Washable Workwear Wednesday: V-Neck Dress
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Sales of note for 2/7:
(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interest – working mom questions asked by the commenters!
- The concept of “backup care” is so stupid…
- I need tips on managing employees in BigLaw who have to leave for daycare pickup…
- I’m thinking of leaning out to spend more time with my family – how can I find the perfect job for that?
- I’m now a SAHM and my husband needs to step up…
- How can I change my thinking to better recognize some of my husband’s contributions as important, like organizing the shed?
- What are your tips to having a good weekend with kids, especially with little kids? Do you have a set routine or plan?
Thank you for these great suggestions, ladies — I will try them all.
My career hasn’t been progressing even close to how I’d like and it’s gotten me down lately. However- I don’t want to care so much. I’m looking to remember the things that really do (or should) matter to me, ultimately – my kids/family, contributing to my community, and being grateful for all I have. Instead, I’ve been absurdly (and somewhat newly) focused on things like status and prestige at work…at least in the past, any dissatisfaction depended on what kind of work I was doing and if I was enjoying it, which is better than these new pretty shallow concerns.
Not to get all heavy, but I think maybe I need to find religion or something?! But I can start with something lower key. Do you guys have any tips, or books, on finding inner peace and just kind of reorienting myself to remember what matters?
Thanks a ton in advance.
At what age did your kids take to watching TV? My older kiddo started to watch/be interested in shorter shows (Daniel Tiger, Curious George, 15 minutes of a movie like Frozen or similar) around 2/2.5.
My 2.5 y/o has NO INTEREST and NO ATTENTION SPAN at all. Like will maybe watch a 4 minute dance scene of Happy Feet and then walk away.
My 9 month old baby has more interest in screens than my toddler (not actually interested, bu she likes the bright colors).
Guys, I’m dying. My toddler is giving up her nap* and is just a MONSTER after 3pm and I need her to chill for some time. I can get her to “read” books a bit, maybe do a puzzle, but she just gives up. When my older one went through this phase, we let her zone out for an hour a day after daycare or in the afternoon on days she was home.
Trying to decide if my expectations are off here, or maybe even other ideas to give her down/quiet time. I’m otherwise thrilled that she doesn’t like screens but these napless days are KILLING me!
* Yes, I know 2.5 is young to drop, and we’re working on making it happen, but many days it just does not happen. My oldest dropped at 2.5 too :/.
Frivolous travel question: best ways to while away a few hours in and around Murray Hill/ Midtown Manhattan with a preschooler and a just-crawling baby? We’ll be there for a long weekend to visit family (NJ) and for some visa-related errands in Midtown that can be completed only during specific consulate hours.
How do you know when your almost 4-year old is just going through normal emotions, vs. having an anxiety disorder? My son will be 4 in a few months. He’s been at daycare since he was 3 months old. He has gone through some difficult drop-off/separation anxiety phases that seemed normal at the time, but lately it’s been pretty bad. He tells me every morning that he doesn’t want to go to school, and he just wants us (mom and dad) to stay with him at school. He can’t really pinpoint what he doesn’t like about school; he just wants us there. He will have crying and yelling meltdowns in the morning, and break down at drop off.
I’ve read some things about anxiety in young children, and he has some other traits that might point that way: he’s hard on himself when he makes mistakes (but not super hard on himself); he’s pretty timid or scared to try new things; he will delay trying something new out of fear of failure; and he has some OCD-like traits like picking at his fingernails and biting his lip.
But, none of this stuff seems to really keep him from doing things. He has gotten a lot better at his group activities and more comfortable doing his various “classes” (swim class, other sports activity class). When we pick him up from school, most of the time he has a great day and is in a pretty good mood.
My gut reaction is that he has some anxiety, but nothing that amounts to a disorder that needs special treatment or attention. But what do you guys think? Am I supposed to go to a child therapist, or just read some books on how to parent a kid who is predisposed to be anxious? (FWIW, my husband and I both have minor anxiety. I’m on a low-dose SSRI; husband doesn’t medicate. If our kids have anxiety, they come by it honest.)
Is there somewhere I can donate unused but from an opened box of too-small diapers? I’ve got a ton of smaller diapers left due to baby outgrowing those sizes and I’d hate to just toss them.
Advance warning, I am just venting. I don’t know where else to vent, so please feel free to ignore.
Did my taxes on Monday, and let me say I am not happy. Last year was the first time we could claim a dependent (my kid), and our taxes went up. We owed close to 4K. With federal, state and local taxes, we paid 45% of our income in taxes this year, last year we paid 35% (with no kid)! Just not happy with Congress screwing over people in the middle; we are not millionaires, not even close.
For the poster yesterday who asked about switching firms in her first tri, I did it a little differently. I left my firm at the beginning of my third trimester to move to a different state. And then I took that state’s bar and worked with a recruiter to set up interviews and join another biglaw firm when I was about 6 months post-partum? It was really nice being off work for the move, and we could afford to forego that maternity leave money. I found that having been out of the workforce for less than a year was fine since there was a great explanation. So maybe consider the possibility that if you can swing it you could move halfway?
So . . . a kid in my kid’s class has whooping cough. I’ve been notified, but with no direction of what to do next. We’ve been vacinated (husband is always unclear re his status, I know when I got my DPT shot last), kiddo is due for 11-12YO booster in 6 months and I understand that immunity wears off. We can’t get in to the ped for a couple of days, so, helpful interweb friends, if you have been there, what do you do — wait and see? Give the booster (b/c why not???)?
Just curious about whether this might be a symptom of weaning or if it’s something else — I’m down to one nursing session a day with my son (nighttime) and I suspect it’s more habit/comfort than sustenance since I think I’m mostly done producing milk. For the last week I have been SO TIRED during the day. Like lay down take a nap tired, which is unusual for me. Getting the same amount of sleep as normal, meaning somewhere between 7-8 hours. Is this consistent with anything you’ve experienced while weaning, or is there something else going on?
Just need to vent. I’m pregnant with our second and have hyperemesis. I had pretty severe sickness with our first that lasted until over 30 weeks though they never officially diagnosed as HG. I’ve already been hospitalized twice for fluids. And I’m just so tired. I feel like I’m barely surviving every day. To the extent I can control with medication, it makes me a sleepy zombie. I’m not present as a parent, partner or employee (and my employer isn’t understanding). I’m just so frustrated.
Early thread-jack: I am at a loss for effective, appropriate discipline methods for a strong-willed 8 year old boy. He has intense emotions and an extremely stubborn streak. He’s been a challenging child to parent from the very beginning, and I’ve never found a disciplinary method that works and doesn’t make me feel like a terrible parent. We’ve been to therapy, and I’ve been told he may be borderline OCD. I’ve tried timeouts (refuses to go, destroys things), taking away things (“I don’t care; take them all!”), spanking (no evaluation needed; when he was smaller, he hit back, and I got a black eye), shouting at him (counterproductive, also terrible on all fronts), counting (almost works, but what follows after “3” is still problematic), sending to bed early (refuses to go, screams for hours). It usually starts with something pretty minor (mouthing off, refusing a simple direction, ignoring instructions, being mean to brother), and then spirals into hell and the whole evening is ruined and he’s grounded (to no effect) for the rest of the week.
When he’s not being awful, he’s a really good kid. And the outbursts are getting fewer as he gets older and better able to control himself. But they still happen, and they ruin everyone’s week. I don’t want to raise a sociopath. Any of you have a similar kid? What helped? FWIW, I think a lot of his issues are related to him being a generally anxious kid. I’m not a psych or anything, just parental observation.
It’s a liiiiiittle bit housedress vibe to me, but I could dig it as a temporary trend. At that price point, it’s probably a trend piece anyway. With you on the boots. I love the look of heels, but they usually last on my feet for about 12 minutes before I’m in my under-the-desk flats.