Postpartum Tuesday: On-The-Go Print Diaper Clutch


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On-The-Go Print Diaper Clutch When we did our roundup of How to Build a Work Wardrobe at Lands’ End last week at Corporette, I noticed that they have a kind of awesome diaper clutch that looks like a great, basic, affordable option. It has a removable changing pad for your kiddo and a few zippered pockets — just what you need, nothing more and nothing less. It comes in the pictured gray print and the same print in navy, as well as black with a heart print inside. It’s $29.95, but with today’s deal of 50% off on one full-price item, it becomes $14.97. On-The-Go Print Diaper Clutch Psst: Looking for more info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both… This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 12/30:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Yes to Expecting Better! As someone with anxious/hypochondriac leanings when not pregnant, there were some days in the first two trimesters when choosing what to eat became almost paralyzing for me. (By the third tri, baby was kicking all day and I didn’t worry nearly as much.) Expecting Better was such a relief for me to read and provided a much needed reality check. I bookmarked a few pages that I could turn back to when I started to have catastrophic worrying. (“Oh no, what if that ravioli I ate two days ago had listeria-infected ricotta in it!” “I thought having two sips of my husband’s wine sounded like a good idea, but now I’m sure I have endangered my baby.”)

I think for a lot of women, especially Type A overachievers like myself and many of my friends, it’s easy to get sucked into the idea that you can and should monitor every morsel that passes your lips for nine months. But, at least for me, it was far healthier to focus broadly on eating healthy going forward, and try to avoid obsessing over what mistakes I might have already made. Expecting Better helped reinforce that my choices were greatly unlikely to harm my baby. Breathe deep, you got this.

Hopefully not too late, but the bike helmet post reminded me: my mom wants to buy my almost 2 year old a bike. What’s the way to go at this age? Something that can be pushed but converts? One of those classic red tricycles? We have a baby on the way so something they could both use that would work until daughter is a bit older would be perfect but I am overwhelmed by the options.

how far/cautious should one be in dealing with listeria concerns? i’m pregnant with my first and previously miscarried (unrelated to listeria), and am starting to freak out about eating. wondering when at a restaurant if the food has sat out for too long, or thinking ahead to my family’s thanksgiving where the food will sit on the table until we are done and there will be a bit of time between the table and when it goes back to the fridge. am i then not supposed to eat any of the leftovers even if they are heated up? i’m so nauseous right now and getting sick every day, so i haven’t been eating too much anyway, but i really wanted to buy cut up watermelon but read not to purchase cut up fruit from the supermarket due to listeria concerns. today i ate some potato chips at work that were in a container and i think they were freshly made and now i’m worried they had listeria too. yesterday i ate a sandwich that had been sitting out for a bit (left over from a work event), so i heated it up but then realized it might’ve had listeria or the dressing on it might have had egg in it. how/what do i eat so i can stop driving myself (and husband) insane?

Tell me about toddler bike helmets. Santa is bringing my 4yo and 2yo bike helmets. I loathe brick and mortar shopping especially for things that require toddlers to try them on. Please tell me I can order one online and it will work Xmas morning, and please tell me which ones you like. Thank you!!!

We’re visiting San Diego over the holidays. What are the best hotels to stay at with two young kids? We’re looking for something close to the sights and maybe close to restaurants, shops, etc. Bonus points if it’s a “downtown” area with Christmas lights, décor, etc.! First time for DH and me to the city. TIA!

What are your wee ones wearing for Christmas or Christmas photos? I was in h&m today and bought a buffalo plaid button down and some tiny jeans which were adorable. I had picked out a super cute outfit from carter’s but the sizing is crazy so I wanted a backup.

‘Tis the season for office potlucks. What are your favorite things to bring that can be made the night before and warmed up in an office microwave?

My kids (3.5 yo twins) have LeapFrog Epics. Any recommendations for apps/games that grandparents can buy them for Christmas? Their birthday is in March and I’m dreading the deluge of gifts that is our Dec-Mar each year. If I can persuade just one grandparent to do apps instead of toys, that will be just that many fewer things to trip over while crossing my living room.

Jumping on the potty training bandwagon for everyone’s always useful considerations.

Daughter is nearly 25 months and I believe ready, and we’ve been putting is off (primarily for a week long vacation last month). Do we attempt over the long Thanksgiving weekend? Or wait until after the holidays? We have no travel planned beyond a 1 hour drive (or less, traffic depending) each way on Christmas.

Venting. I just learned that I will be on maternity leave during a very very important work project that I’ve been working toward for years. I knew there was a possibility this might happen based on timing but was expecting I’d be back in time, and the event just got scheduled earlier than I thought, so there’s no way I can be back in time. My colleagues will not be pleased by this and I feel like I’ll just generally lose a lot of credibility at work, in addition to missing out an a basically once in a life time opportunity. I need to just accept this and move on as every time I think about it I feel really depressed and I don’t want those feelings to lead to me resenting the pregnancy/feeling bad about the baby. I also need to just accept my choices and that they have consequences. But I just keep thinking about how I’m basically committing career suicide and how sad I’ll be hearing about the project while I’m out on leave and unable to participate.

Anybody been there? Advice on how to fix my thinking? Is this something worth seeing a therapist about?

Unsolicited product review:
I recently got one of the Fossil Hybrid Smartwatches and I’m really loving it. I’ve never had a fitbit/smartwatch before because I just don’t think they look polished in all situations, and the idea of yet another device to charge was daunting (I barely manage to keep both my work and personal phones charged without a portable battery pack).
-Looks like a classic watch
-interchangeable bands mean I can switch up the look very easily for about $35 a pop
-Silent, unobtrusive alerts that can show me who’s calling or texting (you assign contacts a number, and the hands move to that number when the alert comes in)
-Tracks steps and sleep (connects to an app on your phone)
-Works off of a regular watch battery, so doesn’t need charging
-the style I got works with my freakishly small wrists
-Lower price point than some of the other ones recently released (Tory Burch, etc.)
-Can press a button on your watch to take a picture on your phone! (great to ensure I get selfies that don’t look like selfies with the new baby)
-You can get calendar alerts (again, you need to look at your phone to remember exactly what the alert is for)

-Can see if one of your pre-set contacts is contacting you, but can’t see what they said without getting your phone. (Still useful for deciding if you should get your phone out of your bag in a meeting)
-Doesn’t have all the features of a true digital smart watch (can’t look at messages, can’t talk on it like a phone, etc.)

How can you tell when a kid is ready to potty train? My first trained herself, so my DH thinks our second needs to be just like her – telling us she has to go and regularly peeing in the toilet – before we officially get rid of diapers. I think he is expecting her to be trained before we train her, which is ridiculous.

DD2 is 27 months, has been sitting on the toilet for several months (although only rarely actually pees in it), and talks about peeing/pooping a lot. She’s on a major independence streak and can pull her pants up and down, and tell us clearly what she wants. She doesn’t tell us when she’s pooped, which my DH thinks is a big red flag that she’s not ready.

I want to try the 3 day method over Thanksgiving weekend, since we’ll have 3 full days at home (Fri through Sun) with no plans. He says I’m pushing her too early and it’ll fail, I think his expectations are too high, and we won’t have another opportunity like this unless we take a PTO day after the holidays so why not take advantage of a relaxed weekend with no plans?

Am I being ridiculous and pushing this too hard?

You got lots of great advice yesterday. I just wanted to warn you that walkable cities == impossible to drive on surface streets between 4 to 7 pm. Maybe it’s like that on the east coast too. If not, here’s something else to consider….

I live in Menlo Park, about a mile from Palo Alto, and there have been days that traffic is so bad on my *neighborhood* street that I have not been able to drive to my driveway. I have had to park a few blocks away and walk home. It is so bad that we didn’t trick or treat in our neighborhood because I didn’t want to drive the three miles from daycare during rush hour; I thought it would probably take at least thirty minutes and I didn’t want to deal with it. My husband and I walk and bike a lot, but with kids, we are definitely more limited in our “walkable” city than we used to be.

Cross posting from the main site.
Any ideas for a 3-4 day babymoon in January or February? Will be coming from a city in ohio with an airport. Would like to go somewhere warm and Zika-free. Due in mid-May. We’re reasonably active but looking for a more relaxing getaway. Thanks!!

I could use some potty training advice. We potty trained kiddo over the weekend and she’s been doing great. Going when prompted and occasionally self initiating, and between those two things, very few accidents. Yesterday at preschool, however, she was terrified of their toilet – it’s smaller than a normal one but still huge. She held her pee for 4 hours and then peed in her diaper during nap. She was picked up shortly after that and this morning I dropped her off with the potty chair she has at home (teacher’s suggestion). But what’s our long term plan here? Anyone have a kid who was scared of the “big” toilet and then learned to manage it?