Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Twin Z Pillow
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One of my closest friends just had twins, and I almost died of a cuteness overload when she texted me a photo of her newborns laying side by side on this pillow. From the product photos, it looks like it also has uses other than as a lounger. Apparently it is a nursing pillow, for those of you who nurse twins (an amazing feat if you ask me!) and a pregnancy pillow. My son loved the Boppy lounger, so I guess if you have twins you could either buy two of those, or just one of these! In retrospect, the period of time you need this type of product is so short, but while you’re going through it they’re so necessary, which makes the cost seem worth it to me. Any other essential products that you twin moms out there can recommend? This pillow is $99.99 at Bed Bath & Beyond and comes in five colors. Twin Z Pillow
Psst: Looking for info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both…
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What would you do? I am a pregnant big law associate (2nd trimester, everyone at work knows). The governor of my state just declared a state of emergency because the number of COVID-19 cases is increasing quickly. A state health official said certain populations, including pregnant women, should avoid “large gatherings.” I typically take public transit to work and don’t have a car. I am great at working from home and typically do at least one day per week. Should I stop going into the office? Start only going in a couple of days per week? I don’t want to come off as alarmist or paranoid to my big law firm partners, not all of whom seem to be taking this seriously, but obviously I don’t want to do anything that could threaten the health of the baby either.
She is definitely not taking in enough during the day, so it’s not surprising she is hungry at night. I would not try to fully night wean her now, especially given her weight struggles. I would, however, try to move her to bottles of milk or formula and maybe you and husband switch off nights. She is still very young; since you asked, for *me* I would not try to night wean a baby until she is adequately eating during the day, and prob not until 12 months.
Can you try cluster feeding in the evening, or changing her routine so you nurse at dinner time and then dad feeds her a full bottle at bedtime? I think the biggest issue is coming up with strategies to get 20+ oz into her during the day. I know you said you’ve been working on that, but maybe there is a medical professional you could consult if nothing is working?
You guys, I think I’m at my wit’s end. Baby is 5.5 months old and wakes up every 2 or 3 hours to eat at night. She actually nurses during this time – it’s not a few sips and back to sleep kind of deal. She drinks 9-12 ounces of pumped milk during the day (we’ve tried offering every hour, offering smaller bottles, offering larger bottles – she seems pretty consistent throughout on amount taken.) I posted before when the ped was concerned she was falling off her growth chart. Last appointment she was back on track (yay!). But I can’t function on this interrupted sleep.
So…we tried night weaning per the Sleep Easy Solution book and it hasn’t worked. She wakes up right before the scheduled wake-up-and-feed time. She won’t fall back asleep after drinking a smaller amount of milk. When we did reduce the amount of milk overnight and the time of overnight nursing sessions, she didn’t drink more milk the next day. And when we are trying this, I’m getting even less sleep because I’m being woken up more frequently by both alarm and baby. (Spouse takes one feeding.) Baby is a little less than 14 pounds, which is what the SES book recommends for starting this process so maybe that’s the problem – but seriously, I can’t take it anymore. I’m making dumb mistakes at work. I zone out in the middle of sentences. I’m seriously thinking about taking a day off (that I really can’t afford workflow wise) just to sleep. My first kid was sleeping through the night by this point (shakes fist at smug past self).
Ok rant over. How long did it take you to night wean, if you did? How old was your baby? Any commiseration or night weaning tips welcome.
Here is a question for all of you wise ladies – how close is too close to use the same name as someone else? We are later to have kids than many of our family and friends so many of my favorites have been “used” by someone I know.
I wouldn’t use a close family member’s name, but what about the kids of cousins who I rarely talk to? Friends who I only communicate with on social media? Coworkers’ kids? Acquaintances where I only know their kids’ names because of facebook?
Where do others draw the line? I don’t want to be weird or a name thief.
I can’t tell anyone this IRL but I need to celebrate: We finally got a wetness alarm to help my 9yo stop peeing in his sleep, and he’s doing SO well. He had three nights of being dry (I think he was so worried about the alarm being scary that he went to the bathroom about six times before falling asleep) and then last night it went off and didn’t really faze him — we helped him clean up and he went right back to sleep without fretting about “failing,” which had been a concern of mine. I anticipate a long process before he’s really done (I hear don’t get too excited until they’ve been dry for 14 days straight), but for the time being I am feeling SO GOOD about this.
Every time I think I am “over” my miscarriage from the fall…and I assume it will only get worse as we get closer to what would have been my due date in April. Found out today that close friends are pregnant with their second (their first and my daughter are a week apart). And another good friend had her baby this week. I’m happy for them, but also hurting. And hoping (yet again) that this month will be the month (and the next 9 months…). And I wish I had work I could throw myself into, but alas, it’s slow today (but not slow enough I can just go home).
I don’t think we need anything fancy, but we’re looking for a clock that will let my preschoolers know when it’s okay to get up and play in their room vs when they need to stay in their bed. Anyone have a particular clock you like best?
Any advice for helping an early rising toddler get back to sleep? My 2yo often wakes up at 4:45/5 and seems really tired, but he can’t seem to put himself back to sleep. The weird thing is, he TRIES. If I go in and tell him “it’s still night, you need to sleep,” he will lie there sucking his thumb and trying to sleep for up to an hour. But he never manages to actually get back down. I had high hopes for this time change, but it doesn’t seem to have made a difference. It also doesn’t matter what time he goes to bed (usually he goes to bed at 7:15, but last night his sister kept him awake until 8:30 and he still woke up at 5).
On days he sleeps until 5:45 he’s fine in the morning — it’s that last sleep cycle that seems to elude him.
I’ve never been here before but this seems like the right place – last month I asked on the other forum. I am sadly not yet a mom. We have been trying for nearly 9 months and I just got my peri0d again this morning. :( After a few months, I asked my doctor if we should be doing something and a few tests later revealed that all of my numbers are good except I have a low AMH (0.79) for my age (32), which surprised the obgyn. I did a Day 12 ultrasound which revealed a follicle and so I got an HCG shot to trigger it to release. I felt pretty nauseous the last couple of weeks and was hopeful, but sadly it wasn’t to be. Has anyone been here before? I am asking my doctor if it’s time to meet with a RE, but can I just do the ultrasound again and get another HCG shot? It was comforting to know we had a good chance at timing since we could see the follicle.
I am looking for a star projector for my kids’ rooms that is actually well-made. Every one I have ever bought is cheaply made crap that only lasts a few months. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Thinking about changing preschools and wondering if it is even worth it i.e. am I just going to swap these problems for new ones. My child who is almost 4 enjoys preschool well enough but is not loving it like she loves her babysitter and tells me all the time I don’t want to go to school. I understand there are huge differences in a school vs. in home care but but a few things are making me consider a switch for next school year. There is a lot of turnover at the school and while her teacher is the same, she is off a lot and the teaching assistants seem to be different all the time. The other huge problem for me is they can’t spell her name correctly on her worksheets. It is a name that is spelled like it sounds and isn’t a newly created name. I am wondering how she is going to learn how to spell her name if her teachers don’t even know how to spell it. The other options in our area are similar in quality so there is no guarantee that there wouldn’t be problems at another school. And I realize these are pretty common problems and not major issues. I just don’t feel great about the school if that makes sense. Did you ever change your child’s school and for what reasons? Just trying to get a gut check to see if I am overreacting.
So this may be a personality thing or an age thing but I’d love to hear people’s opinions. My 3 year old DD is sweet, empathetic, emotionally intelligent and highly verbal (Chatty Cathy). She’s a relatively easy kid, has big feelings sometimes but who doesn’t? Well, she has little to no interest in her baby brother (7 months). She loves to play pretend and is super nurturing to her dolls/stuffies (even pretends to nurse them!) but she doesn’t like to say good morning to him, help him in any way with toys, play with him etc….He’s already mobile so it’s not like he’s just a blob. We try to give both of them special individual time as much as possible, but how do I foster the sibling bond?
My mom (61 years old) is supposed to travel from the DC area to LA to visit my sister next week. If you were me, would you encourage her to reschedule her trip due to the COVID concerns? She’s struggling with the decision and is open to input FWIW.
I know this is a petty problem but I just found out that our second child is a boy and I’m so disappointed. I realize all that matters is a healthy baby, etc etc but I’m just — sad. I feel like people react weirdly when they hear it’s another boy, like they’re sorry for us, which makes me feel even worse. And I’m weirdly (and unreasonably) jealous of when I hear someone is having a girl.
I know this is common and I may just have to mourn the loss of what I imagined our family would look like (plus obviously kids often don’t conform to gender stereotypes, etc.) but telling myself all of that isn’t helping. Does anyone have happy stories about having all boys?
$100 does seem pretty high for a baby pillow. But I think most people have that one baby product that may seem frivolous but just made your life easier. For me it was the Boppy lounger and I still have such warm feelings about that pillow :).