Family Friday: Primaloft Hybrid Jacket


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Primaloft Hybrid JacketI noticed yesterday that Lands’ End has some killer sales on boys coats, such as this Primaloft Hybrid Jacket (now $21-$25 down from $79), so I bought two sizes for my kiddos. These aren’t terribly warm — their temperature rating is 25-45 degrees — but they look like cute little sporty jackets, and I love my own lightweight Primaloft jacket. In general I love Lands’ End for kids coats because of the warmth ratings — at one point I realized I really had no idea how warm my 2 year old was in that jacket I bought on sale and I felt guilty; with LE at least I feel like I have some general idea of how warm it’s supposed to be. Where are your favorite places for kids’ coats, readers? Pictured: Primaloft Hybrid Jacket This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Not sure if this reply will thread properly on mobile, but for chapped baby/toddler cheeks we switched to a super creamy Aveeno moisturizer that seems to have done the trick. Aquaphor wasn’t cutting it anymore with the chapped cheeks from playing outside in the winter so I picked up the Aveeno cream and one by Honest Company to try out, and the Aveeno is the winner. I think it’s actually labeled as for eczema relief.

My parents did not, which is largely why I’ve tried to take a different approach with little TK. I had a rough go of it as a kid (you name it – divorce, mental / physical disabilities in parents, alcoholism, death of a sibling) and no one ever talked to me about ANY of it. I think it was well-intentioned and they were just trying to protect me … but I was a smart, intuitive kid so I kind of knew what was going on and just did my best to make sense of it without any parental guidance. I blamed some of it on myself. I just didn’t ask on other things, because it made Mom cry. As I got older, I looked elsewhere for guidance and some less than ideal sources filled in some of the knowledge gaps that would have been better filled by a caring parent.

I guess at the end of the day I want my kid to know he can trust me to always tell him the truth, and for him to know I’m a source of honest and reliable information. If he’s looking for an answer and I don’t give it to him, it opens the door for him to find that answer somewhere else. So I err on the side of answering every question, no matter how hard (or however inarticulately.)

Sort of related to TK’s comment above about talking about the reality of the world with kids…. I was thinking the other day about how being an adult is such a surprising mixed bag. Working, having responsibilities, finances, having to plan for the long and short term. But also getting a lot of autonomy. So much joy, so much fun, so many cool experiences. So much grief and loss and secret pain. My parents were very authoritarian and didn’t believe in being your kid’s friend, so for me adulthood was a huge mystery and I felt totally on my own when it came time to live my own life. I think of the things my mom went through when I was a kid– the death of her mother, some scary health issues, etc. And she never talked to me about any of it, she just went on with her day like everything was totally normal.

Did your parents talk to you about what it’s like to be an adult? Are you talking to your kids about it? A friend of mine had a miscarriage last week. I was dropping off some cookies for her this morning and my daughter asked why I was bringing her cookies. And I said “she’s really sad about something and hasn’t been feeling well”… I mean obviously I’m not going to go into the details of someone else’s miscarriage with a child too young to have a filter. But… how does one navigate this stuff? I don’t want to dump on my kid or use her as a therapist, but I want her to have some understanding of how the world works. Thoughts?

On the question of coats and kids; kiddo just switched to a high back booster. Does the “no coats in car seats” rule apply to boosters? I did a quick google and didn’t find anything I trust….

I bought a used Patagonia sweater down jacket for my 19 month old because he can wear it in the car seat (according to Car Seat Lady, who I trust pretty much!). It has been awesome, because it has been so cold here this winter that I really was not loving the “put a coat on backwards” or “cover with a blanket” or even “wear a hat” option because he instantly cast all of those off his body. As a side bonus, he is bizarrely in love with this coat so he also very enthusiastically helps to put it on in the mornings. We like it so much I’m planning to buy another next year, even if I have to pay full price.

I found this one on eBay and it has a chew mark on the collar and some holes repaired with glue, but it’s working fine for our purposes!

Is baby wear an option or a swing? A quick nurse and nap when you get home might work if you are baby wearing so you can start supper while baby sleeps or you might be able to transfer baby to the swing.

My son just turned 4. On our way to preschool this morning we were listing to NPR, as we usually do. This morning he asked, “Why did that man shoot all those kids?” and, “Is a man with a gun going to come into my school?”

I very much ascribe to the philosophy of, we tell our kids the truth (in an age appropriate way) even on hard stuff. But I really wasn’t prepared on these particular questions. I tried to mutter something reassuring about how he’s safe in his school and his teachers will help keep him safe, and then we talked about how grownups are trying to decide on some new rules about guns to help keep all kids safe.

But I almost felt like I was lying to him – I have no idea whether the adults are actually going to do anything. History tells me they’re not going to do sh*t.

How have you all responded to these kinds of questions from you little ones, in an honest and age appropriate way? I cried all the way to work after I dropped him off, because I feel so helpless and hopeless on this particular issue.

Anyone have any great ideas for super chapped baby cheeks and chin? We’ve been using Aquaphor lotion per our pediatrician’s recommendation several times a day on our 8 month old and just this last weekend his little chin got so dry it cracked and bled. Part of the problem is that he is now old enough to rub his face constantly.

We’ve also tried the creamy Eucerine cream and straight Vaseline and they worked about the same as the Aquaphor. Anyone have any ideas we can try?

I saw the post a couple days ago on bilingual schools. Can anyone help me think through the pros/cons of enrolling your kid in a brand new immersion program?

Our public school is starting a program this year and my youngest son would be eligible for it since he’s starting kindergarten this year. I’m intrigued but my husband is very hesitant, especially because our oldest doesn’t have the opportunity (and won’t get any language classes at all until middle school) and he doesn’t like the inherent unfairness of that.

What would you do here? It’s a brand new program, so we don’t know the curriculum or the teachers, nor do we know how they are defining success. The school district has surprisingly little information to share, and even current teachers are in the dark about what this program will involve. All the research says being bilingual is a huge advantage to kids, but is that universal? Or does the program and staff matter?

How do you handle the phase where LO is not quite ready to drop the third nap, but the timing of Life makes it difficult to achieve?

LO is 7mos; naps 9:30-11 and 12:30-3 (approx.), according to daycare. He goes to bed at 7, but the 3-7 stretch is just too much for him. I pick him up around 5, which means third nap can’t really happen at 4:30 or 5 when it should ideally. I’ve tried:
1) putting him in the stroller immediately when we get home to try and get a nap that way (takes him a long time to fall asleep)
2) letting him nurse right away and nap on me (successful, but kills any evening productivity for me)
3) Putting him to bed earlier (he’s still a mess from 5-6:15 and often refuses dinner because he’s so tired)

He’s a good sleeper otherwise so I’m not inclined to actually put him in his crib at 5:15 or 5:30, lest he sleep for too long and screw up bedtime, especially since given the stroller experience he takes a long time to calm down and nap at which point… its practically bedtime.

I could also shift to picking him up later, and asking daycare to put him down at 4:30 after snack?

On the weekends he sleeps later in the morning or takes a third nap so we never have issues. Do I just power through? Let him nap on me for a bit in the evenings (this has been the least stressful of all the scenarios)?

I’m a big fan of Columbia outerwear for kids. The prices are right, especially if you hit sales, and the quality is usually excellent. My own Columbia gear has held up for years, and we can pass the kids’ stuff down to cousins. I’ve also liked Lands End and am thinking about getting the girls’ version of this jacket for my daughter.

Also, for anyone who wants to support D!ck’s Sporting Goods right now, check out their kids’ winter gear. I bought next year’s winter coats for 50% off.

Kat, could we please get the option back to “Collapse/Expand all threaded comments” on mobile?