Makeup & Beauty Monday: Stay Don’t Stray Eyeshadow Primer  

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 Stay Don’t Stray Eyeshadow Primer I recently bought a creme eyeshadow/highlighter set that I love. However, what I don’t love is how it makes my eyeliner stray down my eyes. I bought the pictured product at Sephora after the cashier assured me of their return policy, since I wanted to do some experimenting. After a few combos with the primer + eyeshadow + highlighter, some of which did not work and some of which worked great, I am deciding to keep it. I like how it’s a primer just for the eyes and not the whole face, and how the instructions for use are easy and right on the box itself. This Benefit primer is $26 at Sephora and Nordstrom. Stay Don’t Stray Eyeshadow Primer   This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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So why are the posters on DC Urban Moms so mean and judgmental? Is it something about the DC area (where I’ve always actually found a good support system and nice people) or is it just an Internet phenomenon?

Might be too late in the day but: opinions on where to do a vow renewal? Our 10 year anniversary is next year, and I’d like to include our friends as the wedding was just the two of us, plus we’ve made new friends over the years. I don’t really want to do another ceremony so it’s basically just an excuse to get together with friends and party. Parameters: direct flight from west coast (Portland and San Diego), not Vegas, sort of leaning away from beach destinations. I guess we could do New Orleans, but it would have to be after our anniversary – ain’t no way I’m going to NOLA in August.

My house is on the market. Hot market, will be under contract (God willing) this evening after just 5 days. We had a last minute showing scheduled at 12pm for 12:30. But at 12:10 DH (who didn’t know about last minute scheduling) got a motion detector alert to his phone through our baby camera. So, he logged in to see what was up…

The people looking at our house at 12:30 were evidently early and put their baby (who looks to be quite little) in our baby’s crib…. this is really, really weird, right?!?! I’m not mad or anything – we’ll just change the sheets tonight, but like…. SO STRANGE.

(Three weeks ago DD had conjunctivitis and HFM… I wouldn’t dream of putting her in a stranger’s crib/bed!)

Any gift ideas for my 9 year old nephew? He’s on the spectrum but high functioning and in a mainstream school. He’s a really sweet kid and I’d love to get him something but don’t have a clue about that age range.

I haven’t tried this primer, but I like the elizabeth mott Thank Me Later eyelid primer for a little less $. I never knew I needed a specific eyelid primer in my life until ipsy sent me this one, and now I’m hooked.

Anyone have advice for early stage potty training where the kid holds his poop? We’ve just started potty training our 2.5 year old and while he is fairly consistent on #1 he has not gone #2 on the potty at all– he holds it until he is in a naptime or overnight diaper (or, like this morning, when he *thinks* he is in a diaper. Yuck.). I remember my oldest did this, too, but can’t for the life of me remember how long it lasted or if there were any strategies to nip this in the bud in the early days of training.

Went in for my 38 week appt and baby is suddenly breech! This isn’t a huge shock since #1 pulled the same tricks, but it sure is stressful. I’m trying everything – chiro, acupuncture, spinning babies, swimming – but would take any suggestions or just good head-down vibes… (I keep seeing stuff that says posture/reclining can cause this, but how many 38 week pregnant women can avoid reclining?!) First baby ended up cooperating in the end, but only after an ecv, subsequent flip, and then a c-section that didn’t end up happening. I was really hoping to avoid this drama this time around!!

I’m pregnant with my first. A close relative of mine has some physical disabilities caused by in-utero toxoplasmosis exposure (probably caused by food hygiene issues, not cat exposure), and is freaking out at the news that I will be spending a few days at a friends’ home whose residents include a cat. This cat is old, introverted and indoor-only, and the host has happily agreed to change its litter box on a daily basis. My ob/gyn isn’t worried, and I’m planning to wash my hands frequently. I also have a cat allergy and so will be avoiding direct physical contact with the cat for two reasons. Relatedly, in terms of anti-allergy meds, my ob/gyn recommended that I start with claritin, and switch to zyrtec if the claritin doesn’t work — but my pharmacist said zyrtec is more effective for animal allergies, although some doctors won’t recommend zyrtec in pregnancy. My feeling is that I should just start with the zyrtec if my ob/gyn feels that it is safe for pregnancy, which she does, albeit as a second-best option, since I’m only going to be taking it for 1-3 days. All that said: If you took additional steps for toxoplasmosis avoidance, or received different advice on allergy meds during pregnancy, or if you otherwise have safety/health tips, please share! Thanks.

Good morning! What Ok to wake clocks do you use? I’ve seen the concept recommended a couple times on here but looks like there are multiple brands. Any favorites? This is for an 8 months old… hoping it will help get him to play quietly until at least 6am!

Favorite scooters for a 3.5 year old on the small side? Thanks!!

Exciting news from this weekend – both 11 month twins are night-weaned! The girl basically did herself, but she’s been consistent for the last week. I decided I was done and put my husband in charge of the boy this weekend. So I slept in our room with a sound machine and my husband slept in the spare room with the monitor. Night 1 baby woke up and thought it was time to party when my husband took him into the living room, so they were up about an hour and a half before he passed back out. Night 2 he took him long enough to calm him down (he was extremely upset when he walked by my bedroom) and put him back down awake, where he cried for a couple minutes and went back to sleep. Night 3 he woke up, cried for a couple minutes, and went back to sleep on his own. Of course, despite the sound machine I still woke up for a bit each night, but didn’t have to get out of bed. Game. Changer.