News Roundup

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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

Coronavirus News & Resources  

  • reported that Above the Law founder David Lat is still in ICU in treatment for COVID-19. He and his family are in our thoughts. 
  • PopSugar answered questions about navigating childcare in the midst of coronavirus.
  • Harvard Business Review explained how to work from home with kids.
  • The New York Times also provided tips on feeding kids during coronavirus.
  • The Washington Post shared advice on keeping your cool with your kids right now.
  • Serious Eats offered an extensive guide to coronavirus food safety, including information on takeout and delivery.
  • Here are a couple of fun home fitness challenges: 28 days of squats, planks, and lunges (from MyFitnessPal), and 30 days of push-ups (from Shape).
  • Your (very relatable) Laugh of the Week is from The Onion

In Other News… 

  • BuzzFeed listed 26 beginner-friendly meals that kids can help make.
  • Mater Mea rounded up 35 kids’ TV shows that feature Black characters as the stars — not the sidekicks.

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!

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Is it just me, or are some of these work from home schedules simply not sustainable for the months that this is expected to last? I work for myself and have had to cut my hours way down after our childcare closed and I don’t see those hours coming back anytime soon. I won’t be taking new clients and may have to turn down projects for existing ones, since I can count on my spouse only helping for 1-2 hours a day, sometimes 3 or 4 hours. I am worried about my friends that are sleeping 3-5 hours a night to put in a full day with kids and their job. I just don’t see how this is sustainable.

we’re supposed to be wearing a bra?