Washable Workwear Wednesday: Pink Blazer – Plus Too


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A woman wearing  Pink Blazer - Plus TooThis machine-wash, knit pink blazer at Zulily looks very shiny in the photos, but I expect it’s more like a typical jersey knit blazer. I haven’t seen a pink color like this anywhere else this season, and I like that this is very affordable at $30 and has lots of sizes. Pink Blazer – Plus Too Here are a couple of options in plus sizes (that are dry clean, but not dry clean only). We also just rounded up five great blazers under $50 yesterday on Corporette! ICYMI: Please take the CorporetteMoms reader survey — you can still be entered to win a $200 giftcard to Amazon through tonight at 11:59 PM ET! See more details (and a general discussion about the site content) here. Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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A colleague wore a blazer similar to this one (PINK and SHINY) to a multisite meeting with ~20 ppl and it was so distracting. We don’t normally comment on people’s clothing, but literally everyone from my site – even the men who probably couldn’t have named a single item of clothing anyone else in the room was wearing – left the meeting and immediately said “What was up with that blazer???”

So maybe keep it to church, Easter gathering, or perhaps a wedding…

Yesterday’s post on bath time made me think — when do you stop bathing girls and boys together? I’ve got a 4yo girl and a 2 yo boy, who for convenience sake (and because they can’t hear bath water running without trying to climb into the tub), I generally bathe together. They do not seem to care, but I am wondering how much longer I can, or should, keep it up.

My feet are swelling as we speak(type). 5 months pregnant and with a hot, humid DC summer in front of me, I need new shoes. Any recs for ones that will expand with me? I have chubby, wide feet to begin with. Looking flats for biz cas office, sneaks or sandals for errands and taking toddler to park.

Has anyone here tried the PattyBoutik maternity brand on Amazon? I like the look of their stuff, but their prices look a little too good to be true.

Also, on the other end of the spectrum, Hatch? It would be a total splurge, but I find some of their jumpsuits strangely appealing and can see spending every weekend of the summer in them. Should I be talked out of this?

Total first world problem: husband is at home taking out a wall as I’m due in July with #2. We are moving 1.5 year old to the new room (which we got new furniture for) and plopping the baby into the already prepped nursery. I am completely uninspired to design her a cute room, which I would like to do as it will be a big upheaval in her not quite two year old life to move rooms and get a baby sister. Her main interests are playing outside, cats, and birds. Does anyone have any inspiration for me? I’m not looking to spend a fortune but I’d like to make something bright/fun and welcoming for her so she can be excited in her new space.

Need a little vent and certainly welcome tips on this one.

My LO (almost 2) has suddenly started getting up in the middle of the night and coming into bed with us. This has never happened– she is almost always a good sleeper who might need some snuggles or help getting back in bed. This is different– she’s coming into our room and DH is pulling her up in bed with us because, hey, he’s asleep and she will nest on me. I do not sleep when she’s in bed with me– I am half asleep but not in REM sleep– and so two days of this and I am a total zombie. I don’t want to be mean about enforcing this rule– and I know this is a common issue– but I’ve never had to solve sleep issues like this and could really use some thoughts. I think I just keep putting her back in bed. I don’t know what else to do. I am talking like a stroke victim– lots of verbal aphasia– which is a predictable symptom of this level of sleep deprivation.

16 weeks and moved into maternity pants this week and it’s amazing!!

Two questions: a) does anyone have any best practices for a “dream pee”? My toddler is refusing pullups at night and keeps waking up at 4 in the morning because he has to pee (or just peeing the bed and THEN waking up at 4 in the morning) so I’m trying to wake him up and put him on the toilet before I go to bed. I’ve read lots on line about it but little about the practicality of it — does anyone have any best practices?

b) Related Q but different — does anyone know of any apps to help you gauge when your child’s sleep cycle is ending? I use SleepCycle for myself but can’t figure out how I’d use it with him except to set the “30-min window” for waking and then wait outside his room in total silence for 30 minutes until the alarm goes off. Less than ideal… but I guess I could only do it for a few nights and get a sense of it. (But wouldn’t such a thing be awesome? Clearly someone must have thought of this before me.) I also know that children’s sleep cycles are different so I’m not whether the app would work.

Anyone have a favorite make-ahead egg dish that does not contain ham or potatoes? I’m in charge of eggs for Easter brunch and have been informed that ham and potatoes will also be on the menu. All my go-to make-ahead egg strata have ham and potatoes in them. Thanks in advance!

I would add that you don’t need to buys stuff ahead of time. For example, you can look at high chairs while you’re pregnant, but your baby is unlikely to use a high chair until they’re at least 4 months old. Just make a wish list somewhere of your faves. Amazon has two day shipping so you can just wait and buy as needed.

You also don’t need to stock up on things that you may or may not use. My kids weren’t big spitters or droolers so we didn’t need many bibs or burp cloths. Others needed dozens. Wait and meet your baby to see what you need. The same goes for all sorts of feeding, sleeping, swaddling, gadgets.

My four month old, who had been sleeping between 8-11 hours at a stretch since eight weeks old, is suddenly up and screaming all night and taking lousy naps. Classic four month sleep regression, I think, brought on when we took her from the east coast to California and back in the course of 5 days (got back about a week ago). She started rolling and so we had to get rid of the swaddle–switched to Merlin but last night was way too hot for it. The problem is that she can’t fall asleep on her own (we’ve been putting her down asleep), and all the baby sleep sites say to put her down drowsy but awake, but she won’t fall asleep that way even when we give her the chance! HOW do you teach your kid to fall asleep on their own? Or is it time for Ferber? We see ped for her 4-month checkup tomorrow. Can’t wait to add post-vaccine fussiness to the mix.

Signed, a miserable mom who is struggling to stay awake during her morning pumping session but is so grateful to be at work and away from the baby, which makes me feel like a horrible person

I did my first visit to a baby shop and was a bit surprised and overwhelmed by the quantity of stuff. I’ve been lucky enough to receive a ton of handmedowns which leaves me with a bit of wriggle room in the budget to make a few splurges? Anything you’d recommend? What was worth the money? What wasn’t?