Everyone Thursday: One-Button Cashmere Blazer


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Neiman Marcus One-Button Cashmere Blazer | CorporetteMomsThis cashmere blazer is one of those things that Neiman Marcus always seem to have on sale in new colors — for $138 now (down from $398) it’s at a pretty great price, and there’s a lot of inventory left. I may be a bit biased because I always have good luck Woolite-washing my cashmere, but I think it’s a great way to straddle the lines of comfortable, warm, and professional — and it works whether you’re pregnant, nursing, or beyond. The sweater is $138. Neiman Marcus One-Button Cashmere Blazer (L-2)

Sales of note for 12/30:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Well, it finally happened: another of my high-achieving college friends managed to get knocked up before me, despite the fact that I was one of the first of my friends to get married. I told myself I wouldn’t be upset by that (because it’s not a race for goodness sake!) but I found myself feeling frustrated.

I’m sure a big part of this is Facebook and obviously her life looks perfect (she’s a resident at a top hospital in the US, married to a banker, they’re always going on fab vacations, now they have a baby on the way, etc etc) but who knows what it’s really like.

Seriously, the competitive/high-achieving part of me is not loving this TTC business.

Spring cold= sucky. Third trimester of pregnancy with a cold and thus no access to the good drugs= super sucky. Racking cough with compromised bladder control= yipes.

Someone, please, if you are currently enjoying beautiful spring weather, let me live vicariously through you.

Thanks, I needed to get that out there.

Confession: I’m NewMomAnon and I have a problem. When I bolt out of work at the end of the day for daycare pickup (supposed to leave at 5, lucky if I’m only 15 minutes later than that), work seems to be just picking up steam. The last few weeks, it doesn’t matter how much work I had during the day, it is inevitable that EVERYONE wants to do a “quick call” or slew of e-mails between 5 and 6. But….I’m driving my kiddo from daycare to home during that time, and I’m finding myself typing out e-mails while navigating rush hour freeway traffic. It is super unsafe, but I can’t stop myself.

Daycare pickup can be as late as 6 and it’s only a few minutes from work, but we have a 30-40 minute commute home….so if I pick her up at 6, then I’ll only have 15 minutes with her before she crashes and burns. If I leave the office by 5:15, then I usually get an hour with her.

Her dad picks her up twice a week, and that was a struggle to negotiate so I don’t think I can ask him to do more nights. I consistently log back on and work for a few more hours after she goes to bed at 7.

Anyone have end-of-day strategies that work? Or ways to calm that horrible feeling that you’re letting people down by not being available during “peak” work hours? I try to give a half hour heads-up to my work providers before I leave, but it’s not helping. Also, this is the Midwest and our business community is on an 8-4:30 schedule, so it isn’t an “early” departure time.

One more question: Is it normal to spend the month leading up to your child’s first birthday looking at photos of her as a newborn and getting weepy, wondering where the time went? Umm…asking for a friend.

Is anyone here into Montessori? I remember Kat once mentioned that she organizes toys “the Montessori way” of making them easy to reach for kids. Does anyone do anything like that? I had always thought that Montessori preschools were part time and thus not for working moms, but I’d be interested to hear ways to incorporate the philosophy* in a two-working-parent household. I tried googling for “montessori at home” which turned up a lot of SAHMs and homeschoolers and is obviously not helpful for me.

*My understanding of the Montessori philosophy is that it’s about kids being independent and self-sufficient, which appeals to me. Feel free to correct me if I’m mistaken.