Finally Friday: Snake-Embossed Trimmed Reversible Tote Bag


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Neiman Marcus Snake-Embossed Trimmed Reversible Tote Bag | CorporetteMomsI found this bag this week while looking for a comp to a Corporette coffee break — and couldn’t believe the price. The bag looks well constructed, soft, has nice colors, is reversible, and is only $52… Amazing. It comes in about five colors, all reversible. Neiman Marcus Snake-Embossed Trimmed Reversible Tote Bag

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I think we ended up paying $2500 out of pocket but I probably had $3500 or so in man FSA and employer spending account. That was a scheduled c-section. Another thing to look at is the baby will also have separate nursery and medical charges so baby may have a dexductible to meet if you don’t meet the family deductible. I also made sure the hospital and hospital doctors were also covered under my insurance. Other charges could be pediatrician charges for hospital visit, lactation consultants, and the first year is jammed back with dr visits for shots and checkups. My hospital also gave a 1% discount if you paid your expected contribution before leaving the hospital.

Trying to compare insurance plans since it’s Open Enrollment season, and we plan to get pregnant in the next year.

Does anyone have a good reference, or their own list, of all the appointments and procedures you underwent during pregnancy? I want to make a spreadsheet to compare all the plans available to me through mine and my husband’s work. It seems to easy to say, “just get the one that covers the most” but of course the premiums and co-pays are higher for those plans, so it’s not so cut and dry.

All the plans are accepted by my PCP and OBGYN and hospital where I plan to deliver; it’s more a matter of running the numbers (say, 10 x office visit copy + 5 x imaging workups + 3 x blood workups + inpatient hospital delivery + 10 extra prescription co-pays, etc) and seeing when all is said and done which will be cheaper.

Question about ASOS maternity…

They have some really good online sales right now, and the free shipping to Canada is really appealing! However I am only 7 weeks along and don’t exactly need to be buying maternity clothes yet. Any thoughts on how often these types of sales happen? Thanks!