Splurge or Save Thursday: Green Tea Blotting Linens

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It’s been years since I’ve thought about blotting papers, but the blotting papers of today are not the same as those from high school.

boscia’s Green Tea Blotting Linens remove excess oil like the blotting papers of yore but also include green tea extract, which has natural antibacterial benefits and is a “key antioxidant that soothes and protects skin from free radical damage.” A sheet or two will re-mattify your complexion without messing with your makeup — and for only a dime a sheet! Just keep a set of these in your bag for those hot and humid summer days.

A pack of 100 blotting linens is $10 at Amazon or Dermstore.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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just need to vent. DH had oral surgery yesterday. In advance he shared he would be uncomfortable for 5 days. He failed to mention that he basically can’t do much for 5 days in terms of helping with our young twins bc he can’t lift them or raise his heart rate. he has many many unused sick days, so he easily could’ve scheduled this on a monday so we’d have childcare for the week. of course right before that we finally see a house we want to put in an offer on. Yes, DH I understand you are in pain today, but it’s not like after my c-section and blood transfusion i got to sit around watching tv all day. you can force yourself to be ‘on’ for two hours to figure out all this house stuff, while i try to work, and then take care of the kids for the next 5 days

how do you handle when 3 year old is crying and doesn’t want to get into the water during a swim lesson? or doesn’t want to complete the lesson?

Just got back from maternity leave and am headed back to in-person court sooner than expected. Does anyone have a recommendation for a court outfit postpartum? I’m thinking a black dress + blazer + Spanx is going to be my best bet, but none of my black dresses currently fit… and the dresses I normally wear ( J Crew resume dress) are probably not going to be super flattering even in a bigger size…

It’s been a week around here, and for many reasons we are currently in between pediatricians (hope to close this gap by tomorrow). Need advise.

DS is 6 months, and we started solids last weekend. He’s taking them in, but he also is dealing with a cough, so he is spitting up the purees (along with milk) like 30 mins or more after eating. Obviously I will consult a ped but has anyone had this experience? Not sure if it’s the cough triggering this or something else. He’s been deemed a “happy spitter” generally (but I always worried if it was mild reflux…). TIA!

Moms of twins: do you have any parenting book recommendations? Lucies list seemed kind of basic. I already have a kid so I’ve read How to Talk and a few others. I’m wondering if there are books specific to parenting twins.

How do I clean a pack-and-play mattress? It has a board in it, so it seems like I shouldn’t just throw it my washing machine and hope for the best.

Since I’m not telling anyone in real life yet – I got a very faint, but definitely there, positive pregnancy test this morning!!! This was our last try before moving to IVF, so I am over the moon! DH is excited too, but also very much in shock since I think he was mentally gearing up for IVF whereas I was doing my best to stick my head in the sand a bit.

In addition to excited, I’m also one part terrified because I have a 2 year old and in the good moments I can see how good it will be in the near future. That said, I don’t feel nearly as terrified / “what have I done” as when I got pregnant with kid 1 who was very much planned and wanted also. So that’s a good sign!

On the kid spacing discussion, kids will be 2 years 9 months apart if all goes well. We had hoped they would be a bit closer to 2 years apart because while I find the baby stage hard, I saw the benefit of getting through it, but then we didn’t get pregnant. I think this will be good too because older kid will be in preschool part time and more independent. I’m hoping that will make it easier to focus on the new baby like I did with the first kid at least some of the time. But I know it will still be different though.

My in-laws have been here since Monday night (two days earlier than originally planned). I’m working all this week while my husband takes time off and yet I’m still the one playing hostess. My MIL also can’t manage to close a door without slamming it right when my son is napping.
That’s all. Rant over.

Do you tip your doula? When I signed up and paid the deposit, there was an option for adding a tip. I was a bit flustered and didn’t add a tip then, but should I tip her? I see her as part of my medical team (and I wouldn’t tip my OB or pelvic floor PT) but perhaps I’m thinking of this wrong? I’m in the US but I’m not originally from here so American tipping customs are a bit mysterious to me. I haven’t had the baby yet so I haven’t paid the remainder of the bill yet.

Two years – TWO YEARS – of IVF for #2 and I got the absolute faintest positive line this morning. My blood test is not until Wednesday (FET was last week). How in the world am I supposed to get work done in these circumstances?!? I legit can’t focus. Please send me all the positive juju, light the incense, break out the crystals. It’s early – I know – but this is a major step.

We are trying to take a short trip in August and still haven’t booked anything. Does anyone have recommendations for somewhere we can go traveling from DC for a few days/week? Prefer to drive. Will have our then 9 month old and usually take beach trips so looking for something like that or a resort with a nice pool. Is it even fun to take a baby this age on vacation?

I have a 24 month old, about to be 25 months. Someone posted yesterday that it got easier when the younger one was able to communicate needs and engage. I know 4 and 2 is often when people say things got 90% easier, but (only one month out from these marks for both of them), not quite there. It seems like my kids want to interact, but they don’t quite know how to co-exist peacefully together like the younger one always wants what the older one has, my older one is into much more advanced tv shows and books than the younger one can handle. There’s just not a lot of activity overlap for the two of them (except for the playground). Does anyone have any ideas or tips?

I know it will just get better with time, no not sure what I’m asking for, maybe just commiseration or venting.

Wish us luck, we’re going on a flight tomorrow morning with our 2-yr-old! (nervous face emoji)

Thanks to everyone who weighed in yesterday! You all have me leaning toward waiting a few more months so the spacing would be closer to 2 years apart (current LO is 1, so that would mean ideally getting pregnant after he is 1 year and 3 months…my math skills were getting a workout reading the comments!). Of course, I have to see how DH feels about it too. He really doesn’t enjoy the baby stage like I do, so he may feel more like he wants to move out of it quickly.

Parents of neurodivergent kids:

Do your kids have high sleep needs? How much sleep do they need at night?

My autistic 4 year old is having many meltdowns again, and I think she is extra tired. (In part because she enthusiastically plays at her special needs camp!!!) I think I need to set an early bed time and enact a strict sleep hygiene regimen.