Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: ‘Niche’ Organic Cotton Feeding Pillow

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\'Niche\' Organic Cotton Feeding Pillow

There’s a new player in town for breastfeeding pillows and crib mattresses and everything else: Nook Sleep Systems. This one has a heavily textured fabric and comes in eight colors. What’s nice about this pillow is that it can also be used as a side-sleeper pillow during pregnancy and to help a baby feel secure when he or she is learning to sit up, which I did with my My Brest Friend as well (my nursing pillow of choice) and the Boppy. This looks like a really nice, colorful, happy thing and it’s not hideous like some of the patterns from those two brands. If you’re looking for something a little more chic and still highly rated, do check this out. ‘Niche’ Organic Cotton Feeding Pillow

Psst: Looking for more info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both!

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Both of these are very helpful. I have been taking ovulation tests and seems that I ovulate on the early side.

I’m new to the Corporette Moms site so forgive me if this topic has been way too common…

My husband and I have been TTC since the beginning of the year. Any tips or hints for TTC? I am 31, healthy with very regular cycles. We usually get 2 well timed baby making sessions in a month. I am getting frustrated that it’s not happening yet. Any vitamins, foods, hints for TTC? I am thinking of cutting out alcohol, however, I’m not sure how much of an affect that will have.

I apologize if I am coming off ungrateful or bratty. I know many of the women here and in my life have struggled with fertility.

Last week, I asked about hiring a male college student as an after-school babysitter for my 5 year old daughter. After the discussion on here, I decided to ask him for references and then interview him if those checked out. He named a family that I don’t know and couldn’t give me any contact information for them other than generally where their house is (think “2nd house on the left after the train tracks” sort of thing). I am baffled. I really want to tell him that if he can’t be bothered to do some basic legwork then I’m not interested in hiring him (and no one else will be either). Is that too harsh? Sheesh, kids these days!

The thread above about both parents traveling made me wonder….is it OK/normal to have trusted daycare teachers bring your kid home? We have a few awesome teachers that also babysit for us and it would be GREAT to have the option to have them bring my child home once in a while. Does anyone do this and what did you beforehand? (Check driving record, etc?) Do they use their own car or yours?

Is it possible to avoid a nurse in your OBGYN practice? I love my doctor but have had really terrible experience with one of her nurses since getting a positive home pregnancy test. First, she told me I needed a dating ultrasound at 6 weeks, but after doing my own research and learning that ultrasounds can only date pregnancies to within 3-5 days and my period has never (in the five years I’ve been tracking it) varied from a 28 day cycle by more than 2 days, I called the office back to press them on the medical necessity of this ultrasound, and I got a second nurse who agreed with me that this ultrasound is not medically necessary (and therefore not recommended by ACOG) and probably wouldn’t be covered by insurance (would have been a nice thing for the first nurse to mention!).
Then I spoke to the first nurse again to schedule my regular first pre-natal appointment and she tried to tell me that I might be 10 weeks pregnant now, despite the fact that I had my last period in mid-May. When I told her I had a completely normal period six weeks ago, she told me that was probably implantation bleeding. I finally broke down and practically shouted at her that there’s no way I’m 10 weeks pregnant, since we only began TTC a month ago. And her response was……. “You may have conceived in April if the birth control failed.”
Ummmmmm….which do you think is more likely? That a c*ndom broke (without either me or my husband realizing it) after more than 10 years of using them 100% successfully or that we conceived the following month when we were regularly doing it without one? I just can’t with this woman and can’t imagine dealing with this for my entire pregnancy.

I’ve both accepted donor milk and donated myself!

Milk banks can be good, but getting signed up is a bit of a process and I know my local one in NY can be particular on what they accept (e.g., Nothing older than 3 months, and by the time they accept you, that limits what they’ll take from a back stash).

For peer to peer donation, look up your city’s Facebook groups: Human Milk 4 Human Babies and/or Eats on Feets. Prospective recipients may ask you questions about your health, alcohol/drug usage, storage habits, etc. for understandable reasons but generally won’t ask for any testing or documentation. It’s typical for a recipient to offer to replace milk bags.

Thank you for considering donating!

Has anyone done this? How did it work for you and are there any recommended resources? I have a hefty supply and a stocked freezer at 7 months. I pump more a day than my child eats. And frankly would be ok supplementing now with formula if I had to. I’m thinking the freezer stash (or future product) could be better used for other littles who need it.

I am winding down pumping and assume nursing will stop somewhat soon (my baby is almost a year, that was my goal, anything beyond that – great). I was deciding on a fun splurge to reward myself for making it a year. I was considering getting a really nice chair for his room. We are moving, and he will have a bigger room. (Right now, his room is too small for a chair.) I was thinking of splurging on the Wren Swivel Glider from Room and Board. I’ve never paid big $$ for furniture before, and was wondering if it was worth it. I was thinking a nice glider would be a spot for us to read and snuggle on before bed, and thereby maintain some of the connection we had while nursing. There are much less expensive chairs from Target, for example, but did anyone get a nice chair like this and feel like it was worth it?

The other day at dinner, my daughter said something about making a “happy plate” (i.e. cleaning her place). She has picked this up somewhere, because we have never used that phrase at home. I’m not sure if its something they do at daycare or if its something she’s overheard from one of her friends.

I’m hugely (over) sensitive about guilting or forcing children into ignoring their natural hunger cues because of some disordered eating issues in my past, and I’m trying to figure out the best way to ask her teacher about this. I tend to get overly emotional when discussing stuff like this and I don’t want to come off as crazy.

Daughters of the American Revolution was mentioned last week. I potentially qualify, but I do not want to make an affiliation that might cause embarrassment. Being from LA, I feel like I’m removed from most of the connotations associated with the group’s history. However, I am curious how other professional women around the country perceive the organization.

Belated thanks to everyone who posted about the dentist yesterday! Kiddo got to watch Daniel tiger while getting his teeth clean and left with a balloon, a sticker, AND a bouncy ball, so it was basically the best day ever.

(For those in nova I can highly recommend Alexandria children’s dentistry!)

How do you all transport your baby’s bottles to daycare? We use the Dr. Brown’s wide-mouth 8 oz size, and my chunkster currently wants 5 of those during the period I’m at work. Before anybody gets crazy on me, each bottle only has 5 oz of milk in it, not the full 8.

Anyway, all the coolers I can find on Amazon say they can fit 4, but not 5. What have others used and liked?


Has anyone used the MuTu System for flattening your belly post partum? How about Restore Your Core? I am considering buying one of the programs and looking for reviews. TIA!

Syncing your Outlook Calendar to your Google Calendar:

Go to your Outlook calendar account online. Click “Share” and put in the email address for your Google calendar where you want the Outlook calendar to show up. You will receive an email entitled “You’re invited to share this calendar.” In tiny writing under the button that says “Accept and view calendar” you will see a link with an option to “Try adding an Internet calendar and providing this URL.” Right click the link and select “Copy this link address” from the drop down box. Then, go to your Google calendar. Under “Other calendars” select “Add by URL.” Paste the URL from the email into the box and select “Add Calendar.” Voila, your Outlook calendar will show up on your Google calendar app.

I hope this all made sense. It is actually pretty simple, even though there seem to be a lot of steps.

Ugh. That is terrible! I’m glad you’re moving and getting another ped. She’s 15 months old!