Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector


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Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector

There seem to be a lot of breastfeeding- and pumping-related products that I either didn’t know about when my son was a baby or that just weren’t around back then. Here’s one: a “milk saver” to use when you’re nursing your baby (or if you pump on only one side) that keeps you from losing any milk from the breast your baby isn’t feeding from. It fits in your bra and collects up to 2 oz. of milk that you can then transfer to a bottle or storage bag. It’s dishwasher-safe and free of BPA and phthalates, and it has a lid to keep milk from spilling out. The Milk-Saver is $29.95 at Amazon, which isn’t exactly cheap, but the price doesn’t seem so high when you think about how many times you’ll end up using it. Also, there’s a 10%-off online coupon right now, and it’s eligible for Prime and free returns. Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Our oldest (now 4.5) moved from a crib right to a full sized bed at 20 months. We have a *lot* of house guests (family), so we often bump her from her bed so grandma or grandpa or auntie can sleep in a big bed if the guest room is already occupied. She gets an air mattress in our room.

We have a second, who is 20 months and nowhere near ready for a big kid bed. We are moving both girls into a shared room and are buying two twin beds. Toddler will stay in her crib but have the big kid bed available for inspiration ;-). We are getting a $100 headboard, $30 metal rails, box spring and mattress, all from amazon.

Full bed is going into the nursery for #3, along with a second crib (unless toddler moves out of it on her own in the next 5 months). That way we can still have a back-up bed, plus I can nap/sleep in there when the baby is tiny.

As the kids (all girls) get older, we will have 2 twins, a full, and a Queen (now our guest bed) to play with for rooms. And we have a nice air mattress for sleepovers/temp sleeping arrangements as well.

My kid has been sleeping in her crib converted to a toddler bed. I’m looking into getting her a big girl bed.

Any thoughts, feelings, pros, cons, or anything you wish you knew when you got your kid’s first big bed? Should I be getting a twin bed? Twin with trundle? Full size? Fun castle bed? Any comments on quality for places like pottery barn vs. rooms to go, etc.? I got her crib off of amazon and was happy with the quality, but the reviews for adult beds are pretty mixed.

Girl Scout cookie season is upon us! How do you handle cookie orders? It’s such a different game from even 5 years ago now that parents can take orders via social media. Do you post your kids’ order form on FB? Leave a form in your office breakroom? Send emails? Do any kids still go door-to-door?

I like to order cookies from friends and coworkers to help their kids out, but now that I can order from anyone anywhere in the country it’s a little overwhelming. This year I think I will order a box each from any kid of a coworker who leaves a form in the breakroom, but not from friends via social media. Thoughts?

The PackIt lunch bags were suggested for storing pump parts and pumped milk at and to/from work, but on Amazon I see there are tons of styles/sizes (“Deluxe Large Lunch Bag” “Freezable Carryall” “Freezable Foldable” plain “Freezable”) – any input on which I need? I can’t order a pump through my insurance for another few weeks, but expect to end up with either the Medela or Spectra unless I have to rent one of the hospital grade ones.

And I’m guessing that I’ll be bringing this, and the pump itself in a separate bag, unless I splurge and get a second to have at home.

Thanks, all!

Favorite toddler quilt/blanket? My daughter is outgrowing her baby blanket and wakes up multiple times per night asking for us to re-drape her blanket over her. I’ve convinced myself that a larger blanket will solve this (I realize this is wishful thinking). Or is a weighted blanket the way to go here?

I accidentally vented about my snow day problems on the main site rather than this one and now everyone over there has just made me feel terrible :(

People are supposed to stay off the streets in my city today due to weather so no way to get backup sitters and my infant and toddler are not at the movie watching age yet! I already used up some sick days on flu and need to hoard more for the next daycare sickness I catch! It’s a lose lose.

I had my first day back at work and baby was home with grandpa. I stupidly tried to work a full day and ended up having to come home early. He did well in the am but wouldn’t sleep or take a bottle from midday. The weather was quite bad today and honestly, I chickened out, not wanting to put Dad and baby through that stress. Any tips? I’ve arranged for a half day tomorrow and can easily do half days for a bit. I guess I’d feel differently if I was dropping him off at nursery but with family, you don’t want to lump them with a screaming baby.

Anyone have a glider they were incredibly happy with? Three comments from friends have me unsure of which route to go:

1. One has a Stork Craft model from Babies R Us. It’s incredibly narrow – boppy barely fits in it, can’t tuck her leg up if she wanted to sit on one leg. Could just be the particular model, but has me questioning that brand.

2. Another friend had one that was very cheaply made, purchased from Target, and fell apart by baby #3. I’d like something that would last.

3. Another told me it’s worth spending money for something “nice” a la PB Kids. They’re $650-$1,100, based on today’s sales.

Is it worth the bigger money for PB Kids? If it’s from Target or Babies R Us I could register for it, but if from PB Kids I’d just buy it myself. Only request is that it comes with an ottoman or it reclines. Thanks!

I used and loved this product. It’s my go-to gift for first-time bre*st-feeding moms.