Accessory Tuesday: Pearl Rectangle Locket Necklace

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Back in the Before Times, I wore a lot of pearl jewelry, so I’m always on the lookout for something new that evokes my favorite gem.

I had a locket as a kid, and this is my locket all grown up. This necklace is made from 18k gold vermeil and mother of pearl. The rectangle shape keeps things fresh, while the gold is classic. The hidden compartment is perfect for a photo or engraving — the best thing is that engraving is included!

Also, like many direct-to-consumer brands, Mejuri works directly with manufacturers so you get quality jewelry without the traditional markups.

This necklace is $195.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Follow-up here. The above really helped me think through exactly why I want to wait. When I think about this more, I would like to wait until after we receive testing results to at least tell my parents so I can frame any issues appropriately given their reaction to my first miscarriage was so off-putting that I didn’t even tell them about the second first trimester miscarriage. It would be a burden on us, I think, to tell my MIL now and then wait to tell my parents, and if my parents found out that she knew I was pregnant well before they did, there would be some very uncomfortable situations for me down the line when dealing with my own mother. Given my history of first trimester miscarriage after a good 7-ish week ultrasound, and that I’m 38 and already concerned about potential genetic issues, I just don’t think it’s worth it to me at this point in time. My MIL can make her own decision about what to do about this trip, and after some sleuthing which involved calling the company putting on the trip because there is zero info about it online, it sounds like the deposit is small enough that if it was non-refundable it won’t be that big of an issue.

So I’m pretty much set now… gosh, I should probably just think about these things more before posting to this site! I appreciate all of the feedback, though. This has been helpful for me to think through my situation.

Input needed. Currently 7 weeks with baby #3, visit to the OB confirmed baby looks good and is measuring on track. Yay! Of course, something could happen within the next few weeks, but for now we’re excited.

I want to wait to tell close family until we have the fetal DNA genetic testing done after my 10 week appointment in three weeks given I am “of advanced maternal age” (eyeroll). Husband wants to tell today, particularly because registration for a pilgrimage his mother is very eager to go on opens tomorrow and famously fills up within 48 hours, so she will definitely try to register. Trip is scheduled for 2-3 weeks before the due date. My other two children have all been born a month before they were due. Husband made a bit of a stink about me wanting to wait to tell because his mom will be put in the position of wanting to cancel this trip and potentially losing money for registration if it’s not fully refundable. I said there’s still too much up in the air and who’s to say she won’t go anyway. I still don’t think she’s going because she is so Covid conscious. Really exciting to have this argument the day I find out we’re good to go for this baby! Grr. Any advice or input? I really, really would like to wait to tell if at all possible.

for the first time in a long time I’m doing back to school shopping. I have two girls, 8 and 5, that will be in elem in the fall. It seems like we have nothing that will fit either of them in the fall, so I’m starting basically from scratch. What are some cute pieces/outfits/places to shop for kids this age? Ideas for basics/capsule wardrobe pieces?

So, basically the best thing ever is happening this weekend. Husband scheduled a boys weekend at his buddy’s place. Turns out said buddy lives 20 minutes from my in-laws (about 3 hours from our home). So husband is taking the 4-yr old and 18-mo-old to grandma’s house for the weekend and I am staying home ALL BY MYSELF!! They’ll be gone Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. My tentative plans include not setting an alarm, reading a book, maybe some fancy coffee, potentially a hike, a little gardening. Looking for additional ideas so that I don’t waste the weekend staring mindlessly at social media. What would you do?

Also – hallelujah for a grandma who is willing and able to take both kids at the same time.

I listened to an interview (on BOBW) with a sociologist working on mental load and thought her small steps toward change were really helpful:

“What might such allyship look like? One relatively easy solution is to short-circuit your assumptions about how different-gender couples do (or should) divide responsibilities. This may mean emailing both partners with a question about scheduling a social gathering or what to buy a child for her birthday, for instance, rather than defaulting to Mom. Err on the side of overcommunicating until you know the couple’s preference—or, better yet, just ask!

If you work with parents in any official capacity, you likely have opportunities to build gender-neutral assumptions into your policies. That might mean explicitly asking which parent should be called first in an emergency or defaulting to including both partners on any email updates. And then honor those preferences! I’ve heard from multiple couples that even though they listed Dad first, Mom still gets the calls”

Fun question – any ideas on how to make a trip to the zoo extra special? We are taking the kids to the zoo this weekend to celebrate my son’s 4th birthday. He only remembers going o the zoo once before (even though he has been many times). I am thinking of getting him a helium balloon to wear on his wrist. I would let him go nuts at the gift shop, but with covid restrictions, i think they are all closed. I wish there was a way to coordinate feeding an elephant or something amazing! We’re in DC if that helps with local recs.

Can someone explain to me parents wanting kids to opt out of mask wearing in school (like for kids too young to be vaccinated, but old enough to be in school)? People are pretty militant in my area that they want the choice and something like 50% in one school opted to have their kid not wear a mask (so I think teachers will stop trying to keep up with this pretty quickly and my kids will just stop wearing theirs, forgetting to put it on after lunch, etc.). And we have no virtual school at all, so if you are at home quarantining, you don’t get lessons (such as they were) or even sent a lesson plan and I guess we will be flailing for yet another year.

If I win the lottery, first thing I do will be to hire a good person to just privately tutor my kids and pay them a full professor’s salary. I am good at math and yet feel so hopeless that today I will likely buy lottery tickets. Again.

On the struggle bus today. I was on with Asia til 10:45 last night, then up at 4:45 when the preschooler was screaming COVER ME WITH BLANKEY, which in turn, woke the baby.

The only saving grace is I am getting closer to filling my open headcounts so I won’t be doing 3 jobs anymore. Bad news is I have to tell one of my employees he didn’t get a promo he interviewed for in another org and now he’s a flight risk.

is it Friday yet?