Make My Life Easier Thursday: Pop-Out Outlet
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Sales of note for 2/7:
(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interest – working mom questions asked by the commenters!
- The concept of “backup care” is so stupid…
- I need tips on managing employees in BigLaw who have to leave for daycare pickup…
- I’m thinking of leaning out to spend more time with my family – how can I find the perfect job for that?
- I’m now a SAHM and my husband needs to step up…
- How can I change my thinking to better recognize some of my husband’s contributions as important, like organizing the shed?
- What are your tips to having a good weekend with kids, especially with little kids? Do you have a set routine or plan?
We escaped the terrible twos but since DD turned 3 a few weeks ago it’s like a switch flipped and she throws the biggest tantrums (see for instance this morning where I had to carry her screaming to the car because we had to go and she was mid-fit, which I would normally let her work out in her room). It seems to be tied to any time she doesn’t get what she wants (yeah, obv). This morning she wanted and didn’t get honey. Sometimes she is startlingly self aware, noting that she has big emotions and needs a hug or time to cry or something. We praise that awareness and give her hug, etc. Others it seems there is no way to calm her down other than letting it pass. DH and I have just started reading how to talk so little kids will listen. We work on taking a deep breath and counting a la Daniel tiger. Any other recs for this age? Assurance this is typical?
Going anon for this for obvious reasons. I posted maybe a year ago about my sister’s boyfriend who we had recently found out molested her daughter when she was two years old. At the time, I was just posting to get support for how to handle being around my sister, who had known about the molestation for over a year (she witnessed it herself) before she told any of us, but had continued to bring the boyfriend around our two young daughters when we visited my parents, not to mention having him around her own daughter all the time.
The boyfriend’s story was that he was asleep and/or on pain medication when he molested my niece. My sister originally accepted that excuse and kept it a secret from us until a year or two later, when she thought the boyfriend had molested my niece again based on something she said. My sister and/or parents reported him to social services, there was an investigation, and the conclusion was that the second alleged incident didn’t occur. As for the first incident, which the boyfriend admitted, I’m not sure what happened with social services; maybe they dropped it because my sister didn’t want to press charges. At the time, I wasn’t that worried about that because my sister had left the boyfriend (who is not my niece’s father), and everyone in my family was on the same page that he had to be cut out of all of our lives.
Over the last few months, I have learned from my parents that my sister and the boyfriend have made up, and she and my niece have MOVED BACK IN WITH HIM. (My sister and I already had a very fraught and superficial relationship (see: exposing our children to a pedophile), and she and I have not discussed this.) At first my parents were opposed to this, wouldn’t let him come to their house, etc., and they seemed to agree with me that my niece absolutely should not be around him. But apparently, over time, the boyfriend has gotten back in good graces even with my parents. And my mother just told me this week that the boyfriend is invited to Christmas dinner.
I said our family couldn’t visit while the boyfriend was at their house or might show up. I asked them to please just set aside the few days we would be there that the boyfriend wouldn’t be allowed to come to their house. My parents said no. My mother’s line is that the boyfriend should be forgiven, while my father’s motivation is avoiding upsetting my sister, who has bipolar disorder, for which she has been hospitalized multiple times. She is “fragile,” whereas I am “normal” and can handle it, according to my father. I flat-out told him it was unacceptable that they were prioritizing my sister’s mental health over my niece’s safety and that they needed to stop enabling my sister’s relationship with a pedophile. I think my father understands my perspective and just doesn’t know what else to do, but my mother thinks I’m being unreasonable and blames me for family disharmony.
Can I get some support here? It’s OK for me to say that my family, with our two young daughters, is not going to visit under these circumstances, right? I don’t even think we can plan to visit and leave the house temporarily when my sister and her boyfriend and my niece show up, because then our daughters will have absolute meltdowns that they have to leave as soon as their cousin arrives. Not only would that make me feel terrible, but it would also feed right into my mom’s narrative that I’m the one causing all the problems.
Thank you. I’ve done the title slides and word vomited below the titles, so I have a start. It’s just turning the word vomit into bullet points. I know it will happen, I always pull it off in the end, BUT WHAT IF THIS IS THE ONE TIME I DON’T OMG
Also, you’re right about whoever pointed that out. I would be rolling my eyes and thinking to myself “does it MATTER” if someone else in the audience did that.
Preschool DD’s teacher emailed and apparently she called a classmate over to “come look” at her in the bathroom stall at school. I know this is pretty normal behavior for her age, and it sounds like the school handled it appropriately. We’ve talked generally with her before about privacy in the restroom, although we’re pretty open as a family, and it’s clear we need to have some more focused conversations about bodies, safety, and privacy. Any recommendations for books that we can read with her or other resources?
I’m moving next week and could use some help knowing what to do to prepare. Movers will be packing us for the most part, but I’d like to do some prep work/pee-packing so that we don’t have to pay for more than 4 hours of packing (3 packers, largish 2 BR condo FWIW). Last time I moved I had no kids and now am having some sort of mom-amnesia. I know I should get rid of anything I don’t want. Any other tips?
I’m freaking out.
I submitted an abstract to a national conference forever ago and it got accepted (yay!) and my presentation is due TOMORROW (no!) and I have so much writer’s block. I’ve been trying to do it all week and it’s not happening. I’m freaking out. I just keep staring at it thinking everything I’m going to say is obvious or stupid or maybe it’s not the experience of everyone else there and I’m wrong and don’t know what I’m talking about. I don’t need to take a break, I’m teleworking today and already made myself a fancy coffee and took a stress nap from 8 AM to 830 AM(my body was basically like ESCAPE CONSCIOUSNESS NOW) and it’s 1030 and I’ve made no demonstrable progress. I’m normally a highly productive energizer bunny so this is bad, real bad.
I’m having a professional dilemma – maybe this should be on the main board, but I’m a mom and I think that plays in here!
I’ve been in a good-for-now job for about two years. I recently applied for and got a second round interview to be a director of legal elsewhere (right now I’m in an individual contributor role). Job would be a promotion – but with higher stress due to greater responsibility and a worse but not terrible commute. I’m not sure another opportunity like this will come around… ever. I work in a small field. Employer is well-known and this could lead to interesting non-professional opportunities as well. They’ve had recent turnover that seems innocent but still makes me a bit nervous.
Separately, I just got told that I’ve been poached by an affiliate whom I’ve been doing work for and enjoying that work. Lifestyle is much more cushy (like they role in at 10 and out at 4:30 regularly), there would be a pay increase, and they are super nice. It’s what I’d been hoping would happen for a couple months. I’ll have a nice office, etc.
I really haven’t liked the culture at my current job and I like the culture at the affiliate. This outside opportunity is objectively really good, but it’s a bit more of an unknown. Plus, I am supposed to be evincing enthusiasm for my new role. I feel like a hypocrite telling them I’m so excited to be joining them when I have an interview elsewhere (this week!) This all happened at the same time.
Not sure if I explained this well but basically thoughts on handling an internal exciting promotion versus an outside exciting opportunity? I also have three kids under 5 (I posted above) so I’m reluctant to go somewhere where I’m increasing my stress and have a slightly worse commute!
Anyone thinking about Christmas present ideas yet? This pop-out outlet is going on the list for my husband! Here’s what I have so far, would love other ideas!
Husband: candle that smells like space, MLB gear, mesh wifi, sweaters, new sunglasses, socks, event tickets
Me: One line a day journal to record funny things the kids say, drying rack for delicate laundry, fancy body lotion, fancy tea
Kids (1 and 3): costume jewelry, books, stickers, duplo, magnets
My friend recently broker her leg and won’t be able to drive, she’s a SAHM with two under 4. Other than meal delivery what else would be helpful for her? I live out of state, so sending something or paying for grocery delivery is all I can think of.
I know I’m overthinking this, but I need pants to wear to the Florida house-of-mouse. We’re going at a time where it might be too chilly for bare legs (at least for me), but jeans just seem too . . . I don’t know, heavy? I’ve never been able to get comfortable with the leggings as pants look – I always worry too much about coverage and shirt length. I know joggers are really trendy, but I just can’t seem to get past the idea that they’re still just sweatpants.
So, I need a pair of inexpensive, casual, comfortable, real pants with pockets. Any suggestions?
I don’t see the appeal of this plate. Is it really childproof if you just have to push it for it to pop open? And if you only need to use one outlet, you’ve got other outlets now exposed. I like the plates that you have to slide to line up the holes for the plate with the outlet itself. Easy to use, and feels more secure to me (plus cheaper).
Anonymous at 10:05 – can’t you hear the exhaustion in Irish Midori’s words? She’s tired and needs a break.
We moved into a new neighborhood last year where I am one of the only working mothers. I work full time and have a pretty high pressure job, but I make an effort to try to socialize with the other women in the neighborhood including a monthly card game. Last night, at one of these game nights one of the moms got very very drunk and told me that “they all” feel bad for me because I work all the time, and they really can’t imagine working like that. She wasn’t being mean – just overly honest in a drunk way. I like my life! It’s busy, but I like the work. And my kids are in extended care at school which I really like. (The care givers are older women who are so, so nice and loving.) The kids are plucky, can take direction from adults and be plopped into all sorts of situations. But I can see how these women look at my life with sympathy. No tennis lessons, no lunches, no school volunteering, etc. I don’t have time for a lot of girls nights and fun stuff. Sometimes errands can seem impossible. Her comment made me feel very conflicted.
So my kid got suspended from after school care for 2 days yesterday. I’m not clear on what happened, and of course he won’t tell me. Looks like I get to go home early to make him clean something or write lines. If I could “make” him do anything, I’d make him write out his own account of what happened to force him to reflect. I’m so mad/frustrated/disappointed in him. I’m also despairing that I can ever guide him to a more productive way of dealing with his feelings.
Help me settle an argument: we have a 1000 ft 2 br condo in DC we’ve owned for 3 years and have a 3-month old. I want us to stay here at least for 3 more years because we’re zoned to a pretty good public elementary with free PK-3 (and otherwise we love this location). Husband wants us to start looking for a bigger place in the suburbs. We’re not decided on whether to have a second kid but will likely wait 2-3 years if we do. Thoughts?