Nursing Tuesday: Maternity Floral Midi Wrap Dress


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A woman wearing a Maternity Floral Midi Wrap Dress.This really cute maternity dress has a slight high/low hemline and a nice little daisy print or rose print, depending on which pattern you choose. It has a V-neck with a hidden snap at the overlap panels for easy nursing, and there are on-seam pockets at the hips, hooray! So if you’re looking for something that would be good for maternity as well as through nursing, do consider this dress. While it does look a little less sleek, shall we say, than some of the sheath dresses and others, I think that, a) while you’re pregnant you can get away with more things, if that’s your style, and b) if you throw on a shrunken cropped blazer with this, it’ll be very cute, so keep that in mind. The dress is $69.95 at Gap in sizes XS-XL. Maternity Floral Midi Wrap Dress Psst: Looking for more info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both… This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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My husband and I went to an art exhibit today (had the day off) and he spent $42 on a tshirt featuring the artist’s work — for our 3 year old son. Does this seem excessive to you guys? Because I’m irritated. We aren’t rich – have tons of student loans and 2 kids in daycare.

I need some encouragement, please. I am now 38 weeks pregnant and have been 3-4cm for at least 2 weeks. I’m one week out from my scheduled, repeat c-section. I had been super excited to hopefully go into labor early. Last week, my toddler was sick, had a febrile seizure for the first time and we ended up in the ER. He’s finally better. My overall enthusiasm for labor and delivery in any manner has faded. I’m exhausted from fear with happened with toddler and I’m so uncomfortable from pregnancy. I verified that I really am a poor candidate for a VBAC and I’m nervous about both recognizing labor and getting to the hospital in time. I actually can’t feel contractions (and didn’t with my first either) even though I’m clearly having them. My current state is I will go to the hospital when I’m either screaming in pain or my water breaks. Hospital is not overly close. Husband works strange hours so I’m home solo in the evenings with toddler. I’m usually a pretty sunny person but I feel dumpy in every way. I should be excited but mostly I’m dreadful – still wanting to go into labor early, yet afraid to. I’m afraid of being home in the evenings on my own despite plenty of help near by. I know this is temporary. Talk some sense into me, please.

My phone isn’t allowing me to respond in line today.

Re: applesauce, above. I’m not the poster bothered by child thinking applesauce is fruit, but here’s my 2 cents. I give my son unsweetened applesauce without much pause when convenient or that’s what he wants, and yes, all it is is apples. However, I do think there’s a distinction to be made between whole fruit and processed/packaged fruit, even with no additives. Think about 100% pure orange juice – most pediatricians advise against it (and other juice) on a regular basis for normal weight children. I know many parents here do no juice. I think about applesauce being about halfway between whole fruit and fruit juice. As I mentioned, I’m still comfortable giving it and thinking of it as a reasonable choice, but I think whole fruit is the gold standard.

This is a super basic question, but: What kind of mattress protector do you use? I never grew up using them which totally horrified my college roommate. I am familiar with the plasticky sheets for bed wetters, I guess, but not interested in those because they sleep so hot. Really, I want to protect the mattress from staining by drool, etc., but not really for anything worse than that. What am I looking for? Specific or general recommendations welcome!

I’m always a day (or more) behind in reading comments. But I had to pop in to say that I just saved CPA Lady’s comment from Friday’s thread about self-preservation and coping while your spouse is traveling/working off hours. I absolutely love this and I am going to go an re-read this every time I’m loosing it with regards to my parenting. Thank you CPA Lady!

Potty help, please! One of my 3.5 yo twins was totally potty trained as of July. He was even going to the bathroom by himself, pulling down his pants and peeing all without help. He had no trouble with public bathrooms, or bathrooms in other people’s houses, and even seemed okay with poop. Then recently he just stopped using the toilet. We’re really not interested in trying to night train right now for a number of reasons, and he still gets a pullup at bedtime and naptime. Lately he’s been just holding it until naptime or bedtime, and going then. Because of this, he’s also sort of dribbling throughout the day. He’s really, really resistant to going to the potty. He does NOT want to even sit on it. Not on the toilet, not with the Elmo insert, not on the little potty. He gets really upset any time anyone mentions the potty. He’s not into any rewards. We used M&Ms and matchbox cars to get him trained, but he’s so resistant that these and any other reward we’ve tried is not worth it to him to go to the potty. If you ask him, he’ll insist he doesn’t have to go, even if he’s walking around holding his crotch or his backside. Yesterday, he insisted he didn’t have to go even though he was holding his bum. Then he went in his pants. It was kind of a disaster all around. Has anyone dealt with this? I would back off and let him ask for a pull up any time he wants to go and see how that works, but his school started today and they don’t allow pull ups. Just not sure what to do to work through this. And he’s too little to explain why he doesn’t want to use the potty. If we knew why, we could address it. But really no clue.

Ok, I need some help communicating with my 21 month toddler–kiddo has gotten really into pulling the cat’s tail/ears/fur recently. Unfortunately, the cat is way too tolerant of this behavior and isn’t providing any kind of negative feedback. I try to intervene & stop the action, remove kiddo, plop in my lap, make eye contact, and say some version of, “Stop, that hurt’s kitty/that’s not how we treat our friends/I won’t let you do that.” This is met with giggles and full-body limpness to avoid the eye contact. My methods feel totally counterproductive–nothing changes and kitty’s tail is grabbed immediately after–and honestly like I’m trying to discipline a dog (which is pretty much the entire basis of my disciplinary experience…). Kiddo is super-easy going generally, so we don’t have great strategies. Anyone have any good scripts or strategies ?

Advice on starting combo feeding? I nursed DS #1 until 15 months and pumped for a year. He never had formula and I ended up tossing a little bit of my freezer stash because I didn’t realize it got old.

DS #2 is almost 8 months, EBF also. I never built up a huge stash, but had enough to make it through dips and accidents (the Friday I forgot to take the pumped milk out of the cooler, one day last week I WFH and totally spaced on pumping). I’m now down to 1 full bottle and a few 2 oz. frozen bags. I’m about to get my second PP period and not pumping enough. I also remember having supply issues around 8-9 months with #1.

I think it’s time to add in some formula, mostly to relieve my anxiety over it. I want him to have breastmilk for a year but not opposed to some formula. How do I start? We prefer to try first at home rather than send formula for one of his bottles at daycare, just to see how it goes. But I want to nurse when we’re together. How did you wise ladies tackle the actual transition? If I keep pumping, should I still send a formula bottle each day and freeze any extra pumped milk to build up a little freezer stash?

Baby doesn’t eat solids yet. We do baby led weaning and he isn’t into it, just tastes things and makes hilarious faces. Maybe it’s also time to do some purees to start expanding his palette?

We just got a second car (which will be the primary kid-transporting vehicle) and I am determined to not let it become a total disaster zone like our other car. Does anything work particularly well for your family for keeping the mess corralled? Back-of-seat organizer? Trash can? Better habits? Should I just give up now?

My kid is turning 3 this month. Age 2 has been a roller coaster ride, but much better than the tedious suicide watch of age 1. I kept hearing people talking about how rough 3 was. I thought “how could it be worse than the bad parts of 2?” But if how she has been acting the last couple of weeks is any indication of what we have to look forward to during the next year, we’re in for a bumpy ride. Enraged tantrums, constant defiance, tyrannically ordering me and DH around (not that we give in, which enrages her and then there is another tantrum), not responding to any bribery or threats of time out.

At this point I’m able to stay calm in the moment, because her behavior is so stereotypically over the top that it’s funny. But I would imagine I’m going to get really sick of this soon…. any guidance? Advice? Book recommendations? I just ordered the How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen book.

Can we talk about post-partum periods? I was EBF until about 3 weeks ago. 7.5 month old. About a week before I stopped EBF-ing, I thought I had my first period. It was only about 3 days though (normally mine are 5-ish) and light. After my first child, mine came back with a vengeance when I stopped EBF-ing and were immediately heavy and regular. It’s been 35 days (but who’s counting…) since my last and I haven’t started again, though I feel all the symptoms. I took a pregnancy test yesterday (because I was absolutely freaking out – we do not want anymore kids!) but (thankfully) it was negative. Is this normal? Are my hormones totally out of whack? And should I be worried despite the negative test? (Logically, I know probably not, but the part of me that would totally lose it if we had another is not acting rationally right now…)

We did not circumcise my son even though my husband is.

We’re not religious, though I was raised Jewish. I leaned toward doing it for minor health benefits and to avoid the low but not vanishingly low risk of needing to do it later in life. However, my husband was STRONGLY opposed to it, resents his own circumcision, and went on about how he would not allow the “genital mutilation” of his son. I didn’t feel nearly as strongly, so his opinion carried the day. My observant Jewish parents were deeply upset about this, but I think they’re mostly over it. I’m sure my mom is a little disappointed every time she changes a diaper, but I’m over caring.

Can we talk about how to have rules/boundaries conversations with a nanny or au pair? We have a wonderful nanny whom we love dearly but recently we have had a couple things come up that we need to address with her. For example, on Thursday, she mentioned to us that when DS (2) doesn’t want to finish his lunch she lets him watch cartoons if he keeps eating. Since we discourage screen time in general (which she knows), would prefer he doesn’t have any screen time while eating (which she doesn’t know) AND encourage him to listen to his hunger/full instincts and let him be finished eating when he thinks he is, this really drove me batty. Generally we give her a lot of freedom with him but as he’s getting older, I’m sure there will only be more “conflicts” between what we think and what she thinks are the right way to tackle issues. Both DH and I are extremely conflict-adverse and hate having conversations like this. How do you decide which “battles” are worth fighting with a caretaker? Either “Seriously just talk to her” or more constructive feedback on this welcome. Thank you!

Now that the weather is turning cooler, I need recommendations for toddler leggings. My almost 3-year-old puts holes in the knees in no time flat. Maybe that’s just inherent to leggings, but I’ve decided I’m done with the Cat & Jack and Oshkosh/Carter’s versions unless I’m desperate. I’m intrigued by the Lands End Kids and Primary versions, but I’m also opposed to spending that much on leggings unless they wear like iron.