Weekend & Family Friday: Solar Ground Lights

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My house’s front lawn has a border of mulch on either side of the path from the sidewalk to the house and the path running perpendicular to that one (a T-shape). After we bought the house, the plants that were put in the mulch for curb appeal during the sale quickly died. I cared just enough to pull the dead plants out, but not enough to replant anything.

Fast forward to the pandemic, and I finally decided to bring some of that curb appeal back. I planted mums in the mulch, and my husband bought these solar lights to put in between. They’re incredibly easy to install — they have a sharp post on the back, so you can basically stand it up in the ground, then step on the light to push it in. My neighbor also has them but removed the post on the back and just placed them on the steps leading to their house.

If you get these lights, make sure you’re ordering the right ones — we originally bought white, which is more of a bright, LED-type white light, and exchanged them for “warm white,” which is more of a yellow light and matched the bulbs on our porch lights.

The lights are $43.99 for 12 at Amazon. Solar Ground Lights  

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Someone remind me that I do not need the electric Taga family-cargo bike to bike around with my toddler.
I don’t bike. (But it’s electric! And I will if I can take a kid! are the excuses I’m making)
It’s going to be cold before I know it. (But I bought a great new coat last year! It’s socially acceptable to bundle my whole face! This is your moment!)
I keep thinking “I’ll bike to the store!” but I’m Immunosuppressed so I don’t go in stores anymore. (I do go to the farmer’s market, though! I could run inside and get starbucks that I ordered ahead!)
I could take it with us when we drive to see family in Florida! (LOL WUT not happening any time soon)
But when the country descends into civil war after the election it might be nice to have a transportation alternative! (I mean… sure)

For some reason, I really want this bike.

I thought you all would get a kick out of this: my son (4) got a much-too-hard-for-him LEGO Kit for his birthday last week. He just asked me to assemble it with him because “I want to put it together before you die.”

My nine year old generally wakes up 1-3 times per night, 5-7 nights per week. It had become so routine that I barely noticed it until I started tracking my own sleep to try and figure out why I was sooo tired despite “sleeping” for 7-8 hours. Then, I realized that I was up for 10-15 minutes at least once, if not 3 times per night, to help my son with whatever the issue was. The challenge is that it is not consistent from night to night. Some nights he wants a drink and won’t get it on his own (yells out for me), other nights he thinks he hears something (something beeping), other nights he has a bad dream. I’ve employed all the tricks I know: consistent bedtime and routine, white noise, drink near him. He also sleeps with his head at an odd angle and snores frequently. I finally reached out to our pediatrician for help, and she has put in for a sleep study referral. The appointment is not until January. I’m also seeking out a therapist for my son because I suspect that anxiety may also be at play here. My son has been diagnosed with ASD1. For point of reference, my seven year old sleeps through the night with no problem.
I guess I’m looking for any other tricks, tips, thoughts, for me or for him to keep us both functional.

We are in a real rut – what are your toddlers enjoying for breakfast?

Looking for pillows for my kids, ages 7 and 4. No particular requirements, other than ability to order them online. What worked for your kids? TIA!!

Hi, all! I shared a while back that I’m attending law school in the evenings in addition to keeping my full-time job and keeping those pesky kids of mine. Anyway, in what will probably be a throwback for most of you, I got my first legal memo assignment (just the discussion section) back and I did really well! Some citation things to perfect (stupid Bluebook) but other than that, very proud!

Ignore if you can’t deal with silly silver lining posts today – I’ve had those days too. Two random/stupid ways in which my pandemic life with baby is easier than before times:

1) Daycare drop off at the door means I don’t have to take off my shoes to enter the infant room and then awkwardly struggle to put them back on while juggling a baby.
2) I didn’t have to get on an airplane with a pump and breast milk or find somewhere to pump at various airports.

Plenty of ways pandemic is terrible, but was thinking about these two last night and thought this community would understand.

Just a rant — I just switched jobs, which means I switched insurance, which means I have to find all new doctors! Luckily our ped takes my new insurance but everyone else doesn’t. I’m unreasonably bummed about this. I had a PCP, endo, GYN, etc that I really liked and have to switch all of them.

Kiddo is late to staying dry overnight. Like school aged. How long without an accident would you feel comfortable with letting kiddo go overnight with friends (camping; tenting with BFF)? Would you send pullups (other parent would be discrete, but I can see kiddo being resistant because this is a skill of pride that has been a long time coming and other parent may not force it)? 3 months dry? Longer? IDK what is best to do. Fill kiddo up with after-dinner Sprite to really road test this skill over the next month?

The for sale sign just went up in front of our flat. Whelp…guess we’re moving with a toddler in the midst of a pandemic…going to use this as an opportunity to get rid of so many annoying toys and my least favourite books.

Toddler training toilet recommendation? Pediatrician recommended one for our 2 year old son.

Hi – I know this has been covered, but talk to me about non-down carseat jackets (family member is allergic to down). We are in DC and usually just buy the Gap lightweight puffer jacket. Pre-COVID we rarely drove so would just take it off before getting in the carseat. With COVID we’re driving every day so definitely need a carseat safe coat. Googling is not telling me whether the Gap lightweight puffer is carseat safe – is it? If not, what’s a down alternative safe one? All the lists I’m seeing only include down coats. Thanks!