Maternity Monday: Spacedye Hacci Maternity Top


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Here’s a departure from our regular maternity workwear. I sincerely hope that for anyone reading this who is pregnant, you are able to manage the anxiety and uncertainty that is swirling around in the news and in our everyday lives. For me personally, I was an extremely anxious pregnant person, and I am certain that I had postpartum anxiety. While I was pregnant, the Zika virus was in the news all the time, and I couldn’t look away, to the detriment of my mental health.

For those of you who are pregnant, and those of you who are caring for children at home, I hope that our somewhat regular programming gives you a chance to connect with other women who are doing exactly the same thing. For me, that’s working, window shopping online, somehow trying to keep a 3-year-old occupied and mentally stimulated and then giving up and letting him watch TV, and watching Tiger King on Netflix in bed after I’m mentally, physically, and emotionally spent from the day.

I chose to depart from maternity workwear for this post because I am hopeful that if you’re pregnant and reading this, your workplace has allowed you to work from home and you’re healthy and as physically comfortable as you can be. That includes wearing a soft sweatshirt like this one from A Pea in the Pod, with matching pants. The sweatshirt is is $58 and is available in sizes XS–L. Spacedye Hacci Maternity Top

Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines.

This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Welp, my state (Maryland) just got a stay-at-home order effective tonight. One of our daycare teachers has been coming in to care for our toddler – she is working only with us and otherwise isolate. Both DH and I are in healthcare, but can mostly work remotely- but we do need to each be working/available during all business hours. It will be extremely rough if we can’t have her come in, but we will do what we have to.
Does anyone know how the stay-at-home orders apply to nannies?

On the actual topic of this post, I’m wfh at 18w pregnant and trying to wear at least (maternity) jeans, a work-appropriate top, and a giant comfy sweater. I need to have that separation between lounge time in evenings and weekends and work time. I’d actually wear more of my work wardrobe if it weren’t so freakin cold here in the NorthEast. Our heating bill will be insane as it is with everyone home full-time instead of turned down to 62 all day, so I’m trying not to constantly crank it up and instead wear aforementioned giant comfy sweaters. DH and LO run hot so they don’t care, but even 68 feels cold to me compared to my office.

Paging moms of late walkers: when did toddler walk, and how worried were you? DS is 16.5 months and (just today) stood alone for five seconds. He cruises, uses his walker (happily and often), climbs, but does not seem too interested in the actual walking bit. His twin sister has been walking for 3-4 months now. I am not too worried but wondering when I should be.

My 8-month old has started refusing to nap (at the worst time!). He just figured out how to stand up in his crib so he keeps standing up and refuses to lie down. Then he gets overtired and cries a ton. Any suggestions?

Is anyone WFH right now with a young baby? I’m scheduled to return from maternity leave in a couple of weeks. We’re subject to a stay at home order but I work for an essential business, daycare is closed, and DH cannot work from home. Not sure what my options are for extending leave yet. Would love to try making it work, knowing that it might be near impossible, especially with a clingy baby.

My third is turning one this week – sob! Can’t believe she’s so big! Obviously she won’t remember that time she had her first birthday party in a pandemic, but I’d like to do something, especially because older brother and sister have been looking forward to celebrating the baby for a while now (they’re 3 and 5).

We’ll definitely bake a cake and zoom with grandparents. Any other ideas? Pretty anticlimactic I’m guessing! I’d been planning a big picnic party with our friends and their kids since one is really about you and that’s what I think would be fun, but sadly that’s off the table now!

Also we’re getting a foldable little tikes slide which somehow we didn’t have. Any birthday gift ideas for a third? (this would obviously be obtained post birthday!)

How did you get your baby to take naps in the crib? My 8 month old will only sleep in our arms. His older sister was like this too but we just let her nap in our arms until she got better after turning 1. Obviously with all of us being home this is a problem. Baby sleeps well at night, though we usually have to let him cry for a few minutes to get himself to sleep. Fwiw, he’s also lousy at napping at daycare. Do you do cry it out for naps? It seems to me like he would work himself up too much for it to work for naps but we’re desperate.

Confession: I am deeply envious of my friends without kids right now. This juggle is really, really difficult and it’s so hard to not know when it will end. I’m thankful that both DH and I are working from home and our jobs are secure. But I have never been this exhausted, after doing a full day’s work and then 6 hours of parenting (until bedtime, while DH works). I would give a limb to feel the boredom some of my nonparent friends are complaining of.

My 6-year-old has absolutely lost his mind during the quarantine. He is usually very social and I think not being able to be around other people is driving him crazy. Facetime isn’t cutting it. He has trouble with fine motor skills (and gets services for it) but is very sensitive and resistant to “seat work” which is largely what the home assignments have been. He is just miserable and flying off the handle at every little thing. By comparison, his brother is handling things better, but he is more comfortable drawing or doing other quiet activities. He is over walks around the neighborhood and baking cookies and zoo cams. Is there anything we can do? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

If your kids need something to do, Chris Haughton is reading his books and leading an activity everyday on Facebook. He’s the author of some of my son’s long-time favourites.

For those of you who exclusively pump, what made you decide to do that? Was it baby driven or did you make the decision (or have no choice)? And, how long were you able to keep it up?

Hi, April,
I appreciate your acknowledgment of the current situation in your post. At the risk of being tone-deaf, I would love to take my mind off of everything with a discussion of what people are wearing to work from home. Are you in full-on multiple days of the same sweats that you also slept in mode? (no judgement). Are you one of those folks that finds changing into actual clothes helps you focus? If so, have you stuck with it? What about hair and makeup? If you’re doing it, does it make you feel better? If you’re not, are you happy for the break or is it making you feel down in the dumps?
I have a response-associated role and an old man on a conference call recently said “well, by the end of this we’ll know everyone’s real hair color!” and it cracked me up for some reason.

Anyway, the days I don’t have to go in I am usually in one article of clothing or another for a couple of days in a row. I somehow got my pajama tops and bottoms out of sync laundry-wise so they aren’t even matching anymore. I don’t really own loungewear, just formal workwear, skinny jeans for the weekend (which, no thank you), pajamas, and actual workout clothes (I don’t find workout leggings to be comfortable?). I checked out the athleta website to see if anything struck my fancy but all of the comfy pants I liked were pretty picked over. It’s been a couple of weeks since makeup touched my face and I want to care enough to fix that but it seems wasteful? Like I should save it for when I really need it?