Make My Life Easier Thursday: Philips Hue Lights
2018 Update: We still stand by this review of Philips Hue Lights for nursery rooms (and general discussion of how to use smart lights for your nursery) — but you may want to check out some of our more recent stories about bedtime, including our recent post on how to get your kids to sleep….
Family Friday: Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Radiohead
2018 Update: We still stand by this Rockabye Baby review — but you may want to check out some of our more recent stories about bedtime, including our recent post on how to get your kids to sleep. In case you’re not familiar with the Rockabye Baby! line of CDs, they are instrumental lullaby versions of…
The Best Lip Balm for Kids With Chapped Lips
Happy Tuesday! Since I’m sure we’re all recovering from lots of buying this past weekend, I thought I’d give a shoutout to my favorite lip balm for kids with chapped lips: drugstore favorite Neosporin Lip Health Overnight Renewal Therapy. I use it myself when I have severely chapped lips and want more than my usual…
Finally Friday: Aurora Borealis Nightlight
2018 Update: You may want to check out some of our more recent stories about bedtime, including our recent post on how to get your kids to sleep. My younger son (H, 25 months) is the night owl in the family — on nights when my husband and I give in to sleep on the…