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I have a very vivid childhood memory of my friend’s babysitter taking us to the local county fair. Before we left she safety pinned a tag to my shirt with our names and my friend’s mom’s name and contact info. Later as a kid, I got lost at Sesame Place. Prior to entering, my mom showed me the uniform of the people working there and said, if you get lost, tell a person wearing this. Good thing she did, because I did get lost. These are bands that you get when you enter a museum or fair, but I like the idea of using them for personal use — you can write your cell phone number on one and have your child wear it. They are waterproof and removable by scissors. The wristbands are $6.99 for 200 at Amazon. Tyvek WristbandsThis post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
Does anyone have a thin sock recommendation for toddlers? I bought some cat & jack low cut ones per recs from this board but they are a bit thick for my girls. Any recs for a thinner kind?
Nov 1, 2019 2:09 pm
Hi – I am expecting our first child due in May.
My husband works in medicine and will be moving to a two day a week schedule to be the primary care giver for our child.
My question is how does day care work with this? He will be consistently working two days a week but they are not always the same two days each week.
Will they just charge us for two days or will the charge us for all five days to “hold” our spot every day since our needs change week to week?
The daycare facilities are not connected to the hospital he works at.
Biglaw NYC
Nov 1, 2019 1:21 pm
A finance question for pregnancy. I am going to have my first child next May. We will have Anthem BlueCross health insurance. Does anyone have any estimates of about how much I should be planning to spend out of pocket or know of resources that have that information? I am doing some financial planning for next year. thanks in advance!
Nov 1, 2019 11:22 am
I know this is a much better problem to have than the opposite, but lately our 20 month old has not wanted to leave with us at daycare pickup. She will smile and wave at us and then go right back to playing. At first it only happened when the class was doing something especially fun for her (she loves the gross motor room) but now it’s happening more and more regularly. We’re thrilled she’s so happy there, but it’s getting tiring dealing with tears every day. Any tips? I already try to talk to her about the fun things we’ll do at home (“we’ll see daddy! we’ll take the dog on a walk!”) and she’s usually fine as soon as we leave the classroom, but I still hate having to drag a sobbing kid out.
Nov 1, 2019 11:16 am
While we’re on the topic of Halloween – how do you guys handle candy afterward? We have a 2.5 year old, so she could only toddle to a few houses, but I’d expect in future years we’ll make it further. Do you only let them have one piece the night of? What about days after? When I was growing up, my parents let us eat whatever we wanted, which was not ideal.
Nov 1, 2019 10:57 am
My friend needs surgery on her toe due to a problem with her joints related to her pregnancy earlier this year. I lost a tooth in my pregnancy (it just fell out…apparently this is pretty common when pregnant). Another friend’s hair started growing a different direction out of her head and also turned curly. Whats the weirdest thing you have heard about pregnancy/labor doing to women’s bodies? I love my baby (and plan on having more) but wow did it wreck havoc on my system and recovery path is a weird one.
Nov 1, 2019 9:56 am
My toddler has lots of words that she says not very well (orange is “eesh”) or that she has her own word for (bunnies are “hop-hop”s, washing hands is “bubbles” because they sing a song about bubbles at school when they wash hands, etc etc…there are a lot of examples, it’s like she has her own little language). I imagine this is very normal, but I’m wondering how much effort we need to put into correcting her? If we just continue using the normal words, she’ll figure it out eventually, right? We don’t need to say “The word for this is ___ not __” …or do we? I mean, I don’t want her to go to kindergarten talking about hop-hops but it’s so cute.
Pigpen's Mama
Nov 1, 2019 9:39 am
I’ve also just written my cell number on my kid’s arm in pen — I keep telling myself I’ll do it in sharpie before we leave, but then forget and use a regular pen, so it’s messy, but it works.
Nov 1, 2019 9:35 am
A bit of positivity for Friday – So..trick or treat last night was pretty much the best thing ever. 2.5 year old DD lost her mind (in the good way) with excitement. We have a very good neighborhood for trick or treat (we had about 100 kids stop by our house) and it was so fun. She was so proud for collecting candy from each house but didn’t argue with having one piece. We had to go home because of the baby but then she sat out front handing out candy which was just as fun. We’re in the DC area so it was warm and windy (spooky!) and she played in the leaves in our front yard. I love reliving childhood through my children!
Does anyone have a thin sock recommendation for toddlers? I bought some cat & jack low cut ones per recs from this board but they are a bit thick for my girls. Any recs for a thinner kind?
Hi – I am expecting our first child due in May.
My husband works in medicine and will be moving to a two day a week schedule to be the primary care giver for our child.
My question is how does day care work with this? He will be consistently working two days a week but they are not always the same two days each week.
Will they just charge us for two days or will the charge us for all five days to “hold” our spot every day since our needs change week to week?
The daycare facilities are not connected to the hospital he works at.
A finance question for pregnancy. I am going to have my first child next May. We will have Anthem BlueCross health insurance. Does anyone have any estimates of about how much I should be planning to spend out of pocket or know of resources that have that information? I am doing some financial planning for next year. thanks in advance!
I know this is a much better problem to have than the opposite, but lately our 20 month old has not wanted to leave with us at daycare pickup. She will smile and wave at us and then go right back to playing. At first it only happened when the class was doing something especially fun for her (she loves the gross motor room) but now it’s happening more and more regularly. We’re thrilled she’s so happy there, but it’s getting tiring dealing with tears every day. Any tips? I already try to talk to her about the fun things we’ll do at home (“we’ll see daddy! we’ll take the dog on a walk!”) and she’s usually fine as soon as we leave the classroom, but I still hate having to drag a sobbing kid out.
While we’re on the topic of Halloween – how do you guys handle candy afterward? We have a 2.5 year old, so she could only toddle to a few houses, but I’d expect in future years we’ll make it further. Do you only let them have one piece the night of? What about days after? When I was growing up, my parents let us eat whatever we wanted, which was not ideal.
My friend needs surgery on her toe due to a problem with her joints related to her pregnancy earlier this year. I lost a tooth in my pregnancy (it just fell out…apparently this is pretty common when pregnant). Another friend’s hair started growing a different direction out of her head and also turned curly. Whats the weirdest thing you have heard about pregnancy/labor doing to women’s bodies? I love my baby (and plan on having more) but wow did it wreck havoc on my system and recovery path is a weird one.
My toddler has lots of words that she says not very well (orange is “eesh”) or that she has her own word for (bunnies are “hop-hop”s, washing hands is “bubbles” because they sing a song about bubbles at school when they wash hands, etc etc…there are a lot of examples, it’s like she has her own little language). I imagine this is very normal, but I’m wondering how much effort we need to put into correcting her? If we just continue using the normal words, she’ll figure it out eventually, right? We don’t need to say “The word for this is ___ not __” …or do we? I mean, I don’t want her to go to kindergarten talking about hop-hops but it’s so cute.
I’ve also just written my cell number on my kid’s arm in pen — I keep telling myself I’ll do it in sharpie before we leave, but then forget and use a regular pen, so it’s messy, but it works.
A bit of positivity for Friday – So..trick or treat last night was pretty much the best thing ever. 2.5 year old DD lost her mind (in the good way) with excitement. We have a very good neighborhood for trick or treat (we had about 100 kids stop by our house) and it was so fun. She was so proud for collecting candy from each house but didn’t argue with having one piece. We had to go home because of the baby but then she sat out front handing out candy which was just as fun. We’re in the DC area so it was warm and windy (spooky!) and she played in the leaves in our front yard. I love reliving childhood through my children!