Open Thread, News Update, and First Maternity Recs!


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Something on your mind? Chat about it here. Find these features below: – Maternity reccs for this week (Apr. 25, 2014) – Working mama news roundup – In case you missed it on Corporette… A collage of CorporetteMoms Maternity Style  Recommendations

Isabella Oliver Ruched Dress ($79) / Gap Demi Panel Perfect Trouser Pants, $59.95 (take another 35% off today with code CLOCK)/  Gabriella Rocha Ginger 1.75″ Heel ($65) / Adia Kibur Stone Bib Necklace ($72) (or click on the images above)

Above, some of our first weekly recommendations for maternity style! As explained in our eBook, A Guide to Dressing Professionally While Pregnant, statement necklaces and comfortable, supportive shoes are a must. Get the book for free by signing up for our newsletter!

Recent News

Working Mom Responds to Gwyneth Paltrow Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…
  • The NY Post prints one working mother’s response to Gwyneth Paltrow’s recent comments about how easy it is to have an office job and be a working parent.
  • Working Mother looks at the real cost of child care (and the career costs of staying home).
  • Hellobee looks at pumping essentials for WOHMs.
  • Jennifer Senior, author of All Joy and No Fun, recently gave an 18-minute speech for TED about how for parents, happiness is a very high bar.
  • Should you delay clamping the umbilical cord? The NYT reports on a new study. They also report on an alarming surge in prescribing opioid painkillers for pregnant women.
  • Business Insider tells you nine things you probably didn’t know about 529 plans.
  • On the very casual side of things, Ain’t No Mom Jeans suggests three spring transition outfits for nursing/postpartum mamas.

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Has anybody here had an experience with gender disappointment? I am having my 2nd (and final) baby, and I was desperately hoping for a girl, as I have a boy already. I found out that it’s another boy. I feel terrible (TERRIBLE) for not being anything other than completely thrilled with another healthy baby, but I can’t help but feel an incredible sense of loss for the daughter I will never have. And I’ve always felt that the bond between a mother and daughter is so much stronger than a mother and son. Am I nuts?!

Here’s the list I used — hope it helps! I put this list together based on the criteria required for my state’s top accreditation.

1. Holiday schedule
2. References
3. License and accreditation. Is the certification posted at facility? Any violations posted?
4. Caregiver to child ratio? How are caregivers assigned to children? What is the turnover?
5. Staff training requirements? Background checks?
6. Screen time policy for infants?
7. Kitchen: clean, labeled milk, food allergies noted?
8. How does staff engage with children (e.g., active engagement v. cell phone convo)?
9. Overall impressions of facility
10. How are sick children handled? Is there a doctor or nurse on staff or available?
11. Immunizations required?
12. Emergency/evac procedures?
13. Who can pick up children?
14. How often are toys washed and cleaned? Bedding?
15. Do caregivers wear gloves when changing diapers?
16. One child per crib?
17. Monthly fee? Late pickup fee?
18. Drop ins allowed?
19. Written copy of daycare policies?
20. Smaller groups with caregiver (e.g., 4:1 versus 8:2)?

We’re starting the preschool search (not in NYC so it’s not hyper-intensive).

I’m thinking about putting together a spreadsheet to keep track of each school as we visit. Something that includes name, location, price, notes/impressions, pros/cons, etc. Have any of you already created something like this and be willing to share?


I just found out we are expecting (after quite a long road of trying with lots of ups and downs!). I’m thrilled (and terrified). One complication — I am in that period in my career, and my current job specifically, where I am looking to take the next step because I have grown out of my current role. I’ve gotten quite a bit of traction internally (offers from other groups, etc). But, now I am pregnant (personally, yay! professionally, yikes!), and I would expect that the position move would firm up around this summer (I expect right around the time I will be showing!). Any advice on whether or not to share the news that I am expecting as I am looking for the right next step? How have you ladies broached this topic — even if not re: new positions, perhaps re: coveted projects, etc? I’m so grateful for any insight or advice you have!

Looking forward to posting and reading posts here. I have often felt just slightly off-topic posting parenting and TTC and infertility topics at Corporette, since it’s not all moms, but at the same time I really value the insights from this reader group. I’m glad I can post these topics here and not feel like I’m turning off any commenters!

I’m really happy this site exists now! My only concern is the layout is terrible on my phone, which is my typical way of reading the main site – there is a ton of white space on each side of the words and very few words in the center of the screen. Although I know there have been complaints about being able to follow threads on the main site – the current layout of the moms site is really not good at all for my phone.

Also, any thoughts on whether there will be an RSS feed, at least to let us know when there is a new post?

So glad for this new forum, Kat!

Pumping moms: any recommendations for pump-friendly office wear? I normally wear dresses and blazers to work, but my dresses seem like the least pump-friendly option as I’d have to unzip to the waist. Doable, but not ideal. The nursing dresses I’ve seen in-store and online look so casual. Any office appropriate pumping dresses you love? Or should I transition to wearing slacks and button-front tops?

Does anyone have any advice on good shoes for work while pregnant? I work in a pretty business casual environment (I typically wear slacks & a blouse with flats). My flats aren’t giving my feet enough support now that I’m getting so heavy. I’m open to a new pair of shoes, if the price is right, but wondering if Dr. Sholl’s might be a better option.


Great timing! I’m heading back to work next week and my 12 week old will be starting daycare. Emotionally I feel ok with being away from him and I’m excited about getting back to work, but I’m worried about how he’ll react to a new set of caregivers. Any advise on what I should expect and/or how to make the transition easier for him? He’s breastfed but thus far has no difficulties taking breastmilk from a bottle when dad or grandparents are watching him. I’ve heard that during the first week of daycare babies might refuse to eat during the day and need to constantly nurse at night – anyone had experience with this? Would appreciate any advise from corporettes who’ve been there already. Thanks.

First comment on CorporetteMoms! I’m so excited about this new extension of Corporette. Thanks, Kat!