Washable Workwear Wednesday: Metier Structured Top


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A woman wearing a black Metier Structured Top This is a really pretty top with a lot of interesting elements. I like how it has a blousy fit while at the same time being made from a thick, structured material. The tie waist makes it flattering, and I like that the tie is long enough to hang down, or even be tied in a bow. The sleeves, the texture of the material, the middle seam down the front, and the wide V-neck are all unique details that keep a sold black top from being boring. This top is $78 and available at Anthropologie in regular and petite sizes XXS–XL. Metier Structured Top A similar black top in plus sizes is available at Macy’s and is on sale for $38. Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I posted a few weeks ago that my mom moved to my town, unannounced and with nebulous plans for the future.

She’s here now, and apparently a plan is to babysit on the side. She’s given my name as a reference. But I….wouldn’t hire my mom. She’s absolutely safe and I of course trust her with my own kids, but she’s also flakey, messy, and way too “in your business” (think: folding my husbands underwear “to be helpful” when we’ve asked her not to). She’s great free help, but I would fire her if she worked for me.

What, if anything, do I do here? I can’t be straight up honest with my mom or it will be a massive issue. I don’t want to actively recommend her to friends and community members (it’s a smallll town) and have it reflect poorly on me. Is there a way to word “she’s great free help, I have no idea what it would be like to employ her”?

I did give her feedback that her plan to use a family she babysat for 20+ years ago and the pastor of her church three states away where she taught religious class was not what parents up here are looking for in a reference.

I am also highly encouraging her to look for jobs working with kids vs straightup babysitting.

I love my mom but I do.not.like that she lives 1 mile away and is all kinds of up in my business. I moved 3 states away for a reason.

Any thoughts on the quality of PB Kids pajamas? They have a few cute character pj’s that would make great gifts but ouch … the price hurts, even on sale. Would be willing to consider if it the quality is amazing. (Bugs me so much that PB can’t get its act together and allow reviews.)

Would it be weird of me to organize a parents night out for parents of kids at one of my kids’ daycare? If you got an invite, would you go? Would you prefer mom’s night out or both parents (optional of course)? Weekend or week night?

What are your Christmas morning traditions? Last year, I remember feeling sort of let down/sad when it was done. We don’t do a ton of gifts, so that part is … well, over within 15 minutes. I do not seem to have it in me to prepare a huge Christmas breakfast or cinnamon rolls (traditional here, very time-consuming), particularly when we’ll be having a huge Christmas dinner just a few hours later. My kids are 5 and 10, and I’m feeling some self-imposed pressure to make it all magical.

Just got coverage rejected for my fertility treatment (IUI) because DH self reported at some point in his medical history that he’s a THC user 1-2x/week to his primary care. I’m beyond enraged. How is it that could possibly be linked to not qualifying for fertility treatment coverage?!?! If he has a blood tests that shows it’s not in his systems they’ll “consider” approving it.

BTW, for DD he did the same self-reporting and the IUI was successful (we had different insurance at the time). I’m the infertility factor, not him. What the actual eff.

I want to cry and scream and go home.

Funny stuff kids have said recently thread (because how is it only Wednesday ??).

This morning, my five year old asked if we were going to celebrate “Chicken Day.” After a brief discussion, I realized she was talking about Thanksgiving. Our dog was groomed yesterday and has on a seasonal Thanksgiving bandanna with turkeys on it…apparently poultry science is not my kid’s strong suit.

Tips for a more streamlined morning routine with a 2.5 y/o? DH handles it most mornings since he goes into the office later than me, but it takes him and my 2.5 y/o at least an hour and a half to get out the door. It’s really important to me that kiddo eat breakfast (he’s below the first percentile in height and weight: we’re seeing an endocrinologist), but breakfast takes at least 45 minutes. I know most of this is going to involve me being more organized: packing his lunch the night before, choosing his clothes (IMHO that doesn’t take that long) but I’d welcome any other tips. I’d offer to take him to school at 7 when I leave for work, but school doesn’t open until 8. They also don’t serve/encourage consumption of breakfast at school, but I could talk to them about that.

Anyone have a good checklist for what I need to do when leaving my job? I mean physically leaving– like I need to take stuff off my walls and pack my files, etc., but I’m less sure about other tasks.

Set up call forwarding on my phone to direct callers to the admin assistant’s line
Set up auto-reply and forwarding on my email
Delete all my personal files from my computer
Delete all my saved passwords from my browsers
Other things???

I am starting to TTC and am getting pretty nervous! Is this normal? I know waiting, like 6 months for example, wouldn’t really make a difference and that it’s still a long time until the baby would be here, especially if it takes awhile! Any words of wisdom? I love babies and know I want one, it’s just the enormity of it all I suppose?

Hi Ladies! My best friend just had a baby via an unplanned c-section. Everyone is doing well, but I wanted to send her some items to help out in this early baby haze. C-section ladies, anything that you loved after having your baby that helped recovery? I had a non c-section birth so I want to know if there is anything additional to give her. Thanks!

Ladies – does it get easier? I am drowning with a toddler, a baby, working full time, and no family nearby. I keep thinking about how Elizabeth Warren had to import her aunt for help. She has super-human energy and couldn’t swing it without extra help.

Has anyone found a nursing dress that they loved, that is made of thicker material? A lot of what I’m seeing is very thin material (polyester or rayon blends), and going into winter I’m hoping for something warmer. I’d love to have one casual dress (think sweatshirt/ hoodie dress or sweater dress) and one nice long sleeve dress (church or Christmas party appropriate) to get me through the season. Bonus points if it is not navy or black.

I’m looking for recommendations on ‘big brother’ themed books for my toddler. He will 2.5 in January when little sister joins us. We have started talking a little bit about baby sister (mostly “Don’t kick baby sister” while he’s sitting on the couch with me) and he knows that baby sister is in mommy’s belly. But I’m thinking the next two months we should probably start talking a bit more about what it means that baby sister is coming.

I need a gift in the <$10 price range for a turning 6 y/o boy. <$5 is fine, too. For my 6 y/o girl I'd get some kind of art supply vs a tiny lego kit.
