Maternity Monday: Midi Shirt Dress with Buttons


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A woman wearing a  Midi Shirt Dress with ButtonsI like this maternity dress from ASOS for a few reasons. First, the tortoiseshell buttons all the way down the front are oversized and play with proportions a bit to add some interest. Next, I like how it’s full coverage — full sleeves, midi length, with a collar. Also, I personally love the army green/khaki color, which I think is universally flattering. In the little video of it on the site, it looks like it has a nice drape and flow to it. This dress is $56, is eligible for free shipping and returns, and is available in sizes 2–16. Midi Shirt Dress with Buttons Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Textbook response is 15-18 months to drop to one nap. My three were all high end of the spectrum sleepers and it was close to 18 months. At that time, they slept 8:00 p.m. to 7 or 8 a.m. My three year old still sleeps 2+ hours a day but we are noticing if it runs too late it is keeping her up so we are being more disciplined about clawing it back to make sure she is up before 2:00 p.m. and putting her down early. My five year old napped until one year ago. To be honest, the forced reduction of sleep is a huge factor why we have never done daycare. I can’t cope with forcing them off their natural schedule when it is good and healthy.

Reposting because I put it in the wrong place…
When did your kid(s) drop to only one nap, and how much sleep did they need at that age? My daughter just turned one, and seems to have pretty high sleep needs. She sleeps 12 hours at night and still takes two solid 1-1.5 hour naps for a total of 14-15 hours per day. She’s home with a nanny currently but is supposed to start daycare soon. The daycare just does one afternoon nap and it’s a pretty short one (<2 hours). They say they'll let her continue napping if she wants to, but I doubt she'll be able to if the room isn't dark and quiet. I'm also not sure how the schedule will work, since she'll have to be awake before 8 am to get there in time, and she won't be napping until after noon. She currently goes down for her morning nap no more than two hours after waking up and trying to lengthen that interval has not been successful (she "faceplants into her yogurt" as our nanny puts it). I guess I'm wondering if anyone has stories about kids who need this much sleep successfully adapting to a one nap daycare schedule at this age, or whether we should maybe consider finding another nanny and delaying daycare. I have a background in neuroscience so I'm probably extra cautious about this, because I'm well aware of the effects of even slight sleep deprivation. It's more important to me that my daughter sleep well than that she eat well or exercise well, honestly.


That is all.

The wife of a colleague at work was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Fortunately, it’s treatable but it is an incredibly difficult time for them. This is the second time she’s going through treatment. The colleague is someone I have been working with for a while although he and I are located in opposite coastsfor and go back a decade. They were even nice enough to send me baby gifts when I was soon was born and his first Christmas. I have already offered to help out at work, but what else can I do to support them, let them know that I am thinking of them? Send flowers?

I want to order blank cards with a picture of my kids on the front to use as thank you cards, etc. Mpix is pretty pricey. Has anyone had any luck with other websites? I want the picture quality to be reasonably nice.


Law firm bonus question – does the typical 1/3 formula take a bonus into account or not? Seems to me it shouldn’t, but my current firm “brings you up to market” with your bonus and I have been offered other positions that do the same. Except the bonus that “brings you up to market” salary is based on billing over the original base so shouldn’t it top you off and bring you up to market on the actual amount of hours you have billed? I am curious whether my expectations are off!

Does anyone have experience with grand juries in Baltimore County, MD? I got a jury summons. I actually would have thought it would be kind of interesting, but it’s 2 days a week for 4 months starting in May. I just had a baby 2.5 weeks ago, and this would start when baby is 11 weeks old. I really don’t want to a) cut my 12 week maternity leave short for jury duty, b) miss 2/5 of my workweek for 4 months right after being gone on maternity leave for 12 weeks, and c) drive halfway across Baltimore County twice a week when I’m sleep deprived.
When I called Friday I was told they don’t do postponements for grand juries and the only way to get out of it is to get a doctor’s note. But I don’t know that an OB would be able to say I shouldn’t serve at 11 weeks. Lots of people go back to work before that! Would the fact that I’m still on FMLA leave at the beginning get me anywhere?
And not that the courts would care about this, but the last few weeks have been been rough – I had HELLP Syndrome and had to be induced at 34.5 weeks, spent extra time in the hospital making sure I was recovering, baby spent 10 days in the NICU… We’re all home and doing fine now, but ugh. Can’t I do jury duty some other time?!

Does anyone have the Double Zoe stroller? How does it maneuver on city streets (nyc, philly, dc, etc.?)? Would you recommend it as a travel stroller?

NYC Schools, why did you make the call to close last night until seeing how things looked early this morning? I do not understand!

Also yesterday was my last day of nursing. Made it a whole year!

Music class for 1.5 year old? I have a 13 month old and have no idea about activities and when to start them. Can others chime in on when you started your kids on which activities? P.s. I didn’t grow up in the US… so a bit unaware of what people usually do with their kids.

My just turned four DD is very attached to me, and I’m getting pretty late in my third tri. My husband went out of town for four nights and just got back last night and this morning she was straight up mean to him. Agh. Tips on reorienting her towards him, especially given new baby coming? (We have a 2.5 year old DS too, but he’s not an issue in the same way)

Anyone have recommendations for a prenatal vitamin that isn’t the standard horse pill that you have to swallow? With my first baby I felt like between a sensitive gag reflex and then vomiting the vitamins up, I never really got the vitamins down half the time, so looking for something that goes a little more easily this time around. I’ve looked into gummies, but am overwhelmed by the choices.

Also- what are some go to first trimester snacks? I’m craving a lot of sugar and carbs, but hoping to make healthier snacking choices when I’m constantly simultaneously hungry and nauseous.

Question for those who are/have bfed your babies: Any experiences with domperidone to increase your milk supply? The lactation consultant with whom I am working suggested I go on it for a variety of reasons. I have looked into it online, but I thought I would survey this wonderfully helpful community as well.

Question for parents of older kids: How much do you push your child to participate in extracurricular activities? To be clear, I’m talking about the recreational level and not anything intense.

My oldest kid is 9 and over the past year has completely lost interest in doing sports, Scouts, or any structured activity. He wants to be at home doing his own thing — but then complains about being bored. It’s been great for my schedule as a working parent, but I am concerned that he’s cutting himself off from potential interests, enjoying an activity with his peers, and just learning how to be coachable. We haven’t forced him into any particular activity — I’m cool with whatever interests him, really!

I think there are two things driving this. 1) Academics are fairly easy for him, so in some ways, he’s not used to his skills being challenged. 2) At the same time, he has ADHD, which has made structured activities really difficult for him. Especially if they fall during the evening hours when his medication has worn off. Following directions and paying attention is a struggle for him always, but especially when he’s not medicated. So, I imagine he is not having as much fun as most kids.

I don’t know what to do — force him to participate in something, or just let it go. Activities are supposed to be a godsend for kids with ADHD, but that hasn’t been our experience. Parent coaches have no idea how to deal with someone who needs extra reminders and coaching, and some of the professionals haven’t been much better. Without consistent practice and participation, I feel like any activity is going to get progressively harder and out of reach. I thought he was doing really well with swimming, but he tells me that he “hates it” because he gets too tired. (Little dude, that’s partly the point!)

In lieu of participating in a sport, we’re a pretty active family — lots of bike rides, walks and swimming when the weather is nice. But there is so much resistance (and whining) from him at the outset that it’s miserable for everyone. Eventually, he enjoys himself and benefits from being active, but my goodness, the resistance is soul-sucking at times.

Anyone have recommendations for prenatal vitamins that go down easily? With my first, I felt like I spent a lot of time either gagging or vomiting up those huge horse pills that seem to be standard, so looking for a better option this time around. Bonus if I can order them online.