Nursing Tuesday: Toffee Nursing Camisole


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A woman wearing a  Toffee Nursing CamisoleThis nursing camisole from Cake is getting rave reviews at Nordstrom. Yes, $55 may seem like a lot for an undergarment, but as every pumping and nursing mom knows, a nursing camisole is likely the primary thing you’ll wear on a daily basis to raise your neckline and give you enough coverage while you’re pumping or nursing in public. This comes in the pictured apple color as well as cinder toffee and honey toffee, and sizes are S–XL. Toffee Nursing Camisole Here’s a plus-size option. Psst: Looking for more info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both… This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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How do we feel about naps in the office? I am so tired, but I have a 3 hour networking event that I MUST attend tonight. I could get in a 15 minute catnap on my office floor….

Car is parked outside and it’s too cold to nap in there; we have a wellness room but it’s needed right now by people who have actual health issues.

My kids are 4.5 and 18 months and they play so well together now!! Yes sometimes it’s double the noise but often it’s double the alone/quiet time. My older one played school with her sister this AM and helped her eat breakfast while I got ready.

The first year was rough and as two introverts, DH and I really struggled. But we came out the other side, and are really happy we added another.

I say it’s your call. I’m on team Thank You Notes Are Inportant, and I have a 4 year old. She absolutely 100% understands and appreciates a thank-you note, so don’t make your decision based on that!!

She also helps choose (even if it’s from my gift closet of misc junk) and wrap the gift and makes the card, so she’s part of the process.

But like I said, nobody will expect one…but if you want your kid to get experience, you could print out 17 pieces of paper that say “thank you for coming to my party!” And have your 4 y/o color pictures and write his/her name. Done.

Not sure if I’m posting too late in the day for responses. I have a 3 year old son. For a while, my husband and I had a lot of discussions on whether to have a second kid. He was firmly on the YES side and I was much more ambivalent. We are both lawyers working full time. Life is already hectic with one. I grew up as an only child, and it’s not a crazy thing to me (but he grew up with a sibling and it seems a lot of people with siblings feel sorry for only children). We had many many arguments/discussions about it, that ranged from very civil and mature to low and manipulative. At some point, I got SO tired about having the same argument/discussion that we agreed to leave it up to…higher powers. I took out my IUD. Low and behold, I’m now pregnant. I had kind of hoped that my emotions would catch up, but…now, I’m still so ambivalent. I have good days and bad days. Sometimes I can almost anticipate my post-partum depression that I will certainly have. Even now, I’m having trouble enjoying time with my existing child because when I look at him, I think – another one of this!?!?! Growing up as an only child, I had a lot of solitude and calm – time by myself to watch TV, read, write, draw, paint. What I hate most about parenthood is that total loss of calm alone time. (Sure, you can carve out a few hours for yourself here and there with sitters or switching off, but it’s not the same.) With 2 kids, I just see chaos and disorder for the next 18 years of my life! I don’t know what I’m looking for…encouragement? Sympathy? We have resources to hire more help and honestly my parents are local, and they already help a lot (my mom has been living with us for the past 2 weeks, doing a lot of childcare.) No matter how much help you have, it’s still a juggling act, no? So we have it better than most, but I feel like I just need to make peace with this and I haven’t yet. At this point, I just hope my basic human decency will kick in and I will care for and love this child as I would any other innocent creature that’s been brought into this world.

I had a no-gifts party for my 4-year old and all her little daycare friends. Do I have to write thank you notes? Many, but not all, brought cards. A couple included a token gift like a sheet of stickers. Asking for no gifts was not a calculated move to avoid writing thank you notes, but I’m starting to wonder if I could hang my argument on that :)

I am generally a pro-thank you notes person, and plan to instill this particular kindness into my kiddo, but there were 17 kids altogether, none of them are old enough to read (or appreciate) a thank you note, and I feel like I have too much on my plate right now to take this on with joy.

I want to quit my job. Mostly because I miss my kid and I was planning to exit the industry at the end of 2018 anyway. Also partly because my boss is being insane. She is never in the office (seriously – she has been at the office for 3 out of the last 30 days). She constantly comments on how much sick time I take. My kid is 11 months old, was a preemie and goes to day care, so yeah, he gets sick a lot. She doesn’t have kids, so she doesn’t get it. She asks me to make powerpoints for her when I am home with my sick kid (using sick time). She asks me to travel with 24 hours’ notice. When I try to push back, she makes comments like “Can’t your husband watch him for four days while you travel?” Yesterday, she was so jet lagged from traveling to our international office that she asked me to attend a conference in another city on the same dates as she had scheduled me for another conference in our city! I have talked to her about all this. The response is always “I hear you, but you need to work harder and show me that you’re dedicated to this team.” I’m applying for other positions in the company and elsewhere, but today I just feel like throwing in the towel.

I don’t want to threadjack Feeling Like A Monster above, but I just feel compelled to add that this time of year feels really hard for some reason. I feel like it’s like this every year, but this year is exceptional. I feel like I am dropping balls everywhere. I also solo parent more nights than not. The suggested schedule from the fellow solo parent-er above was really helpful. I appreciate everyone who contributes here so much. Solidarity, Friends!

My 10-month-old, who previously was super easy-going with everyone, is suddenly being very clingy with me. If he’s playing with someone else and I’m not there he is totally fine, but as soon as I come in the room he will start fussing unless I’m holding him or playing with him, even if he’s with DH. This is really tough in the mornings, when DH is in charge of supervising but I’m running around the house trying to get ready, and when my parents or ILs come visit and want to spend most of their time playing with DS but he wants to be with me. Any tips or do we just ride it out?

I love this nursing cami and I’m a 38H nursing – I find it supportive enough for all day wear as my nursing bra. I wear it under clingy shirts to help with the post-partum pudge and also shirts that would otherwise show my bra though. I bought a few underwire nursing bras for work and I have worn them once since being back. I much prefer my cake lingerie cotton candy seamless ones.

I spanked my three-year-old last night and am feeling horrible and guilty. It was completely reactionary and out of anger, which is kind of the opposite of how I want to parent. She was completely out of control all evening after not napping at daycare. I was already stressed out from work, DH wasn’t home, and I lost all patience. I also yelled her and was basically this horrible scary mommy monster. I am really struggling with being patient with her in general, but this was a new low. Age 3 is so, so hard, you know? After she went to bed, I could not stop crying. Tried to talk about it with DH and he completely shut me down and told me to move on, that it was kid’s fault, not mine. Well, I’m still the adult and need to keep my stuff together even when I’m melting down on the inside. I cried myself to sleep and still feel terrible today.

I’m really struggling with being ‘on’ at work every day and having to come home and be ‘on’ there, too. I hate my job right now, so I’m bringing home a ton of work-related stress every night. There’s just no time to decompress; I’m hit with demands the moment I walk in the door. I tried to explain that to DH and he just seemed annoyed with me, so I’m not feeling very supported.

How can I better deal with work stress BEFORE I get home, so I don’t blow up at my kid even when she’s being a turkey?

Related question – how do you organize your kids dress up clothes? Any specific product recs?

I’m applying to preschool in NYC, which feels like a crazy process. We just had a kid playgroup (kind of the kid interview) this morning, and I’m wondering if it’s expected/appropriate to send a thank you email reiterating our interest (or that it’s a first choice).

Thank you for any feedback!

Any suggestions on how to get calcium and vegetables into an 11-month-old who’s stopped drinking half his bottles (I EP for him) and also stopped letting us spoonfeed him, but also refuses to feed himself anything slimy? He’ll happily eat pasta, meatballs, muffins, and cheese, but recoils when he touches cooked vegetables or cut up fruit.

Is this just the beginning of toddlerhood and I shouldn’t stress?

My three year old’s birthday is coming up. So far I’ve only given her gender neutral profession oriented type dress up clothes (oh and animals) but she’s super girly and I’m pretty sure she’d love a princess dress…

where do I buy one? any favorites? her favorite princess is probably cinderella but a generic fancy dress up dress would definitely be fine!

I’ve never owned a nursing cami either (BFing for 11 months). But I think they would’ve been useful for nursing in public. I usually just pulled my shirt up, so I’m sure some people saw my tummy. Maybe next baby…