As a Mom, What Do You Buy for Baby Shower Gifts?
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What items did you love so much as a parent that you now gift them to others for baby showers? What items did you feel were such a “find” that you gift them to others for baby showers? In short: What are the best baby shower gifts according to real moms?
I suppose this discussion could take two forms — what do you feel so strongly about that you’ll go “off list” and buy the new mom something she haven’t registered for, and what do you generally gravitate towards on a new parent’s registry?
One of my besties is pregnant right now, and I find myself considering baby shower gifts for her. I am definitely drawn to items that I have the strongest memories of, so I thought it might make an interesting discussion.
I’ve written before about my (possibly very weird!) habit of sending baby head-cold items to family members and friends who are pregnant. Examining this relatively odd habit now, I think it comes because it was a challenge for us to get the right combination of supports when my baby was sick. As a new mom I had read about the snot sucker and forehead thermometers in a zillion product roundups, but a vapor bath (or plugin) or a simple cotton ball soaked with water took me a while to figure out. And, as any new mom knows, if baby’s sick and not sleeping well, ain’t no one sleeping well.
I also got her two of my favorite pregnancy books for future working moms, Balance is a Crock, Sleep is for the Weak, and Let’s Panic About Babies (which admittedly I haven’t read in many moons but I found it hilarious back in 2011 when I was pregnant), and also some fancy prenatal nonalcoholic drinks, including cherry bitters, elderflower cordial (LOVE this stuff), a mindful margarita, and a raspberry drink called Fluère.
{related: Check out all of our favorite products and tips for how to deal with a baby head cold}
For my good friend, I also find myself drawn to baby carriers — I have such fond memories of babywearing my kids all over the place. When my second son was born we would often take him with us on date nights in a baby carrier. When the babysitter had left for the day and it was just me with a rambunctious 4-year-old and a fussy baby, I would often wear my baby, both to keep him calm and with me and to let me be hands-free enough to play with my eldest, or do light housework tasks like cleaning.
A lot of my personal soft carriers for babywearing are outdated or sold out, so I’m researching which new ones to buy. (Maybe we’ll do a new Hunt for them!) I’m leaning towards the Ergobaby Omni 360 (pictured below) both because it’s lightweight (perfect for an August baby), because the slings were always a bit intimidating to me even after two kids but the backpack-style carriers were super easy for both me and my husband, and because this one is OK for babies 7 lbs. and up, whereas other models are only good for babies weighing 12-15 lbs. — and the fourth trimester is when I feel like babies need the soft carrier the most! (I have to go see what she’s registered for but I don’t believe a baby carrier was on the list at all.)
OOOH, or maybe the Lillebaby Complete Airflow 360 Ergonomic — also good for 7 lbs. and up, but only $125 full price and an additional 35% off coupon today at Amazon, if you’re buying for yourself or someone who would have the wherewithal to return it within the 30-day window. That’s maybe a different topic to discuss also — if you go “off list” for someone’s baby shower, what stores have the best return policies so a new mom won’t be scrambling to return unwanted stuff? We’ve talked about the workwear retailers with the best return policies, but not for baby shower gifts…
Readers, what are your thoughts — what as a mom do you get for baby shower gifts? What items and products from the infant stage hold the strongest memories and attachments for you? And if you’ve bought a baby carrier more recently — which ones were your favorites?
Stock photo via Deposit Photos / Kzenon.
I usually get a bunch of early feeding stuff – a few straw cup types, a plate and bowl and forks and spoons. I think most people don’t think about those things when they register and when you need them, you’re glad to have something. If they’re on the registry, I try to grab them whatever they’ve picked out, otherwise I go with my favorites.
I loved it when experienced moms went off-registry to give us stuff we actually need. I was so grateful to have those things on hand. I now do the same, some combo of registry stuff plus sick day essentials/diaper brush/bath thermometer/Nuk pacifiers/Boogie wipes
Most people I know didn’t do a baby registry. BUT there is a giant doc that keeps circulating between everyone. (NOTE: because of that we went bjornbaby for carrier – would have preferred ergo. A pocket has huge value).
I always do books (agree…. not goodnight moon unless I am buying a friend a “you just told me you are pregnant and no major holidays have happened since then”.
My go tos: some combo of: those circle nursing cover / car seat cover things, books, a giant cup with a straw for the mom, silicone wipeable bibs, the organic “farmers” soap that is magic for getting spit up off, a bottle of shout. *nursing cover based on knowing that they plan to nurse
The best gifts that I got at our shower: a handmade blanket (I wish I could do that!), the silicone bib (for some reason 5 years ago this seemed “innovative”), soap mentioned above, a bottle of champagne.
There’s three types of baby stuff:
1. Everyone needs it: onesies, diaper rash cream, wipes, diapers (*unless cloth diapering), baby bathers, sheets, books.
2. Practical stuff that is specific to the kid: babies are particular about carriers (mine HATED having his head covered), teethers, bottles, toys.
3. Sentimental things: receiving blankets, hand-knitted items, nursery items, adorable coats, towels with animal hoods.
I buy almost exclusively from Group 1. Invite me to a baby shower and you’re liable to get a five-pack of onesies, a bottle brush, diaper rash cream, and a box of a thousand baby wipes. It is not exciting; it’s one less thing the parents have to worry about.
I was in law school when we had our daughter so we didn’t have the kind of money that is usually assumed here. The best gifts were when people would go in together on one large item from the registry, when my in-laws asked what big items would be most helpful, and when my mom made us a gorgeous baby quilt that went perfectly with our nursery decor. We didn’t end up using most of the clothing gifts because they ended up being the wrong size for the season or were too fancy to be practical.
I always give diapers if they are on the registry.
It depends a bit on how close I am to the person. For friends where I’m close enough to buy a gift, but not much else, I stick to the registry and add a book instead of a card. For closer friends, I do a registry gift and add a care package closer to the due date. I include the stuff for the baby’s first illness (Nose Frieda, thermometer, tylenol, gas drops, vaporub, vaporbath, etc) and some stuff for mom (depends as an alternative to the mesh undies, colace, a giant water cup, really long phone charger, etc).
Exactly what I bought when I was not a mom – something from their registry. I reallllllllly hate when people say “As a [mom, wife, whatever] this is what you need” and buy that instead of what you actually want. If it’s a close friend, sure, offer your recommendations and advice on what they should register for. But buy the person what they want, not what you think they should want. The exception is if everything on the registry is very expensive then I will sometimes buy something cheaper that’s not on the registry. But that has nothing to do with being a “seasoned” mom or whatever, I did that before I had kids too.
A registry gift plus a Sophie the Giraffe!
Always off the registry, but I will avoid buying things I didn’t like. If it’s close family or friends I’ll give suggestions for ubbi, changing pads, and diaper cream spatula. Poop rules my life.
I’ve actually never attended a baby shower (my close friends aren’t local and I didn’t fly in for their showers) but I purchase off the registry if one exists or give books. I definitely get more obscure ones, not the classics, like the poster above said. We didn’t register and most people gave us books, and we ended up with 3-4 copies of many of the classic books like Very Hungry Caterpillar. At least multiple books are not wasteful in the same way unwanted toys or clothes are wasteful, because they can be donated to a library or daycare and put to good use. I would never give someone personal hygiene items like a rectal thermometer or snot sucker. For one because I think it’s gross, but also because our hospital gave us all that stuff (and I never even used the nose sucker) so it would have just gone to waste.
I usually stick to the registry but definitely side-eye unsafe items (Dock a Tot, for example). If it is a close relative or friend I’d spend more on, I’ll get a registry item and maybe one or two things I wish I had discovered before babies 4 and 5. My favorite add ons have been the diaper pouch and diaper cream brush from Bumco. I just got the clutch and brush for a friend along with a small package of diapers, wipes and diaper cream to stock her diaper bag. She loved it.
I’m a big fan of the Lillebaby carriers. The airflow is nice and cool but the mesh fabric can be rough on sensitive baby skin. I’ve found the Complete to be plenty cool for summer and more gentle on skin.
My favorite recent gift was from Audrey and Bear. I gifted a friend a Take Me Home bundle and she got to work with a designer to design her own set. She loved it! Definitely gift something like that well in advance though, because customizing the design can take a few weeks. I wish I had discovered them before baby #5. Their products are beautiful, it is fun to create something unique, and they donate a swaddle to NICU for every swaddle purchased. We definitely appreciated the swaddle we received from them for our NICU baby.
I only buy off-registry, but I also have a google doc of things I liked for my kids, and I offer to share that. For closer friends I also offer to look over their registry and make suggestions to add or subtract things.
Not a mom yet, but I only buy things from the registry. I assume people have done a lot of research into what they want/need, and while smaller items like toiletries and medical supplies seem like NBD, I’ve also had girlfriends that ended up with multiples of things like that that they never used. I really hate things going waste and am not the type who enjoys surprises, so I’m probably projecting my own feelings on it, but there you go :-) I think the exception are handmade items from close family and friend, which I think are lovely.
i always give a big pile of books we like. not goodnight moon and the very hungry caterpillar, more obscure and newer stuff that we love. usually that’s really appreciated.
My main gift is usually something from the registry. I nearly always throw in a rectal thermometer (ear and forehead ones are crap, IMO). Sometimes also sleeveless bodysuits from Carters which I liked as an extra layer in the winter, becuase the little short sleeves didn’t get bunched up.