Finally Friday: ‘Mini 5 Zip’ Convertible Crossbody Bag


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Rebecca Minkoff 'Mini 5 Zip' Convertible Crossbody Bag | CorporetteMomsHere’s a very mom-friendly trend right now: the crossbody bag. I don’t know about you, but I only carry a few things for myself anymore after becoming a mom (lipgloss, wallet, cell phone!) and having a hands-free way to carry it all — and an easy, fast way to switch between diaper bag, work tote, and more — is all vitally important. Enter: the new crossbody bags. Use them on the playground, on the weekend, or for a quick lunch run at the office. Lovely. This one is $97 at Nordstrom, but it was originally $195. Rebecca Minkoff ‘Mini 5 Zip’ Convertible Crossbody Bag (L-2)

Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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First, yeah- the doom spiral sucks.

I went in knowing all the logical things one should, knowing far more about the statistics and the science (I have my bachelor’s in Biology even!); however, once I hit the 3 month mark it was very much the ‘OHMYGOD, something must be WRONG,’ situation.

Nothing was wrong. For us (29 yo, regular cycles, no reason to be concerned) it took 5 months. Everything has been great and I’m due in December. I had a crisis moment where I polled women on thiss!te and found that the median length of trying was in the 5-8 month range. I did read TCOYF and enjoyed it, and also suggest you read it. I didn’t temp, but I used the Fertility Friend app to chart CM and my overall cycle.

Seriously though- if you ever just need someone to vent to who will have zero judgement, let me know.

We’ve been TTC in a “relaxed” manner since June (not not trying), but no luck yet. Please let me (and my Type A “going to freak out now” personality) that it’s way to soon to be panicking and I should start this panic when it’s been a year. Because I know it. I just need internet strangers to back me up…

Two things:

1) Thanks to whoever recommended the Target maternity workout pants rec last week – I ordered a pair and they’re perfect, and the right price.

2) Loft has several pairs of maternity cords on deep sale right now – I just snagged three pairs for $12 each.

Suggestions for good questions to ask when interviewing nannies for a six month old? She’s our first and this is all new to us! Anything non-obvious or that you found particularly helpful?

Has anyone hired an au pair? Any advice or anecdotal information? I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old and we would be willing to have someone live with us to help in terms of convenience and cost.

Sounds to me like you handled it right, good work Mom! Those first days of kindergarten are tough. My sister says the whole first week of school, her son was a dream at school but a disaster whenever he got home … just his way of processing a big change around people he felt safe with.

During store meltdowns, I just leave if I can (I have a toddler.) I’m less clear on how to handle meltdowns on, say, an airplane – which is how my little guy was able to spend three hours eating unhealthy snacks and watching cartoons (typically not allowed) during a cross country flight this weekend.

I’m in desperate need of some sleep advice! My daughter is a little over 9 months. She’s always gone down to sleep fairly easily, but we’ve had continued issues with her waking in the night. Around 5.5 months, we let her cry it out. The first night was terrible…she was so persistent. The next two nights were better, and by the forth night, she had learned to sooth herself back to sleep when she woke during the night. She’s slept pretty well ever since, with a few hiccups along the way (usually illness related).

Fast-forward to last week. She was teething and clearly in a lot of pain, which caused her to wake up frequently in the night. We felt bad letting her cry while in pain, so my husband and I took turns rocking her back to sleep. Now this week, she’s no longer in pain but she’s waking 3-4 times each night, standing in her crib and screaming. The standing is fairly new, so maybe that’s related to the waking? We’re back to letting her CIO, in the hopes that she’ll return to her normal sleep habits. But unlike our last CIO experience, the crying times aren’t getting any shorter each night. She’s crying for 45 minutes to an hour…last night she did this three times.

She’s exhausted, we’re exhausted, and I’m not sure what to do. We’ve resisted going back to rocking her, since I don’t want her to get used to that. When we go into her room to pat her back, it seems to upset her even more. Do we persevere and continue to let her cry? I’m trying to remind myself that every rough stage eventually passes, but this has been really rough.

Episode in Parenting from Last Night -Needing perspective:
My 5y/o daughter who just started kindergarten had an actual temper tantrum last night in the toy aisle. This after being warned that we were not buying anything, just looking at something, and she actually said “that’s okay mommy I brought a toy to play with!” I felt like I handled it by the book – kept my cool, walked out of the store without purchasing anything, and then proceeded to let her scream it out by the car until she wore herself out. I had a hard time staying “on message” as a mom – trying to tell her that 1) we don’t throw temper tantrums 2) we don’t always get what we want at the store and 3) we need to appreciate the toys we have (this is after she threw a stuffed animal across the back seat during her rage.) I made threats to throw the stuffed animal away, which only enraged her more. When do I stop engaging and just let the tantrum play out?
When we got home she went into her room and cried for about 30 seconds (disappointed in her own behavior/worn out) and then came out and said “Sorry mommy” and “I have a lot of toys, maybe we should get rid of some… (me: Great! It’s working!)… so we can buy XYZ for my baby doll.” Oy. This isn’t a frequent occurrence yet, but how have you guys handled in-store melt-downs??