anything for the baby! So I’m looking for small things I would buy anyway like more pacifiers, new bibs, etc. Thanks.
Dec 18, 2018 11:30 am
Last week DH and I discussed me becoming a SAHM: we discussed that the timeline for this is probably next August. This is something I’ve wanted for about a year, but only recently realized that I do want this. Now it’s really hard to concentrate at work. We’re super busy, I’m new, feel like I’m not really contributing to the team, so it’s just hard. I don’t know if I’m looking for advice or just need to vent.
Dec 18, 2018 11:05 am
For those that celebrate Christmas: What are you asking for for yourself this year? Any great life-hack stuff, books, or organization stuff out there?
Dec 18, 2018 10:49 am
Just need to vent because there’s not a lot of people in real life I can tell. Pregnant with our 2nd and I have a bleed. I had one with our first so I logically know they can resolve and mean nothing. OB recommended pelvic rest and resting at home when possible and trying to reduce my stress for the week until she sees me again on Monday. I’m just so frustrated. It’s the busiest time at work (though I can probably partially rest/work at home) and I feel so isolated. I feel like I can’t tell anyone at work because it’s early and my office isn’t great to women. It’s just so much emotion and stress on top of an already stressful end of year.
Dec 18, 2018 9:44 am
My 11-month old started some minor biting about a month ago. Every few days he will bite my shoulder while I’m holding him. It seems to happen when he is excited/happy/amped up. I put him down with a firm NO when it happens. We let his teachers know to keep an eye out, and yesterday they said they saw an almost-bite (they pulled him away before anything happened). Same situation — he was playing with another kid and getting really excited. Advice? Anything else we should be doing? Thank you!
Anon Friend
Dec 18, 2018 9:38 am
Does anyone have thoughts about how to best support a friend who is about to have a baby as a single mom? The dad isn’t in the picture, she has no family, and very few local friends. Her finances are stable but tight. Frankly, I’m really worried about her, but as I have 2 kids under 3 myself, there is only so much I can do to help. I’m thinking a lot about what I can do to make the most impact for her and coming up with running errands, giving freezer meals, and stopping by to hold the baby while she showers. Any other ideas?
Dec 18, 2018 9:16 am
today was hat day at daycare, i dropped my sons off with one in a santa hat and one in an elf hat. One of the male teachers had a MAGA hat on. I am really bothered by it. I don’t agree politically with him, but what do I care that he’s wearing it?? Feel free to tell me I’m crazy but it’s bothering me all morning.
Dec 18, 2018 8:46 am
Sleep help! My 16 month old has been waking up every three hours like clockwork for the last week. Midnight, 3am, and 6am. He goes to bed at 8pm, which I know is pretty late, we’re working on that part. He goes down pretty easily and has a good bedtime routine. We are letting him cry it out when he wakes up, but its been pretty exhausting. He has slept through the night before, (as recently as last week), so I know he can do it. It just feels like we are sleep training every other week due to illnesses, travel, and visitors. argh.
Return to Work
Dec 18, 2018 8:45 am
First time poster here, but I frequently read the comments here and you ladies have the best advice! I’m wrapping up my maternity leave in a few weeks and am looking for any and all advice people have on going back to work – anything from tricks to making things run smoothly, to easing back into work to dealing with missing my baby. I won’t be pumping at work, baby will be in daycare with husband doing 90% of drop off/pick up since he has a predicable schedule most of the time but occasionally travels. I’m a transactional attorney with all the unpredictability that comes along with that so would especially appreciate advice from anyone who has an unpredictable schedule. Thanks so much!
Mama Llama
Dec 18, 2018 8:40 am
Alexa creeps me out, but a lot of my friends love them or Google home or whatever, so I’m clearly an outlier.
We are planning on traveling from Massachusetts to Sesame Place the weekend after Christmas. Staying Friday night and Saturday night at the hotel right there. Our son is 2 years old and loves Sesame Street. I’m just worried that there won’t be too much for him to do if it’s super cold,etc. Has anyone ever been to Sesame Place in general and this time of year? Thanks in advance!
Guys, I can’t find our Christmas stockings. My 3.5 year old won’t notice, right?
Any good ideas for stocking stuffers for a 3 month old. Normally I wouldn’t get any, but we also have a first grader who will wonder why Santa didn’t bring anything for the baby! So I’m looking for small things I would buy anyway like more pacifiers, new bibs, etc. Thanks.
Last week DH and I discussed me becoming a SAHM: we discussed that the timeline for this is probably next August. This is something I’ve wanted for about a year, but only recently realized that I do want this. Now it’s really hard to concentrate at work. We’re super busy, I’m new, feel like I’m not really contributing to the team, so it’s just hard. I don’t know if I’m looking for advice or just need to vent.
For those that celebrate Christmas: What are you asking for for yourself this year? Any great life-hack stuff, books, or organization stuff out there?
Just need to vent because there’s not a lot of people in real life I can tell. Pregnant with our 2nd and I have a bleed. I had one with our first so I logically know they can resolve and mean nothing. OB recommended pelvic rest and resting at home when possible and trying to reduce my stress for the week until she sees me again on Monday. I’m just so frustrated. It’s the busiest time at work (though I can probably partially rest/work at home) and I feel so isolated. I feel like I can’t tell anyone at work because it’s early and my office isn’t great to women. It’s just so much emotion and stress on top of an already stressful end of year.
My 11-month old started some minor biting about a month ago. Every few days he will bite my shoulder while I’m holding him. It seems to happen when he is excited/happy/amped up. I put him down with a firm NO when it happens. We let his teachers know to keep an eye out, and yesterday they said they saw an almost-bite (they pulled him away before anything happened). Same situation — he was playing with another kid and getting really excited. Advice? Anything else we should be doing? Thank you!
Does anyone have thoughts about how to best support a friend who is about to have a baby as a single mom? The dad isn’t in the picture, she has no family, and very few local friends. Her finances are stable but tight. Frankly, I’m really worried about her, but as I have 2 kids under 3 myself, there is only so much I can do to help. I’m thinking a lot about what I can do to make the most impact for her and coming up with running errands, giving freezer meals, and stopping by to hold the baby while she showers. Any other ideas?
today was hat day at daycare, i dropped my sons off with one in a santa hat and one in an elf hat. One of the male teachers had a MAGA hat on. I am really bothered by it. I don’t agree politically with him, but what do I care that he’s wearing it?? Feel free to tell me I’m crazy but it’s bothering me all morning.
Sleep help! My 16 month old has been waking up every three hours like clockwork for the last week. Midnight, 3am, and 6am. He goes to bed at 8pm, which I know is pretty late, we’re working on that part. He goes down pretty easily and has a good bedtime routine. We are letting him cry it out when he wakes up, but its been pretty exhausting. He has slept through the night before, (as recently as last week), so I know he can do it. It just feels like we are sleep training every other week due to illnesses, travel, and visitors. argh.
First time poster here, but I frequently read the comments here and you ladies have the best advice! I’m wrapping up my maternity leave in a few weeks and am looking for any and all advice people have on going back to work – anything from tricks to making things run smoothly, to easing back into work to dealing with missing my baby. I won’t be pumping at work, baby will be in daycare with husband doing 90% of drop off/pick up since he has a predicable schedule most of the time but occasionally travels. I’m a transactional attorney with all the unpredictability that comes along with that so would especially appreciate advice from anyone who has an unpredictable schedule. Thanks so much!
Alexa creeps me out, but a lot of my friends love them or Google home or whatever, so I’m clearly an outlier.