Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: The Nursie


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The NursieFor the holidays two years ago, I purchased one of these for myself and one for my sister-in-law who was nursing her son. This serves somewhat of the same purpose as a Boppy but is more travel/on-the-go friendly. I think that this is a good product not only for nursing, but also for situations where you know your baby is going to be sleeping in your arms for an extended period of time, like flying with a lap child. I could even see it being helpful for an older sister or brother, or young child who wants to hold the baby. It’s $26.95 and is available at Etsy in several fun patterns. The Nursie Psst: Looking for more info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both… This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support! 

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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That sounds amazing! How did you find this person? I posted on some nanny FB groups in my area but so hard to find someone good.

And no judgment. I would LOVE my daughter to eat fish tickets.. mac and cheese will happen on a good night, on bad nights we are at pizza or pancakes for dinner.

What’s your favorite inexpensive cashmere? It’s not cold here, so I just want a couple of options for the office this winter.

Ugh! What does it say about our society that a woman has to grovel for 3 months UNPAID maternity leave? It’s absurd.

I don’t know what your role is, but I’m sure that you quitting (forcing them to hire a permanent replacement) would cost more and be a bigger hassle than just letting you be out that extra month. I know that’s not helpful from a practical standpoint, but I’m so angry for you! Why can’t people be reasonable?

All of it is stressful! Both kiddos wanting attention, dealing with feeding / clean up / dishwasher / trash, bedtime routine
with 2. Writing this i just need my own clone so there are 4 hands to manage it all, but don’t know who to hire for that. We have a weekly housekeeper and I don’t cook much which helps.

Already have a call in to the nurse but crowdsourcing a second opinion while I wait: 1) anyone’s doctor provide an opinion as to whether biofreeze is safe during pregnancy and 2) any natural back pain remedies that worked for anyone? Having sharp debilitating pain when twisting/sitting/standing/getting out of the car. Makes toddler wrangling a joy :)

I posted regarding solo parenting a few weeks and the consensus was to get help. I have a 5 year old and 4 month old and husband travels all week, every week. I am trying to figure out what type of person would be most helpful.

1. College student in evenings to help manage the 2, and maybe stay with oldest to take baby on walk. Maybe I would consider her lettting pick up oldest from school.

2. Someone to help me clean up / prep dinner / etc- probably someone with more cleaning than childcare experience

3- someone who I would trust with baby so I can take older out

4- combo of the above?

Thoughts? Also how much would you pay for each of those (I live in a Dallas for reference). I am thinking 12-15 an hour for 1 and 2 and 20 an hour for 3

Is this a law firm, or a place that cares what law firms do? Above the Law did a survey a few years ago– they surveyed 58 national firms, and the majority of those firms offered at least 16 weeks of maternity leave. Every single firm offered at least 8. If you search “above the law maternity leave survey” you might find the study.
Similarly, can you find out what your company’s competitors offer? Can you put it in the letter for comparison, if it’s favorable?

Does your company care about retaining women? You can include a lot of information about how 12 weeks of paid maternity leave makes it 93% (!!!) more likely that the mother will still be employed there in one year. Seventy percent of companies who offer paid leave say it increases productivity after return. Google for more statistics if you think your company cares about this.

Does your company care about babies’ health? (Maybe they don’t; I dunno.) If you think they might be impacted by this, there are lots of statistics on how babies benefit from 12 weeks at home with their parents. A study in Australia found that kids whose mothers stayed home for 12 or more weeks had fewer instances of asthma, hearing, and vision problems– as much as seven years later. A 2016 study found that mothers who received 12 or more weeks of paid leave are more likely to successfully breastfeed their child and still be doing so at six months. Google for some studies about this.

I would focus your letter on the company’s bottom line: money. You being a more productive employee because you were granted 12 weeks of maternity leave. You being able to make them more money because of it. I would fill this letter with statistics and research showing specific, quantifiable benefits. And I’d throw in a few stats about how it benefits babies in case the person reading it has a shred of humanity. Good Luck! You can do this!!! AND, if you succeed, you’re not just helping you and your baby– you are helping many mothers and babies who come after you.

Wow. morning sickness, two toddlers and bad colds. You are amazing. I’ve had morning sickness with just 1 toddler and am barely surviving. This is such a brutal period. Hugs.

I am just venting, but I feel like I have been sick for the past four weeks and I am OVER IT. Really two separate colds. I’ve only missed a couple days of work (3 or 4ish?) but it has felt like more… on top of that, I’ve had morning sickness for the past 8 weeks. Basically I feel like I’m really doing terribly at my job just trying to keep my head over and I miss feeling 100 percent!

The combination of pregnancy immunity (lack thereof) and two toddlers is just knocking me out. I want to go home and sleep.

How often did/do your preschoolers have play dates? My kid goes to school with a lot of kids that have a SAHP and she feels pretty left out because I can’t do play dates after school all the time. My kid has 2 siblings and does a bazillion activities (mostly with the kids she wants playsates with).

The problem is that last year she went to school until 1, so it was easy to grab a friend for an hour or two after class. This year she goes full days, so no after school play dates. The play dates are on “off” days, and I work those days. I can’t really ask or nanny to take in a 4th child- it’s a LOT given that she’s already watching a baby and a 2 y/o.

Am I depriving this kid? If so ideas on how to work around it?

I know people come to this site to vent/complain (and I do too!), but yesterday everyone seemed to have a particularly bad case of the Mondays. I’m only 8 months into this parenthood journey, but yesterday’s conversations made me quite scared about what’s to come. Maybe everyone could share something positive about parenthood or something fun they’ve done with their kids lately?

I’ll start: This past weekend we took our twins to their first music class and they absolutely loved it. Their faces lit up and they wouldn’t stop “talking” the entire time. It was super cute.

I feel like I should have this figured out, but I don’t. What laundry detergent do you like for getting daycare/preschool play clothes clean? I’ve tried Country Save and Method and neither is working on playground dirt, paint, etc. (Though both are great for baby messes!) All the accumulated stains that mark an awesome day at school. Older kiddos clothes are getting too gross to be appropriate hand me downs currently!

I’ve suffered an injury and will be laid up for surgery for the rest of the week. Any suggestions on a movie or 2 that my 3 year old and I might both enjoy? (My husband and my in-laws will be around, so childcare is more than taken care of, I just thought that it would be nice to chill with her a little while I’m bored on the couch.) She loves the standard princess movies, which are largely fine with me, but I’d rather not watch Frozen or The Little Mermaid yet again. Suggest something to me that might be fun for us both but not over-done (and, for bonus points, might be available on Netflix or free on Amazon Prime).

Ladies – I could use some support. I’m at a relatively new job and will have been here under a year when my second child is born, so don’t qualify for FMLA. Under my fairly quirky benefits package, my employer can approve up to three months unpaid leave when FMLA doesn’t apply. HR just told me they are inclined to approve only two months. I now have to write a memo as to why they should approve the full three months. I feel so discouraged. I knew this was a risk, but really thought that they’d grant the full three months. I’ll write the memo but it feels so discouraging to have to argue not to leave my two month old baby.

I posted this on the main site yesterday, but I’d appreciate any wisdom current moms have on the below. Thanks in advance!

Has anyone made part time in BigLaw (transactional practice) work? I think that I am not going to get an in house job I interviewed for, and I’m looking ahead to being a first time mom in biglaw (I had the in house interview before I found out I was expecting). I see the partners I work for and they’re never really “present” in their kids lives. Every minute of vacation is spent working, and they all have stay at home wives (who are lovely, but seem pissed at the amount of time their husbands spend working). I’m going to continue to look for other opportunities, but at this point, it will likely have to be post-baby arrival. I haven’t been looking for other jobs very seriously, the one I mentioned above was a random posting I happened to stumble upon.

I just don’t think the money is worth it anymore, but I feel like just because you reduce the hours doesn’t mean that you reduce your “on call” availability. Basically, I’m trying to figure out how I can make my current job better – how can I say that I’m not available for certain hours and have it actually respected? There is of course a caveat that sometimes things are busy and you need to work more, but it seems like I’ve seen only one of three things happen: you go part time but you regret it because you’re still on call 24/7 and now you’re only making x% of the money, you reduce your time and slowly start going from lots of work to less work to no work and you no longer have a job, or you go part time and get stuck doing one type of thing over and over – which stagnates your career should you ever want to go back to full time.

Any thoughts/insights would be greatly appreciated.