Nursing & Pumping Tuesday: Wrap Tee


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wrap tee for pumping mothersA wrap top — either worn by itself or layered with your favorite nursing camisole — can be a great option for pumping and nursing moms. Easy access — and you can reclose it entirely after each nursing or pumping session, the fabric won’t get too loose. Nice! This pretty gray one is only $21 at Nordstrom, avaliable in gray and pink (down from $35). Wrap Tee Psst: Looking for more info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both… This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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One more bedtime question today – how do you handle the “have to go potty” stall tactic? DS is 2.5 and kind of potty trained – still wears diapers but also regularly uses the potty. After bedtime he often calls out that he needs to go potty, which turns into sobbing and continued yelling if we ignore him. He goes to the potty as part of his bedtime routine so he usually doesn’t actually need to go again. We’ve tried talking about staying in bed after bedtime. It’s driving me nuts since it draws out bedtime by 10-15 minutes (he wants to sit a while…). Any tips?

Talk to me about your 2.5 to 3 yr old’s sleep schedules. I have a 3 year old who still naps for like 1.5 hrs and still needs the nap. But he can’t fall asleep at night until like 8:30 or 9, and is waking up consistently at 6:30. I don’t think he’s getting enough sleep in a full day. I’ve tried to put him to bed at 7 and I’ve tried to put him to bed at 8, and he still seems to have a lot of trouble settling. He turns 3 in September. Is this normal/roughly on track?

That was to the Anon above about pregnancy #2. Not sure why I can’t get the reply to work.

Thanks everyone! You’ve made me feel much better!

If you can afford it, I don’t think you’ll ever regret having pictures. I did them, and probably shouldn’t have gotten so many enlargements right away, but I don’t regret having the pictures done to capture the itty bitty features so well. That being said I don’t think I’d regret it if I didn’t do it either. So basically, if the money is there why not?

I’m debating whether or not to book a newborn photoshoot for our first LO. Part of me really wants to do it and worries that I may regret not having nice photos of her squishy little baby phase (since I know iPhone snaps of newborns aren’t quite the same!), and the other part of me (and DH) says it’s a waste of money. I’m finding that this type of photography runs around $800 in our HCOL area. There are some cheaper options ($500-$600), but I don’t like their style of photography as much. We can afford it, but I also cringe a bit at adding another almost-$1k to our baby costs. I also really want to do a birth announcement, so I’m not sure what photos we would use if we didn’t have some professional shots.

Any thoughts/opinions from those who did or didn’t do them?

Do any of you regularly give your kids melatonin or magnesium to help them sleep? My almost 6 yo has such a hard time settling down and going to sleep at night. She always says she’s just not tired, and I feel for her because it’s hard for adults to sleep when we’re not tired. But now that she will be starting kindergarten and getting up earlier, I’m worried that she won’t be getting enough sleep. Or will school tire her out enough that she will be able to fall asleep easier?

Has anyone successfully moved a kid’s wakeup time later? My 16-month old wakes up at 5:50am every morning, and has for the last 6 months. Her light-up clock turns green at 6:30 and she is very quiet until then but we can tell on the monitor that she is awake and chilling. The issue is that she’s midst of dropping her morning nap, which currently happens at around 9. We’ve been in the stage of sometimes-she-takes-it and sometimes-she-doesn’t for over a month now. I don’t want to rush her, but I think one of the reasons she’s having so much trouble is that she wakes up so damn early. If she could get even an extra half hour in the morning I suspect it would make the nap-dropping much easier.

Bedtime is currently 7pm. We haven’t tried moving it later because she is very ready for bed by 7 — goes to sleep within five minutes almost every night. The few times we’ve put her to bed before 7, she wakes up even earlier. She naps for about 2 – 2.5 hours total a day regardless of whether she takes her AM nap.

So, any strategies for helping her get an extra half hour or so would be very welcome. Do I need to disrupt her schedule for a few days (for example, by keeping her up super late) so she “deprograms” herself from her 5:50 wakeup? I am at a loss. Or should I just give up and assume it will regulate itself? (feel free to tell me to just chill out — sleeping is the one parenting “thing” that I’m probably way too crazy about).

I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy at about 6-7 weeks and had zero nausea/food aversions. I was like well no nausea = because it was a mc, but then I got pregnant right after with my daugher and had no nausea again until like 8-9 weeks when I had some aversions and gagged on a turkey sandwich. I have had multiple friends have very different pregnancies! So both pregnancies the healthy and the mc were no nausea, the first absence of nausea wasn’t necessarily because of the mc.

I’m going back to work in 6 weeks after baby #1. My little girl is slated to start at a daycare centre at the beginning of September and she’ll be 8 months old at that time. I know we still have a lot of time before she has to go to daycare but I already feel like I’m starting to fall apart. The centre is very professional and well organized, and I’m scheduled to take her in for a few hours each day the last week in August to help with the transition, but the thought of leaving her there all day without me makes me feel really sad.

My firm is very supportive of the mat leave I have taken so far, and I’m not stressed about returning to work (and pumping 2-3 times a day at work). It’s my plan to try to return 4 days a week to start so that I can still have one day a week at home with my baby, and I think that will be helpful as long as I don’t get too busy right away and can maintain it.

I’m just really struggling with the thought of leaving my baby all day, even though it is the best thing for our family financially and for me professionally. Any tips/advice for how to stay strong and make the transition back to work as easy as possible for my LO and I?

I am at a point where I sort of want to take a step back at work. I either want to work reduced hours or find something with more flexibility/work from home possibilities. How do you express that in your job search? A few recruiters reached out to me this week and I want to be able to say something to them along the lines that I’m not interested in a lateral move, I am more interested in an “outside the box” position. My current position has a heavy body in chair 50+ hrs per week component and due to the industry, that won’t get any better in the same position at a different company. I am paid well for my HCOL area, but I would be willing to take a somewhat significant paycut for a job with the right hours/flexibility. Usually when I talk to recruiters they aren’t interested once they know my salary (which they demand to know almost immediately).

My 2 year old has begun having tantrums every night (and sometimes morning). The tantrums are the frustrating combination where he tells us what he does not want, but never what he wants. I have no idea how to deal with this, so I’m starting my research. If anyone has a book or suggestion, I would appreciate the advice.

Congratulations! I have had pretty opposite pregnancies. With the first, I had only mild morning sickness (threw up two or three times over the first trimester, ate more crackers than usual) and then had such terrible heartburn towards the end that I couldn’t eat many of my favorite foods. Also had terrible insomnia. I’m 28 weeks with #2 now and had absolutely miserable nausea the first trimester, threw up a ton, and lost 15 pounds from not eating. Now I feel great, no heartburn and no insomnia.
So yes every pregnancy is different, even healthy ones! Maybe it means your baby will be opposite gender of your first!

I’m pregnant with kiddo #2 – Horaay! Even though I’m very early, this pregnancy is already so different than #1. I have practically no morning sickness this time around, but it was SO BAD with my first pregnancy, even this early on. Logically, I know every pregnancy is different. But of course, I’m now irrationally concerned that something is wrong with this pregnancy because I’m not sick as a dog. Did anyone else have very different pregnancies? Can you aussage my fears?

Oh no! That’s awful – hoping both these babies make a speedy arrival. I’m due in for a sweep on Thursday.