The Cost of Daycare: What Do You Spend?
A couple of months ago on Corporette, we discussed how much you should spend on housing costs, and today we’re going to talk about something that often looms just as large in the minds of working moms: the cost of daycare. Lately, the news seems to be full of articles about the cost of daycare…
Estate Planning and Kids: Open Thread
Have you been on top of your estate planning, ladies? Once you have kids it certainly feels like a pressing issue — and yet my husband and I still haven’t sat down with a lawyer to get our wills or other details buttoned up. Whoopsies. We’ve talked about getting your accounts in order for labor, but…
Getting Your Accounts in Order… Before You Go Into Labor
Did you feel the need to get your accounts in order before you gave birth? For example, if you’re the primary money manager in your relationship, did you do anything special before labor to prepare your partner should he or she need to take over the money management? (Sorry for your dark thought for the day!…
Kid Money: 529s, Savings Accounts, and More
Have you opened a 529 savings account for your child yet — or did you opt for a savings account or investment account? What are your best 529 tips?