Postpartum Tuesday: Water Wipes

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WaterWipes Baby WipesOK, am I the last person on the planet to find out about these? If I had a dime for every time one of the boys has had a diaper rash and we pulled out a wet washcloth instead of our usual wipes… well, I’d have a lot of ruined washclothes instead of dimes, which, hey, I have. These are $12.99-$49 at Amazon; your local drugstore may have them in smaller sizes. WaterWipes Sensitive Baby Wipes

Sales of note for 12/30:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I found out, after a hospital stay, that I’ll be 99% likely to have a scheduled c-section around 37/38 weeks, if I can keep baby in for that long. I have a partial previa that caused some horrific bleeding and hasn’t moved out of the way. There will be a scan at 32 weeks to see if it has moved, but it’s unlikely.
I’ve had two v@gin@l deliveries, with no complications at delivery. I’m okay with the c-section (I thought we lost the baby Saturday night, so honestly, any other outcome where she’s alive is totally fine by me). But I’m slowly getting scared about the “surgery” aspect and looking for tips on recovery, breast feeding, things I wouldn’t think about having only done this the other way previously. Thanks!

Apparently my daughter loves dollhouses. Not sure where I got this girly girl. Recommendations on first dollhouses to get for her? Ideally one that will age with her? Thanks hive!

I’ve never heard of these wipes! I wonder why they’re so expensive? I haven’t clicked the link, so perhaps it’s a huge package.

Very good to know about, though. May be nice for lil’ ones’ faces

Last night I looked at the baby in the bassinet and suddenly realized, “He’s huge.” Also, he was kicking up his legs and looks like he’s about to catapult out of it. So I guess we need to transition him! The thing is, I really like having him in our room because it’s easy to feed him at night. Sometimes he only wakes up once to eat, but sometimes it’s two or three times. He also wakes up early for a feeding, but if I nurse him in bed, we both fall back to sleep for another 45 m – an hour, so I’m loathe to give that up. His bedroom is downstairs (city living!) so I’m rather dreading getting up in the middle of the night, going down there, feeding him, etc. Should I just bite the bullet and do it? Put up the pack and play in our room and have him sleep there for a while? He’s three months and I’m back at work so thinking about my sleep for sure.

I need some help on controlling my anger/frustration with my kids. My 3 year old has lately been hitting/pinching/bonking on the head my 1.5 year old. I can’t always monitor them all the time and despite repeatedly telling my 3 year old that he’s a big brother, needs to protect his little brother, etc., he just keeps doing it.

I have resorted to lots of yelling and on a few occasions, I have hit my son on the arm. Not hard, but I’ve done it. I’m not proud of this and I know I can’t do this. So two questions:

1. How do I get my 3 year old to play nice? I know he loves his brother and he goes through periods of being incredibly sweet and loving, but lately not so much.

2. How do I keep my own anger in check?

My mom has offered to babysit for me one day/week. She’s about a 2 hour drive away, and would come up the evening before. Logistics and craziness of the drive aside, I want to pay her, and I want to propose something fair. The goal of the arrangement is not saving money; it’s because she wants to spend time with the kids, because I have an infant she wants to see while she still lives in the general area (she’s moving down south next year), etc.

If I were to have a nanny/babysitter for a day, it’d be a minimum of $15/hr (probably more like $18-20 for someone good for my 3 month and 3 year old), and I’d need at least 6 hours. I was thinking of suggesting $100/day for my mom. Knowing that it will cost her at least $30-35 in gas alone (but factoring in that she already drives up here for visits several times/month, which this arrangement would replace), is this fair? Should I offer her more?

Just had a positive pregnancy test this AM. Do any of you creative folks have a fun way to break the news to my husband tonight? He will be somewhat expecting it. First kiddo I freaked out and just called him. Second kiddo, the first wore a “big sibling” t-shirt to tell dad. Thoughts for a third? I’m telling tonight so I’ll have to pull it off quick.

I am at my wit’s end with pregnancy, and I have three months left. I’m on modified bed rest, so I essentially go to work, come home, sit on couch, and that’s it these days. Work has not been very supportive of the pregnancy (found out I was pregnant a week after lateraling to a new firm; at one point I was told I wouldn’t have any unpaid leave). I used to find joy outside of work by working out, cooking, and being social, but I can’t do those things. Now there’s nothing fun to look forward to – just the same miserable schedule on repeat. Any suggestions?