Finally Friday: Buena Heels

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A pair of Buena Heels.Happy almost weekend, ladies! I found these heels while looking for a more affordable option for these gorgeous (but, uh, more than 5x as expensive) pumps — and I thought these pumps were so cute they deserved their own shoutout. I keep mod looks — cropped trousers and turtlenecks, or loose, billowy shift dresses — but obviously they’d look great with all sorts of things. They’re $129 at Zappos, available in navy, black, and gray; they’re also available at Amazon and Nordstrom (ooh, where the blue and gray are 25% off). Steven Buena (L-all)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Could I get some help strategizing business travel with my kid? She’s ~20 months old, and we’re going to a small city for a week for a conference hosted by my employer. My husband is coming to take care of the kiddo, and because it might be kind of fun during the non-working times.

We aren’t renting a car. We didn’t buy the kid a seat on the plane. My plan was to bring the car seat to the plane anyway, and hope that if there’s an extra seat available the people at the gate will hook us up. Is this nuts though? Will I regret bringing the seat?

Also the CEO and his wife are going to be on the same flight as me, which is anxiety inducing. (Though presumably they’ll be way up front and we will not.) I don’t really have a plan to keep baby under control except lots of fun toys and snacks. The good news is that it’s a short flight.

And then! We’re sharing an airport shuttle (will be a private SUV) with the aforementioned CEO to the hotel. It’s not obnoxious to install the car seat in the shuttle, right?

sigh… I just really want to be unobtrusive but that’s sort of impossible with a kid.

Kids had their first two days of school this week (3 hrs in the morning) and it’s really weird for me. I’m lucky that in every childcare setting I’ve had I’ve been able to get a full re-cap when I came back, whether that’s the 10 min or so my au pair and I spend chatting when I first get home from work, or the two minute re-cap I get from the ladies in the nursery at church when I go pick them up after the service. At school, the pick-up is so chaotic (but in a controlled way — just shepherding a dozen 2-3 year olds out the door and into cars and strollers is going to chaotic) that it’s out of the question to talk to the teachers. Double for drop-off when half the classroom is crying because mom or dad just left. My kids are at a point where they can talk about what’s in front of them (“want milk” “that’s a dog” etc.) but I don’t think most 2 yr olds can give a full recital of their morning’s activities. There are regular parent-teacher conferences and reports that go home I think monthly, and I’m not worried about anything, but it’s very weird to just not know what happened while they were at school. We also missed parents’ night and the meet the teacher day because we were away, so we’re going into this a little blind. I don’t want to bother the teachers on the first week, but I just feel weird not knowing what my kids are up to, how they’re doing, etc. I realize that’s part of school, but they’re also just 2 years old.

Piggybacking off the daycare question above: Husband and I can be home with our baby two days a week, so even though our LO will probably start daycare at about 3 months old, ideally we only want three days a week of day care (at least until she’s older). The problem is the best daycares in our area only offer full-time, five day per week care. Would you: 1) pay for five days a week at the best day care and just only send her in three days a week (we can afford this, but it seems like a waste of money), 2) send her to one of the “lesser” daycares that has a 3 days/week option or 3) look for a non-daycare solution like a nanny? Or something else I’m not thinking of?

When did you decide to stop pumping? Kiddo is almost ten months. He was fed exclusively BM until 6 months, so I was pumping three times a day at work. We started adding formula around then and I recently moved to pumping twice a day. it seems like the next step is to move to once a day, but what should I be thinking about in terms of when to do that and when to totally quit? Kiddo eats lots of solids and still nurses 2-3 times a day during the week (more often on weekends). Is it just when I’m over it? Any “real” reason to wait to a year when he’s on cows milk? Thanks!

So we took our first trip to the ER last night. My daughter fell off her cot at daycare (nothing too high, maybe 4 inches off the ground) and got a good bump on her head. We didn’t find out about it until we picked her up, but they said she cried, was easily consoled, and acted normally for the rest of the day. We got her home, where she proceeded to vomit multiple times. Of course we were worried about a concussion or possibly other brain injury (even though she was acting normally), so we took her to urgent care, who said we should go to the ER. The on-call pediatrician said it was a close call based on what we told her but recommended that we get a cat scan just to be sure. She was a champ during the process, and there’s no brain bleed or anything like that, so she may have a mild concussion or she may just have had a stomach bug on the same day that she bumped her head… we don’t really know. She’s home for the day. No real question, just a TGIF.

So our first is due in the spring and we’ve been starting to think through the logistics of daycare. Do people put little babies (ours will probably be 12 weeks at the oldest) in daycare for 9-10 hours a day and have them turn out just fine? Right now we’re out of the house something like 7:30-5 and while we can adjust those hours slightly, it’s still a good 9 hours for kiddo in care.

I know other parenting boards will tell me I’m ruining my kid for even considering such a thing, so I’m hoping to get some sort of reality check for whether this is completely standard for families with two working parents (we both grew up with SAHMs) or if we should really try and stagger work schedules to have a shorter daycare day.