Weekend & Family Friday: The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novels

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The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novels For my whole life, I’ve been a voracious reader. As a “tween,” I used to devour The Baby-Sitters Club books and reread them over and over. I loved comparing my personality to the characters. Was I a “tomboy” like Kristy or artistic like Claudia? They’re now making the books as graphic novels, which I think I would have loved, and I think they’re great for kids who may need more of a push to pick up a book. This is a set of the first four books in the series in a graphic novel format. The set is $25.92 at Amazon and is eligible for Prime. The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novels This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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This might have already been covered somewhere, but as an FYI, the J Crew Going Out Blazer is 50% off for the afternoon. I just ordered the colors I don’t have. Yay!

Just coming here to say this week has been hard, with nanny on vacation and patchwork care from the grandparents on both sides and back-up daycare. LO has been an absolute champ, but yesterday and today he is fully melting down and giving the grandparents a really hard time. I’m surprised how stressed it has made me – especially since he’s older now and I know intellectually he’s totally fine. Reminds me of the early days of leaving him with nanny when he was a little baby and I spent all day worrying if he was napping or eating or crying. Very glad it’s Friday!

My 17 mo is not yet combining words in sentences (which I know is fine) but she uses portmanteau words – like she knows how to say mom and hug and if she wants to say she’s giving mom a hug, she will sometimes say “Mug!” It’s cute but also seems kind of weird and I was g00gling and couldn’t find anything about it online. Did anyone have kids that did this?

Please share your morning routines with me. What’s happening now is not working for me and I feel very stabby. My husband has a 45 min commute, I work from home. We wake up together, he showers and takes out the dog, I make his breakfast smoothie, pack his lunch and shower. He leaves and I have – or used to have – a precious 30 min before our 4 yo wakes to check into work email (I work with early AM team) and have a cup of coffee. Now, the kid is waking before husband leaves and immediately starts making demands. She doesn’t get dressed any faster for daycare, so she ends up eating my morning time with nothing to show for it. Two hours each morning are spent on the above routine. I’m exhausted and frazzled and my work is suffering. Because I’m doing dropoff / pickup / any other weekday chores and I’m also trying desperately to keep working out, I already barely have enough time to get my work done. I’m really not proud of the way I’m handling this so far. I yelled at my kid and told my husband I feel like a slave every morning. Please help with your wise ideas!

Has anyone done orthotics for flat feet/pronation in toddlers? My 15 (almost 16) month old is still not walking independently and her daycare teacher told me today she feels like her ankle is rolling inward when she walks with assistance and she needs an orthotic shoe. When I got to the office, I started looking it up and it seems like a lot of people advise against doing orthotics to correct flat feet before preschool age because it tends to self-correct when they learn how to walk. On the other hand, she is SUPER frustrated that she can’t walk and it’s wrecking havoc on her behavior and sleep so I’m eager for a solution and this doesn’t seem like a super drastic thing to try.

I’m looking for an alternative to Evernote to keep us organized this school year. I love a lot about Evernote, but I’m looking for something that is better for collaboration. My biggest pet peeve is that Evernote doesn’t seem to have the option for notifications whenever someone edits a shared notebook. Anyone have something they like better? I really want to keep the ability to scan photos and documents directly into shared notebooks and/or lists. Bonus if it’s free but willing to pay for something great.

AIMS i love that you spawned a conversation on BSC on the main page!

Hey! Thanks for reading the post I wrote yesterday. I’m really glad to be able to share this quirky part of my life with you all.

BSC forever!!!

I would re-read these books as an adult in a heartbeat. I can’t wait for my daughter to get old enough for them (currently 3.5), so that I can steal them ;)

I was Dawn. That is all.

Any reading recs for a 10 year old girl? She devoured the Harry Potter books and stayed up late reading Number the Stars in preparation for her trip to the Jewish Museum. I’d like to gather a stack of books for her Christmas present.