Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Grow Smart Changing Pad and Scale
If you need to closely monitor your baby’s weight and/or how much milk she’s getting when she nurses (or you simply like to keep close tabs), this combination changing pad/scale is really handy.
Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Sleep Sheep White Noise Machine
A nice alternative to a boring plastic box, this white noise machine has eight options for sounds and is machine washable when the electronic portion is removed.
Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Sleepy Baby Nail Clipper
Clipping your baby’s nails can be difficult and pretty nerve-wracking — but these clippers make it a little easier.
Family & Weekend Friday: Munch Mitt Teether
I am going to put it mildly when I say it is very difficult to soothe a teething baby. They’re cranky, uncomfortable, and may have other symptoms concurrently as well. Like almost all babies, when my son was teething he chewed on anything he could get his hands on. The most frustrating part of a…