News Roundup

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A collage of make upSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Vanity Fair rounds up some quality products from drugstore brands.
  • Racked looks at the massive baby products industry and how it can be overwhelming to shop for baby stuff.
  • Inc. advises against 15 things that can negatively affect your LinkedIn profile.
  • The Muse gives you tips for figuring out why you’re not getting any job offers.
  • The New York Times’ Motherlode blog has recommendations for teacher gifts.
  • Breadwinning Mama talks about being overwhelmed by holiday obligations (and expectations).
  • Scary Mommy shares an essay about what it’s like to have postpartum anxiety.
  • Motherlode asks if girls are really meaner than boys — or if that’s just what people like to say.

Do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!

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Not a mom myself so usually not on this site, but Kat posted a link to yesterday’s discussion of teacher gifts on the other site so just wanted to say thanks for the lovely and thoughtful comments about your kids’ teachers. I’m the wife of a grade 3 teacher and holiday teacher gifts mean a great deal to him. I wish his students’ parents would organize and give a pool of cash like many people do. Sorry that sounds so gauche. We are not poor by any means, but attorneys did the pool of cash for us at a firm where I worked back when I made a salary similar to DH’s and it was so helpful. He gets nice gift cards, occasionally cash, but sometimes odd’s and ends and things that are obviously re-gifts too.