Makeup & Beauty Monday: Sensor Mirror Pro

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 Sensor Mirror Pro I’m linking to this mirror not because I expect many people to buy it (if you do, or have it already, please report back), but because I am kind of in awe of the fact that it exists. First of all, it’s $400. Second of all, it looks freakin’ cool! It connects to your phone and can recreate the lighting conditions in the places you frequent based on photos you take of yourself in those places. What! And also, why! If I were famous and paparazzi were stalking me and I needed to look good for US Weekly, I’d consider this a worthy investment. Since none of those things are true, I guess I’ll have to win the lottery in order to own one of these myself. The mirror is $400 at Sensor Mirror Pro On the cheaper side, Kat likes this mirror, which is available at Amazon for $23.99 and is eligible for Prime — she says it’s good for tweezing and the like.  This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!  

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Vent: doc really pushed genetic testing 12 weeks gestation, office said usually it’s $49 if medically indicated (it is). Today lab calls and says that’ll be $950, out of network, or you can pay out of pocket $350 w/o running through insurance. Um. No thanks. Guess we’ll wait for the anatomy ultrasound and hope everything’s okay.

Yes, yes, I have a call in to the doc office to see if they can sort it. Not much hope though.

Does anyone else here not like kids that aren’t your own? I have one toddler and absolutely adore her – spending time with her (and her dad) is my favorite thing in the world. But I’ve never been a “kid person” and don’t really enjoy being around other kids. I thought my close friends’ kids would be an exception, but as the kids have gotten older and changed from immobile babies to very active toddlers, I’m realizing that’s not that case. I care about my friends and want to maintain the friendships, but I’m discovering that going to the zoo with five toddlers is my version of h3ll, even if I’m only responsible for one of the toddlers. Anyone else feel the same? How do you manage it?

Any quick meal ideas for when you’re solo parenting, badly need to get to the grocery store, and are stressed out from work (i.e., not creative at all)? I figure if I can get the kids fed and happy-ish, they can come with me to the store tonight.

I’m considering looking for another job and I would love some advice or feedback.

Due to a promotion, I’m now having to work a lot more closely with a partner who is notoriously difficult to work with– micromanaging, controlling, condescending, prone to angry outbursts, typically goes through multiple assistants per year. And through some miracle I’ve barely had to interact with her over the last several years. But now circumstances have changed, and there’s not really any way I can avoid it going forward.

My job has been a pretty great situation otherwise. I was planning to stay at least another couple of years, and possibly start looking once I see what kindergarten is like (kid starts fall of 2020), but I’m thinking about looking around now. Is that totally delusional? I know everyone says stay in a lean out job when your kid is in school, but this otherwise great job has become a lot more unpleasant lately and I’m not really sure what to do.

Every time we come back from family vacation I 1) wonder if we should move closer to them because even though my family drives me nuts, my kid loves his cousins so much and 2) lament that I am working, even though I would be a terrible SAHM. Just needed to get that out there.

Well I have officially confirmed I should not do a tough workout in the morning. I did a hot yoga+cardio+strength class at 6AM this morning. By 1pm I felt like I had already worked a full day and then some, and I still have so much to do! I’ve been hydrating but I have a pounding headache. Now I know to save the tough workouts for late evening and keep pre-work workouts to things like regular ol’ yoga. Sigh.

First time mom (3 weeks into this parenting thing) – does maternity leave get any less difficult? I knew that newborns take up all of your time, I guess I just didn’t realize that the time they take up is so extremely physical and monotonous. I’m use to challenging mental work in a biglaw practice, but not anything physical and nothing that’s this repetitive (our baby was also born very small for his gestational age, so every feeding is me attempting to nurse, then supplementing with a bottle of pumped breast milk, then pumping to make enough breast milk for the next feeding. It usually takes about 1.5 hours to get all of this done, so even being on a longer 3 hour cycle only leaves 1.5 hours to sit/nap/eat/shower/whatever). I feel like my brain is turning to mush between the sleep deprivation and the lack of mental stimulation. I’m listening to audiobooks or podcasts while nursing, but also feeling a lot like “you need to eat *again*? didn’t we just feed you?” I definitely think PPD is creeping up so I’m making an appointment with my OBGYN to talk and likely see a counselor. It’s just a lot at the moment.

Yesterday our very sweet neighbor knocked on our door to invite us to her 9th birthday party next Saturday! She has a same aged cousin who lives with them (two families in one huge McMansion) and then a toddler brother and sister there too. I am stumped for a gift – I don’t know what 9 year olds are into, and I want something that can be shared a bit vs. something that will promote jealousy and division between her and her cousin. What about 1 or 2 “grownup” coloring books and a big set of pens, which will also keep them occupied on hot summer afternoons when they’re not outside. They have a huge yard that they play in, so what about some sort of kit for giant bubbles or something like that?

How do you feel about giving a child 4 names (i.e. two middle names)? I want our kid to have my maiden name as a middle, but we’re also considering a normal first name as a middle name, so it would be First Middle Maiden Last. Will this get annoying for him? Thanks!

Weird question but has anyone’s dog had acl repair surgery? Ours is having it next week and the timing is terrible. I’m due with our second in 5 weeks (and am really struggling) and we’re finishing up a renovation in our house too. I tried googling to get an idea of what dog’s recovery will be like and now I’m nervous that it’s a much bigger ordeal than our vet suggested.

I just got around to reading Thursday’s post and just wanted to throw some support at you! I also have twins, who are now 3, and am a lowish earner too (MCOL city, make about $55K). We have paid my entire salary, a little less than half of our entire HHI, in day care costs since they were 4 months old and it gets demoralizing! I really love my job and don’t want to leave it, and likely won’t be getting huge raises in the future (government)… But to get myself through, I think about a) retirement contributions, b) minimal but existent salary growth, which I wouldn’t have if I was at home, and c) that honestly I don’t think I’d be a great SAHM. It wouldn’t give me the same discrete accomplishments I have at work and I think I need those. But solidarity, paying for child care for multiples is awful. Even my other friends who have kids close in age only have to “overlap” day care costs for a year or two.. the way that their birthdays play out, we are going to double-pay until they’re at least 4.5, maybe 5.5. I’m just telling myself how flush we’ll seem once kindergarten rolls around!

does anyone have a bike helmet recommendation for a 14 month old? do i need to take them to a bike store or can i order online?

At an indoor playground + cafe over the weekend, another mom confronted me as I was loading my kids into the car to tell me that my 2 year old had grabbed her one year old’s shirt, and caused her to fall and bonk her head. I kind of blinked at her, waiting for the point of the story. When I didn’t fill the silence with an apology, she continued that she’d watched my son, “since [she] didn’t know who he belonged to,” and saw him being a little bit rough with other kids too. “As a mom,” she would want to know if her kid was playing like that, so she when saw me leaving with him and figured out who his parent was, she wanted to make sure she told me. I don’t think I rolled my eyes, but I did say that I was sorry she thinks my 2 year old is a bully, causing her to gawp at me and huff back inside.

As a mom, frankly, I could not care less if my 2 year old is jostling another toddler for shared toys. I’m 98% sure my son had no intention of pulling the little girl to the ground, it just doesn’t take much to tip a one year old. This sounds like pretty normal behavior. If my older kid were shoving toddlers out of the way, I’d want to hear about it, but another toddler? Please. My gut reaction is that this is a mom of one one year old, and probably a SAHM. I’m not adding the SAHM bit to be snarky, I just figure that my kids have been knocked down approximately 500 times in daycare, because that’s what happens when kids are together. But maybe I’m a jerk? Should I care about this? Am I being irresponsible by availing myself of the coffee and comfy chairs at the play place instead of following my kids around as a referee?

Since I was 12, doctors started telling me I probably couldn’t have kids. That was fine with me, and I’ve built my life planning not to be a parent. I love kids (babysat/nannied through college) but never pictured myself a mom or wanted to adopt/raise kids. I just turned 30 and doctors now tell me that I probably won’t have any trouble getting pregnant or delivering a child. I’ve dated some wonderful guys but those relationships have always broken up because they wanted kids (preferably bio) and I said I couldn’t or didn’t want to try for the ‘impossible.’ I’ve honestly never considered having a kid or raising a kid, but I get that if I want to think about it, I should do so soon. Do you recommend any authors, counseling, etc.?

In case you’re wondering- the condensed medical explanation is I was a very athletic kid who had ovarian surgery as a young teen. After gaining 10 lbs last year, I now have a textbook period/ovulation cycle. Thanks to family trees with multiple pregnancies, the same doctors who told me I’d never had a kid says no guarantee now say things like “Soon you’ll have several of your own!” I understand this sudden change is not a guarantee of having a child or being able to get pregnant, and I don’t say it to make anyone feel bad about any struggles they’ve had getting pregnant.

Looking for a shampoo for 10 y.o. who has thick hair and produces a lot of sebum. We’ve tried a few shampoos for oily hair but freshly washed hair still looks a little matted down and greasy.