News Roundup

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A collage of women wearing a maternity dress.Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Wardrobe Oxygen recommends several sources for plus-size maternity clothes.
  • At Fortune, Kelly Keller answers the question, “How do you keep your best employees?” in part by explaining that managers can connect with others by being open about their lives outside the office, e.g., being a parent.
  • At The Washington Post, Carolyn Hax answers a question from a reader whose husband suggests she just quit her job if she can’t keep up with everything at home.
  • Christina Antus writes about finding yourself again after becoming a mom at Scary Mommy.
  • The New York Times’ Well Family looks at the Stanford Friends and Family Letter Project and explains why it’s a good idea to write a “last letter” when you’re still healthy.
  • BuzzFeed News looks at the evolution of Jennifer Garner’s career and public image in the years since Alias.
  • Alpha Mom reviews several detangling brushes for kids’ hair.
  • Designer Katherine Young was so disappointed with the September cover of Girls’ Life that she created her own.
  • In response to news of new sleep guidelines, Christine Organ writes for Scary Mommy, “[W]e don’t need more research stating the obvious. What we really need is some support.” Also at Scary Mommy: Speaking of support, runner and mom Anna Young is getting a lot of it for pumping while running a marathon.

Do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

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Tell me it gets easier. My nearly 15-month old is at the end of week 2 of daycare. He was in a nanny share for the first 10+ months after I went back to work with just one other baby his age and a loving caregiver, but for a variety of reasons out of our control, that situation had to end. So now he’s had to start in a new environment, with a big group of new kiddos, and new adults, and a new nap schedule (one versus two), and new germs — which have already caused him to get one of the worst colds he’s had so far — and he’s in a phase of separation anxiety that seems to be making everything worse for all of us. He cries at every drop-off and every pick-up and he’s totally clingy to one of the teachers a good part of the day. I trust these people, but there’s only so much they can do. He’s just adjusting so much more slowly than I’d like, and I really think the one-nap thing is making him so much more tired and so much less able to cope. I think we’re doing everything we can to aid the transition, I just really wish it would go faster. Not sure I need advice on what to do (although I’m not opposed to hearing it), just some reassurance from anyone who has been there before. Thanks fellow mommas.