What Safety Policies Does Your Child’s Daycare Have?
What kinds of policies and procedures has your kid’s childcare center put in place to keep children safe?
What kinds of policies and procedures has your kid’s childcare center put in place to keep children safe?
A recent article called summer “a logistical and financial puzzle that’s driving parents crazy” — yep, sounds right. Let’s discuss… what are your solutions for summer childcare?
Granny as nanny: It’s happening more than ever these days, and there are definitely pros and cons to this particular childcare setup. We’ve talked about grandparents as caregivers before, but it’s been a while. So when Kristine, a manager mom in Houston who was kind enough to share a week in her life with us,…
Now that the school year is almost over (um, how?), it’s a good time to ask the readers this question: Do you typically change your work schedule for summer — or your childcare schedule for summer? If your kid goes to a typical childcare center, you may not have to deal with any summer schedule changes,…
If you’re a busy working mom, good childcare is a must — but what happens when a nanny doesn’t even begin to cut it? How can you level up your childcare and household management? (Warning: this post is not terribly budget-friendly.) I’ve wanted to talk about this ever since I read this post from Penelope Trunk (written in…